Chapter XXVII: The Trial
(Michael P.O.V)
Michael had never felt as awful as he currently felt, he had served plenty of detentions but never had so much gone wrong. Flitwick was lenient on him all things considered, honestly, the punishment for assaulting another student could have been much worse than a week's worth of detention with Filtch, but the detention had only been the beginning of his pain.
Nothing had broken his heart more than when he reflected on the conversation he had with Susan, and her handprint still resonated across his face as while Terry played the innocent victim, Michael had heard the words from Susan Bones that crushed him completely, "I thought you wanted me to be happy?" She had said in a mixture of anger and sadness, "You promised me there were no hard feelings, and then you go an do that to Terry, he's my boyfriend Michael, he acted first and you can't take your frustrations out on him like that."
"Red I-," Michael started but Susan cut him off.
"Don't call me that," she said with a scowl, "I- I don't think we can be friends anymore Michael, you went too far. This wasn't just some stupid prank you really hurt him."
"He was cheating on you!" Michael shouted in agony, "Please, believe me, I wouldn't, I-"
But Susan shook her head, his word meant nothing to her anymore, and as she turned around to walk away, every step hurt his chest, each step felt like a dagger, and with a defeated sigh of misery, he watched as one of the first friends he'd ever made walked out of his life without a second glance.
But Michael's tragedy hadn't ended there, in fact, it was far from over, as with haste Astoria had appeared looking worse than she ever had before. She looked frightened and confused, and instantly Michael left his detention towards the infirmary where now he found two of his friends laying. Michael turned to Neville who shook his head completely lost before he turned to face Harry who was knocked unconscious, his left arm a disgusting purple as Madam Pomfrey gave him salve after salve, potion after potion.
Ron was also in the infirmary, with Fred, George, and Percy at his bedside, and across from him and next to Harry was Daphne being tended to by Tracey. Finally, in the far corner, Snape loomed over Professor Lupin, a sight that confused Michael greatly as he had no idea what knowledge Snape had about the healing arts, nor why Professor Lupin was hurt. With Blaise resting in a restricted area of the infirmary, Michael could honestly say that he had never seen the hospital wing so full, not even after the heir of Slytherin attacks, clearly, something had happened and it was something big.
Michael watched as Astoria shot towards her sister, tears of relief filling her eyes as Michael slowly stumbled to Neville's bed where his injuries and hexes were now all gone, and he was simply ordered to bed-rest by Madam Pomfrey, "Any ideas?"
"No," Neville shook his head, "First it was Professor Lupin and Ron that came in, Professor Lupin looked awful, completely filled with silver arrows, and Ron, well from what I understood Ron was exposed to the Cruciatus Curse, though only for a limited time. Then, a horde of Aurors came holding Harry who honestly is looking a lot better now than he did when they first brought him in and Daphne too. I'm not sure what happened but I did here the Aurors whispering something about Sirius Black."
Michael's eyes dilated with anger as guilt gripped his heart. Harry was his best friend, and if he had fought Sirius Black alone, Michael didn't think he could ever forgive himself for letting that happen. He should have been there, he was his friend, he should have done something to help, but before Michael could continue down the dark path of thoughts, Neville reached out to grab his wrist, "Don't do that to yourself."
"What?" Michael said turning to the Hufflepuff.
"I know how you feel," Neville said turning to look at Harry, "We should have been there with him. Whatever he faced was clearly dangerous, but we can't blame ourselves, all we can do is keep trying to get stronger so that we can keep up with him." Neville then sighed sadly, "Honestly, if we had been there, the way we are now, we probably would have done more harm than good."
Michael turned once more seeing the damage Harry had clearly faced, he knew Harry was a stronger wizard than he was, but as he watched his friend lie motionless on the hospital bed he vowed, when the time came, he wouldn't be a burden, he wouldn't allow any of his friends to be hurt. Michael was torn from the pensive feeling however when the door opened and from it, the pink-haired Auror and none other than Susan Bones' aunt Amelia Bones entered the hospital wing.
The head of the DMLE marched straight towards Harry, before Madam Pomfrey approached the two, "How are they?" Amelia asked in a business-like format.
"They are recovering smoothly," Madam Pomfrey said, "Though the re-growing process for bones is not a very pleasant affair I fear, thankfully, the dreamless sleep potion does much to mask the pain."
"That's good to hear," Amelia said, before pulling out two rather bulky envelopes, "I really hate to do this, and while I wish I could allow them to rest from this whole ordeal, the minister is desperate for some good publicity after all of his errors regarding the dementors and now with Pettigrew being captured he wants to get out in front of the story. When the two awaken, please hand them these envelopes, they are subpoenas for the two regarding the trial that will be conducted for Pettigrew."
Madam Pomfrey nodded as she scoffed, "Honestly can't the minister see that these children have been through enough, now to have to relive the process in court, I worry for their mental health."
"I don't think there's any need to worry Madam Pomfrey," The pink-haired Auror spoke, "They're tough kids, they wouldn't have made it out of there if they weren't."
"So it's true then?" Pomfrey spoke, "They truly not only faced down Pettigrew but destroyed a hundred dementors?"
"Yes," Amelia said with a nod, "Another thing that we would hope to understand over the course of the investigation, but for now, they can rest. Just please don't delay with the summons, the minister is tightly-wound at the moment. I dare say he'd fire everyone in the ministry if he could right now."
Pomfrey nodded, and just before Amelia left, the Pink-Haired Auror stopped her with a soft voice, "Um, Madam Bones, would it be okay if I stayed for a little, just to watch over Harry, I'll be back at the office soon."
"You don't become head of the DMLE by having no observation skills, Auror Tonks" Amelia said with kindness Michael had not expected to hear from the woman, "I've known that you and Mr. Potter share some level of a relationship since the Hogsmeade Attack. I just know better than to get involved, plausible deniability and less paperwork that way. You may take the day off, but be aware that your relation with Mr. Potter could be discussed during the trial. There are far too many mysteries to leave unsolved for my taste."
As Madam Bones left, Michael slowly approached Harry and the Auror named Tonks and watched as the older girl took a seat by Harry's bedside and ran her hand through his hair, "You really know how to give me a scare kid. Would it kill you to be a little more cautious every once in a while?"
Michael had wanted to ask the question, but Astoria who had become super protective over Harry had beat him to it as she marched from her sister's bedside to Harry's, looking over the Auror cautiously as she asked, "Who are you?"
"Name's Tonks," She said with a light smile, "And I'm guessing you're Astoria Greengrass, am I right?"
"How did you-," Astoria said a bit startled.
"I'm Harry's older sister, kind of, it's complicated," Tonks said with a shrug, "Anyway, he's written about all of you," She said turning to face Michael, "Blue Hair, you're Michael Corner, over there is Neville Longbottom, Tracey Davis, the twins over there must be Fred and George, Harry worships your pranking ability," Tonks said with a mocking stern face, "Thanks for that," before turning to face the Blonde in the bed beside Harry, "And of course I can't forget the Princess herself, Daphne Greengrass. Trust me, I've heard a bunch from Harry already."
"How come we've never heard about you then?" Michael said in confusion, trying to piece together the puzzle.
"Probably because you weren't supposed to," Tonks said with a shrug, "But now, seeing as the trial is coming and everything's going to be revealed anyway, it doesn't particularly matter what secrets are kept anymore."
And so, Michael listened in awe as he heard about how Harry had been rescued from his crib by Sirius Black, how Sirius had been innocent all this time, how Harry was currently the heir to the Black Family, how his best friend had been living in America for the past 13 years, the Auror explained everything, and the shared expression of confusion was found on his, Neville, Astoria, and Tracey's face as the truth was revealed. Michael turned to face Harry with a look of uncertainty as he shrugged, "Just when you think you know a guy, huh?"
"Try not to go too hard on him," Tonks said softly, "Had it been up to him, I'm sure he would have told you everything. The way he writes about you, you'd think you two were more like brothers than friends. We just needed to keep our family safe, but with Pettigrew now firmly in custody, Sirius will be proven innocent and things can become a bit more normal."
"I doubt it," Neville said a bit off in the distance causing every conscious eye to focus on him, "What?" Neville said with a shrug, "I don't think Harry's capable of doing normal."
Michael chuckled remembering all their pranks, their secret lair, their plan to get their revenge on Malfoy, Neville was definitely right. A sliver of Michael was upset so much had been kept from him, but at the same time, Michael hadn't really gone into detail about his family life much with his best-friend either, and his was a lot less dramatic than Harry's, so in the end, he really couldn't justify his anger. Instead, Michael sighed as he once more over his sleeping friend, "You really are full of surprises aren't you Potter?"
(Daphne P.O.V)
As Daphne awoke, she saw that the sun had long since set, and had found herself resting beneath the warm blankets of the hospital bed sheets. She had never been to the hospital wing prior to this year, but now, she'd been admitted to it twice. Slowly, she turned her head and found herself staring at a boy with messy black hair, and a lightning bolt scar before everything began flashing back to her.
The fight with Pettigrew, the stand against the dementors, the rune bond, her eyes glanced at her wrist as she saw the makings now tattooed onto her skin, before refocusing on Harry's arm. When she had last seen it, the color was morphing a disgusting purple, and the bones had all been shattered, but now, the boy's arm looked better, it still carried some scars across it from the fight, but for the most part, it looked good as new. Then without her control, a light smile grew across her face as Harry shifted in his bed, and Daphne got a good view of the new runes engraved on Harry's wrist as well.
When Daphne had first met the boy, she was sure he was nothing but a player, an entitled prick who believed he should always get what he wanted for so long. But when he had protected her from the bone-breaking curse, when he had been willing to die in order to make sure she escaped safely, that perception if it even existed at that time had been wiped clean. Daphne examined her wrist markings once more as she sighed, "I guess this makes my feelings a lot less complicated," Daphne didn't really know what falling for someone felt like, she hardly loved anyone outside of the Davis Family, Blaise, and Astoria, but the feeling in her chest every time she stared at the runes, the way her heart would pound as she looked at the Boy-Who-LIved, Daphne had no choice but to admit, "I'm falling for Harry Potter."
"What a great sentence to wake up to," Harry mumbled as his eyes began to crack open slowly pushing himself up from his cot with his 'good' arm as the sounds of his joints popping filled the air, "Honesty is the best policy after all Princess."
"How do you wake up this annoying?" Daphne said with a small smirk.
"It's part of my appeal," Harry said as he smiled at her before looking down at the runes now carved into his wrist, "Cool, you know, I'd never imagine I'd be the type of guy to get matching tattoos, but I think we'll pull them off."
"Technically," Daphne said matter-of-factly, though with a grin on her face, "They aren't exactly matching."
"You really know how to ruin my fun, you know that Princess?" Harry said with a chuckle.
"It's part of my appeal, Flyboy," Daphne parroted.
"So," Harry said looking deeply into her eyes, making Daphne's stomach dance with butterflies despite the uncertainty in his voice, "These runes, they mean we're compatible right? So, um, what now?"
"I-I don't know," Daphne said honestly, "I've never been in a position like this before. I mean, I-"
"Can you stand?" Harry asked softly, she nodded before climbing out of the cot, demonstrating she could before Harry, though with more struggle lifted himself out of his cot as well, taking a step closer towards Daphne, the two now forehead to forehead, "You saved my life Princess if you hadn't thought of that rune class, I could have died."
"You saved my life too," Daphne said a bit beside herself, "I guess that means nobody is collecting a life debt this time."
Harry smirked as he wrapped his arm around Daphne's waist, and without a thought, a smile rose to her Daphne's face as she looked up at the boy who held her so gently. He had seen her when she felt frightened and afraid, and a gesture that once filled her with anger now filled her with the feeling of safety as she sank into Harry's emerald green eyes. With a low and husky voice, not wanting to wake up any of the other sleeping members of the infirmary, Daphne felt a shiver through her spine as she heard Harry proclamation, "I'm going to kiss you now."
"That didn't sound like a question," Daphne said with a smart-aleck smile.
"I'm sorry, your majesty," Harry said with a grin, "May I please-"
But before Harry could finish, Daphne leaned forward, catching Harry's lips with hers as she nibbled softly on his bottom lip, her eyes closed as Harry tightened his grasp around her slim waist, pushing her chest closer to his. On instinct, Daphne wrapped her arms around the Boy-Who-Lived's neck as a pulsating feeling of warmth jet through her body like electricity.
Daphne wasn't sure how long the two were connected, Public Displays of Affection had never been something that Daphne had been fond off, and she wasn't sure if it was the outpouring of relief, a matter of happiness, or an outburst of finally releasing all the feelings that had been bottling up inside her since the day she had met Harry in Diagon Alley. All she knew was that the two only separated when their lungs were empty of air, and as their lips parted, Harry looked down on her with a smile bright enough to light up all of Hogwarts as he dumbly stated, "Wow, that was-, wow."
"Having some trouble with your words there Flyboy?" Daphne said with a smugness that had rubbed off on her from Harry.
Harry shook his head in amusement as Daphne felt herself being drawn in closer by Harry's warm embrace, and this time, she showed no resistance, falling into them openly as she looked up at Harry's smile, "So, what happens from here?"
"Aren't you the girl expert?" Daphne spoke coyly before turning to face the empty bed that once rested Blaise before the Unspeakables moved him to another room for privacy, "I still need to help Blaise before I answer that question."
Harry looked down at her as Daphne sighed, "If we do this," Daphne spoke gently, "I want to mean it, I want to try, and try it seriously, not just for fun or killing time. I want this to mean something, but it can't while I'm still torn with trying to help Blaise, I can't give you my all Harry and that wouldn't be fair to you."
Daphne looked up at Harry, concern flickering in her heart, but clearly, it was unneeded as she felt the calmness of Harry's heart as if it were her own as he smiled in his standard lazy fashion, "I know that, you already told me on platform 9 ¾ that doesn't change anything for me." Daphne smiled up at Harry in relief as he spoke gently once more, "Have you found any theories in that book you took from the Malfoy's?"
"Yes and no," Daphne said with a defeated sigh, "I mean I have a theory, but I don't know legilimency so it's absolutely useless anyway."
"What's the theory?" Harry asked Daphne recognizing that he didn't seem to acknowledge the current problem with her skill set.
"If I could dive into Blaise's mind, I might be able to piece his soul back together as the soul is the conduit between heart and mind. He would trust me enough to let me in, at least, I think he would, but it doesn't matter as I can't dive into his mind in the first place."
"I can," Harry said with confidence, "This whole year when I've been with Dumbledore, he's been teaching me Occlumency and Legilimency. I could dive into his mind."
"You're a great guy Harry," Daphne said honestly, "But you don't know Blaise that well, I don't think his 'lost' self would recognize you or let you in."
"So come with me then," Harry said simply, forcing Daphne to look at the boy in confusion, "When we merged for the Patronus, I felt you, or your magic, I don't know, it's hard to explain. I could hear your thoughts, I could feel your heartbeat, I could sense your magic in my core. It's just a theory mind you, but if I dive with you, while we're connected, we might be able to enter Blaise's soul together, and maybe we could save him."
"God I'm so thankful I'm not linked to an idiot," Daphne said in relief which she noticed caused Harry to grin slightly as she spoke, "Well, do you think you could do it, I mean like, now?"
"Whatever it is you two are planning on doing," Said a voice behind them that forced the two to jump out of their skin, "It will have to wait."
Daphne turned to face that matron of the Hospital Wing herself, dressed in her sleep gown clearly altered by charms that two of her patients had left their beds. Pomfrey shook her head with a sigh, "Honestly, this sort of recklessness I expect from a Potter, but you Miss Greengrass, I'm sure you're aware of the dangers not properly resting after an ordeal can cause."
"Yes Madam Pomfrey," Daphne said, "But Harry and I, we've really got to-"
"I'm sure you two lovebirds can find a broom closet at another time," The medi-witch said forcing Daphne to blush slightly as she realized her hand was still locked with Harry's, "But for now, I have to hand you both these and ensure that you are well rested for your court summons as soon as possible."
"Court summons?" Harry asked confusion creasing his brow, "But we haven't done anything wrong?"
"I didn't say that it was you that was on trial Mr. Potter," Pomfrey spoke softly and Daphne watched as instantly, animosity and realization coaxed his face. Just before Daphne could ask another question the Matron spoke once more, "I'm certain that many of your questions can be answered by these letters, and the Auror's who will escort you to the ministry tomorrow morning. For now, read up and then rest. I will force sleeping potions down your throats if you two don't do so willingly."
Daphne felt Harry face her as he nodded and with a sigh, Daphne relented. Before she could save Blaise, there was one last obstacle to clear, but hope boomed in her heart as for the first time, her longshot of a theoretical way to save Blaise seemed like a realistic possibility.
(Harry P.O.V)
Harry walked with a nervous knot in his stomach through the halls of the ministry. He was glad he had Tonks as a guide, and even more glad, though somehow slightly miffed that she had spilled the beans to his friends instead of him. However, given that Harry didn't particularly release his genuine feeling all that well, there was some relief to be taken from Tonks' decision.
Nobody seemed to harbor Harry and ill will as he left Hogwarts with Daphne and Tonks, his two best friends looking back at him, and Harry could see a certain sadness in Michael's eyes, though he didn't have the time to ask, all he could hope for was that it wasn't about him. Harry reached for his tie nervously, he hated suits, in fact, anything that restricted his movement was not something Harry was a big fan of, and just as Harry gripped his hand around the fabric, a hand swatted at his.
Harry turned to see Daphne staring up at him, "Leave it."
"I know, I'm just-," Harry started.
"I get it, you're good at fighting baddies and flirting, public policy and law isn't really your style," Daphne said with a sigh causing Harry to nod honestly before she continued, "Just try and remain calm, answer the questions honestly, and don't lose your cool, okay? It's going to be fine, your Godfather will be free by tonight if everything goes well."
"If," Harry said sulkingly as he turned to the large dog following behind them under the invisibility cloak, ready to reveal himself when the time came, "I really hate ifs."
Harry felt Daphne reach for his hand, and a slight warmth filled his body with reassurance as she squeezed it gently, "Everything's going to be fine Harry. We can do this." Harry nodded, and together they turned to face the large and looming door that led to the courtroom, the most important trail Harry believed he would ever experience was about to begin.
The courtroom was cold, almost uncomfortably so, and the fabric of Harry's hastily purchased suit rubbed irritatingly against his skin, as he and Daphne entered the octagon-shaped room with stands twelve feet off the ground, filled with the cautious eyes of a myriad of noble house representatives and lawmakers alike.
Directly in front of him, the oval-shaped man with a green bowler hat that could only be the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, to his right, the toad-like woman responsible for so many of his uncle's integrative struggles Dolores Umbridge, and to his right, the head of the DMLE, Amelia Bones. Yet the three heads of the court were far from the only people present. Augusta Longbottom had taken a seat, surprising the entire council by showing up since the first time her son was hospitalized in order to give Harry some support. Though not all faces were comforting as the sleek blonde hair of Voldemort's right-hand man glared coldly through his body as he returned Lucius' stare.
Then, the door opened once more, and strolled out on a vertical stretcher, chained up like Hannibal Lecter with straps and chains slung tightly around his rodent-like appearance was Peter Pettigrew. Harry was unsure why, but it was almost as if he could feel Daphne's discomfort in her chest as she eyed down Pettigrew, prompting Harry to give her a reassuring hand squeeze.
However, the quiet didn't last long as the pounding of Fudge's gavel brought the court to order, and against his will, Harry and Daphne were separated from their proximity as they were placed onto two chairs designed to force them to look up to the minister. "On the night of Thursday, January 20th, 1994, the sigil of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was conjured in the sky. The suspected conjuror Peter Pettigrew, the formerly believed dead man and Order of Merlin First Class recipient. Today Mr. Pettigrew is on trial for use of the Cruciatus Curse, Three counts of Endangerment of a Minor, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of Treason against the Magical Community."
"And the betrayal of Lily and James Potter to the Dark Lord," Harry spoke up, instantly earning the ire of not only Lucius but Umbridge as well.
"Mr. Potter," Umbridge said in her sickeningly sweet voice, "As you may be unfamiliar with the law, you are not simply allowed to bring charges against another wizard. You hold no legal authority in this court."
"Perhaps not," Daphne said instantly rising to Harry's defense, sensing the boiling of Harry's blood beneath his skin, "But seeing as you are referring to the Boy-Who-Lived, and the vanquisher of the Dark Lord, perhaps it should be something that should be considered. After all, the ministry owes the Potter family a debt they can never truly repay." Daphne then took a breath before she continued, "Not to mention that it is due to the ministry's inability to keep the dementors in line that Harry, was attacked not once, not twice, but three times by the vile beasts. I suggest that the charges be added as repayment for damages caused to him by this ministry's ineptitude."
"Miss Greengrass," Umbridge spoke heatedly, "This behavior and lack of respect for authority is very unbecoming of a Lady of your status."
"I meant no offense," Daphne said though Harry could sense the lies in her words, "I just assumed that with elections approaching, the ministry would be looking to clean up their image is all."
"Miss Greengrass-," Umbridge started but Fudge, who looked like he was melting from the way he sweat realizing that had Harry cared more about the world of politics, he could topple Fudge's entire kingdom, quickly interrupted Umbridge.
"Madam Umbridge," Fudge said trying to control his stuttering, "I see no reason as to why the matter of the Potter's betrayal can't be at least questioned during this hearing. After all, the loss of the Potters was a travesty we all mourn deeply."
Harry wanted to release a snide remark, had the minister truly cared about his family's sacrifice, so many known Death Eaters wouldn't have been walking free due to lies and corruption, had the ministry truly cared, they would have investigated his family's death instead of simply pinning it on Sirius without any real proof. The only thing that had stopped him from doing so was Daphne's reminder to him that if he wanted Sirius free, he'd have to bite his tongue and bide his time.
"Very well," Amelia Bones spoke, "With the added charges of conspiracy to commit murder added to the record, the trial of Peter Pettigrew shall begin. Will the witnesses please lift their wands a vow their honesty to their answering of all questions related to the crimes mentioned."
"We swear," Harry and Daphne spoke in unison, a light yellow glow encompassing them for a moment, before looking up to Amelia Bones once more.
"Very well," Madam Bones said with a polite nod, "I understand it was a very traumatic night for you both, but if you could please individually detail the accounts of the night in question, that would be much appreciated by the court."
Daphne had gone first, reciting her view of the story which earned the fast looks of disbelief and horror between many of the jury members, each deeply concerned that a "Pure-Blood" witch had suffered through so much. It was only after Daphne had concluded that Harry nodded, and with a sigh, he continued the entire story, from suspecting Peter was the rat, through the physical characteristics shared between the animagus and the man, though omitting the information off the map. He then mentioned the attack on Ron and how Peter had fled the scene with Ron's wand. Then there was the chase, the lone voyage through the forest, the appearance of Daphne, the battle with Pettigrew, and the appearance and destruction of the Dementors.
This last mention earned a scoff from Madam Umbridge, "Destruction of the dementors," She chided, "Either a very well done and elaborate ploy or a destruction of ministry property both reprehensible behavior. How does one even kill a dementor?"
"Through Magical Exchange Runes," Daphne responded blankly, clearly irritated by the pink-ladies, boggling denial of events that she herself had witnessed.
"Forgive me, dear," Umbridge spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice, "It had been many years since I myself attended Hogwarts, but from what I understood the last known practitioners of Magical Exchange were criminal brothers Anderson and Augustus Brand in the 1970s, defeated by Alastor Moody himself, am I mistaken?"
"No ma'am," Daphne said though Harry could feel the irritation in her voice.
"And prior to that," Umbridge continued, "The last recorded sighting of magical exchange went as far back as the 1300s though with the methods used then, it is likely they were no more than stories. Why should we believe you succeeded in something nobody else has for years, and why should we consider that a good thing if you have?"
"It's a good thing," Harry growled his patience waning, "Because we are still alive because of it, and we can prove it to you, by demonstrating for this court."
"Yes, of course, Mr. Potter," Umbridge started once more, "And we are all very relieved that you are indeed alive. However, because of your foolish actions and 'magical exchange,' Azkaban is now left without the protection of many of their dementors. How do you answer for this?"
"With all due respect," Harry started, "The mistakes of the ministry aren't exactly my problem, Madam Umbridge. Perhaps instead of authorizing these monsters around children, you should have kept them at Azkaban where they belonged."
If possible, the toad-faced woman's expression became even more vile as she forced her tone speaking even more sweetly than before, with enough venom laced in the words to kill an elephant, "Speaking of monsters being around children. Your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor is a known member of the Werewolf Registry and his affliction was overlooked by Headmaster Dumbledore. Tell us why you feel a werewolf on Hogwarts Grounds is less dangerous than dementors surrounding the field for your protection Mr. Potter."
Anger swelled in Harry's chest as he lept to his, his blood boiling as he hissed, "Don't you dare compare the dementors to him. Ask anyone at Hogwarts, he is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher the school has ever had. Never disrespect my uncle like that in front of me again, do you know what that registry puts werewolves through every day? Good people that have their lives ruined because of bigot-"
But before could continue, Daphne quickly stood and turned to him, sending him a soft but meaningful glance that helped him back to his practiced calm as he slowly nodded taking a seat, much to the pink lady's amusement as she continued, "Perhaps he was a good teacher, but he no longer will be filling that position. The ministry has allowed him to step down of his own free-will, but his recklessness despite his status as a professor at the school, saw Ronald Weasley exposed to the cruciatus curse for his misjudgment. Clearly, that type of behavior cannot stand, and had his temper not been so high by his affliction, perhaps none of this would have happened."
Harry clenched his fist, but from the corner of his eye he saw Daphne slowly shaking her head, and through gritted teeth, Harry turned his focus towards the ground, knowing that technically Daphne was correct, but wanting nothing more than to wrap his hands around the Toad's throat. However, Harry's anger wasn't allowed to fester long as Daphne, with a chilling tone turned towards Umbridge once more speaking, "While this dive in order to distract the public from the ministry's mistakes of having dementors around the castle which nearly led to the death of myself, my friend Tracey Davis, The Boy-Who-Lived and hero of the wizarding world, Harry Potter, and not to mention the fact that Pure-Blood wizard Blaise Zabini is currently in intensive treatment for the ministry's foolish idea of sending Dementors to Hogsmeade during a school weekend is fun. I believe this was a trial to focus on the crimes committed by Peter Pettigrew, including the murder of the Potters, the parents of the boy responsible for saving Merlin-Knows how many lives by miraculously defeating the Dark Lord."
"I'm not one to give advice often Madam Umbridge, as I understand you are a woman with far more experience than I have. But if the Boy-Who-Lived decided to use some of his fame to investigate your credibility publicly, how do you think that would end? You were once a Slytherin were you not? Remember the wisdom of the words, Tread Carefully."
Umbridge sat back and Harry watched in awe at how Daphne's words had seemed to send a chill down the lady's spine before Madam Bones returned the court to order, "Miss Greengrass is correct. It is clear through hindsight that sending the dementors to Hogwarts, a decision made through a split majority was a costly mistake by the ministry, and as such, it is important that we take responsibility for our mistakes. However, this is a trial regarding the crimes of Peter Pettigrew, and as the witnesses have made their testimony, the questioning of Peter Pettigrew may now begin."
Harry turned to face the man as the Aurors released the sealing strip that silenced Pettigrew's voice. The man was left in a stunned groggy state before a vial of veritaserum was forced down his truth followed by his revival. Slowly and with much effort, the man's eyes opened once more and before he could even get his bearings Bones spoke, "Your name is Peter William Pettigrew, is that correct?"
"Yes," Pettigrew nodded sleepily.
"On the night of Thursday, January 20th, 1994," Madam Bones began, "You were confronted by Harry James Potter and in order to defend yourself, you stole the wand from one Ronald Billius Weasley, is that correct?"
"Yes," Peter said and Harry felt a sickening feeling of discomfort. He wanted the man tried, he wanted the man executed, but he couldn't help but wonder just what kind of justice this was. The man didn't even look oriented, just a meek presence of conscious was all Harry saw in the balding man.
"On the night of Thursday, January 20th, 1994," Madam Bones continued, "You conjured the Dark Mark in the sky. For what reason did you do this?"
"The dementors," Pettigrew said hazily, "I knew they'd be attracted to the sign of Voldemort whom they pledged allegiance to during the last war. I was planning to use the dementors as cover to escape."
"Why would you want to escape?" Madam Bones pressed.
"Because if captured, I would be forced to confess my crimes," Peter said the grogginess in his voice from being recently resuscitated and fed the veritaserum heavily permeated each word.
"Of these crimes, apart from conjuring the dark mark, did it include the use of the unforgivable curses?" Bones continued.
"Yes," Peter answered simply.
"Which ones?" Bones continued.
"The Cruciatus Curse, and the Imperius Curse, once before."
"Very well. The court has the information it needs to consider your sentencing for the actions of January 20th, 1994." Bones spoke, "Now, we will turn our attention to the tragedy that occurred the Halloween Night of 1981. Who was it that killed the Potters?"
"The Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," Peter spoke.
"Why did he wait until 1981 to attack?"
"I don't know."
"Is it true that the Potter's cottage was protected by the Fidelius Charm cast by Albus Dumbledore himself?"
"Was Sirius Black the Secret Keeper?"
"No," Peter spoke.
"Who was it?"
"Me," Peter responded.
"So, for clarity," Amelia spoke sharply, "Did Sirius Black betray the Potter's by revealing the location of the Potters to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"
"Who did?"
"Were you under the influence of the Imperius Curse at the time of the betrayal?"
"No," Peter said, "The Secret Keeper can only willingly give away the location."
Suddenly, an idea sprang to Harry's mind, and though he knew that his statement wouldn't hold any weight in the function of the court, he needed to know, and this was the only way to be sure, "We're there any death eaters who to your knowledge were under the Imperius Curse?"
"No," Peter said his eyes still facing the ground, "Death Eaters were the most valuable and loyal of the Dark Lord's followers, all of them-"
"Minister!" Lucius shouted from his seat, "Clearly the potion must be wearing off as this man is clearly lying! I suggest you regain control of your court and strike this remark from the record."
"R-right," Minister Fudge said with a stutter, though as Harry turned to glared back up at the daggers Lucius was sending him, he didn't miss the small grin from Lady Longbottom, and the rather sickening smile from Moody, "Mr. Potter, while you are a valuable member of this society, any further interruptions will see you removed from the courtroom and held in contempt."
"My apologies," Harry said his eyes not breaking with Malfoy Sr., "Won't happen again."
"Very well," Amelia Bones spoke after clearing her throat, "As Lord Malfoy has so clearly pointed out, the potion must be weakening," Though the tone she used had suggested a complete lack of belief in the theory, everyone who knew anything about truth serum knew Pettigrew was in no condition to fight off its effects in his current state, "Let's quickly finish up with the questions."
"Final question, Mr. Pettigrew," Amelia said firmly, "It has been a long-held belief in this ministry, that Sirius Black was responsible for your death, and the ransacking of your home, along with the severing of your finger. Are any of these assumptions about Lord Sirius Orion Black true?"
"N-no," Pettigrew said trying to fight off the serum as he woke more and more, fighting off the long term stunner.
"Well then," Amelia said with a sigh, "I see no reason why the manhunt for Sirius Black has any need of continuing. Wouldn't you agree, Minister Fudge?"
Harry watched as the pathetic man turned to face Lucius who paid him no mind as the long-haired Blonde was still focused on trying to cast a killing curse with his eyes at Harry. However, another voice broke into the Minister's defense, the same toad-faced woman he had believed that Daphne had silenced, "Minister, there is still the fear that Black was responsible for the kidnapping and disappearance of Harry Potter, which left the wizarding world in shambles for years."
"Oh yeah," Harry said with a smirk, "He definitely was responsible for that. However, lucky for him, kidnapping me as you so less than delicately put it, isn't a crime."
"What do you mean?" Umbridge spoke heatedly, "The removal of anyone against their will, without proper authority is textbook definition of kidnapping."
"First, I was one-year-old. Had he not arrived, I quite possibly would have died, and second, I'm guessing you don't spend much time in the family records room in the ministry. Sirius Black is my Godfather, giving him all the authority he needed to have taken me away from the war-torn country."
"You lie!" Lucius said hissing angrily, "My wife is the last legal descendant of the House of Black, making my son the rightful heir. I don't know what kind of trick you pulled, but I demand retribution for what was rightfully stolen from my house."
"Order!" Amelia said banging the gavel down angrily, "This whole situation about the House of Black can be verified by the self-updating record book. There is no need for-,"
"With all due respect Madam Bones," Daphne said slightly, "And I do truly mean that as you seem to be the only judge here that doesn't seem interested in making this trial a circus. From what I recall, the Black Family was a family that kept house elves in their service. Both Mr. Malfoy, and Harry could call upon the elf, and see to whom it answers."
"A very astute idea Miss Greengrass," Amelia said with a nod, "I will allow it."
Before even giving Lucius a chance, Harry called out, "Kreacher!" With a pop, the floppy-eared elf appeared and bowed deeply.
"How can Kreacher serve Master Harry today?"
"Well, Kreacher. There seems to be a dispute over the heritage of House Black. Who is the current lord of House Black? Don't lie Kreacher."
"Sirius Black, the blood-traitor, and the shame of House Black is the current Lord," Kreacher spat distastefully.
"And who is legally the heir of House Black, Kreacher?" Harry asked, "And why are the Malfoy's not in-line for inheritance?
"Master Harry Potter, is heir to House Black." Kreacher bowed deeply with much more respect to Harry than he had given Sirius, "And the Lady Narcissa Malfoy, of pure and blood, was excommunicated from House Black by Blood-Traitorous Master Sirius Black in 1981 while Mistress Andromeda Tonks was reinstated."
"Thank you Kreacher, that will be all," The elf bowed deeply before popping away and Harry turned smugly back to Lucius, "Any further questions?"
The jury watched in awe as in a fit, Lucius turned his coat before exiting the courtroom, anger ever-present in his face as Harry smiled. However, Harry's face turned a bit more concerned as he turned to see Daphne's questioning eyes. She like all his friends had found out about him being raised by Sirius, but clearly she was not very amused that Harry had forgotten to tell her that he was technically in line for two very powerful Lordships, and he had a feeling that his normal excuse of, Well, I don't really care that much about it, would work too well.
Amelia Bones once again took a deep breath as she sighed, "In all my years of being department head I have never seen a case as full of irritating excitement as this one was. Very well, now that all issues of this court have been detailed, we will commence the voting of guilty or innocent for Peter Pettigrew, followed by a vote to remove the manhunt for and pardon Sirius Black."
Harry watched as the first vote, though not all with happy faces unanimously voted guilty on Peter Pettigrew. The realization of his own doom had seemed to finally shock Pettigrew back into his senses just as the words left Madam Bones' mouth, "Peter Pettigrew, for your multitude of crimes we of the ministry sentence you to the veil."
Tears of fear fell down the ratman's cheek as he looked around the room desperate for someone to help him, someone to step in and save him just as the Marauders always would. But nobody moved, some even turned away in disgust as Harry soon felt the eyes of the man that betrayed his family turn to him, "Please! Harry don't let them kill me! I was afraid! I've always been afraid! I didn't want to, but I had no choice! Please, your father wouldn't have wanted this!"
"Maybe he wouldn't," Harry said a small look of sadness in his eyes as he looked at the man as if he was a wounded animal, "But I'm not my father." Through wailed appeals for mercy, Harry watched as Pettigrew was rolled out of the courtroom, the pensive look never leaving Harry's face as he felt Daphne reach out to hold his hand.
However, once again, Madam Bones continued on with the next vote, and while a certain status of pain still stung his heart, Harry knew that mercy wasn't an option, though seeing a man in such a pathetic condition did warrant some pause, his mood brightened as the charges against Sirius were voted to be lifted with a near majority, the only holdout being Umbridge herself. With the votes settled Madam Bones spoke, "By the order of this court, we find Sirius Black innocent of all charges brought against him. If you know where he is Mr. Potter, I encourage you to tell him to meet me at his earliest convenience for his official proof of pardon."
"Funny you should mention that," Harry said with a smile, as from behind closed doors, emerged a surprisingly well-groomed man considering he had just spent much time as a dog in a well-tailored, black, three-piece suit. Harry's grin widened as the crowd gasped, as for the first time in thirteen years, they stood in the presence of Lord Sirius Black.