
The Foundational Meeting (part 1)

The hall to an office should never be too long, but always comfortably short, so that one can make it to their office without forgetting an idea that they have for a memo or for project that the boss ordered from them, but in the case of the foundation, Ronan designed these hallways to be unnecessarily long, so that one can train their minds to focus on one thought longer than normal. As Ronan walked, his steel toed boots clattered on the hard concrete floor. Ronan's mind was beyond trained already, probably more than one could imagine. Since birth, Ronan has never been loved, or cared for by anyone, except the shadows and the strength of his perseverance. It was all Ronan needed to stay alive and to get him where he is today. His crying hate for humanity drove his will of hatred to live twice as long as well, this was good enough for Ronan to kill the child.

'How dare they tell me what's right and what's wrong. Those bastards.' Ronan thought disturbingly.

Soon enough, Ronan came to a large steel door with the word "Dreavious" written into it. Ronan didn't give the pleasure of knocking and instead barged right in. Inside of the room was a long table with 13 other members dressed just like Ronan sat in such a way that implied they had waited quite a while for Ronan to show up. One of the 13 moved as if they were going to say something but Ronan directed his anger towards the person, as they immediately refrained themselves from talking. Dreavious stands up and bows to Ronan. This was one of the newest laws in the foundation. Bowing to the Director of Death was required to be done by the second in command to the DOD, and the DOD was required to bow back, and you might guess if you remember, Ronan doesn't go against Foundation law. Ronan unsurprisingly bows back, signaling for Dreavious to sit back down, which he absolutely does, after seeing what horrors Ronan is capable of. The rest of the members were as I stated, in the same appearance as Ronan, and this was quite simple to explain. Each of the 13 were DOD's from their own respective universes. There were 12 universes in total, and each of them was unique in their own way. Universe GENESIS, which is the first ever created universe, was the more powerful of the 12, with universe 3 coming in second, but only because that one warrior killed the leviathan, which is an outstanding feet yes, but no more outstanding then the guardian of one of the Deity-busters being killed by a mere teenager, a feat which no one else knows about, except the all knowing oracles. The nosey divine beings won't stop watching over everything like stalkers, even though gods have ordered them to stop being unnecessarily creepy about their watchings, they still spy on the female bathhouses anyway. The Oracles, unlike the serpent, are true ancients, being older than time itself, have done more than act like shriveled up perverts, they have saved so many more lives than anyone can count, and act more as a cosmic all seeing police force then a perverted group of old geezers. The 13 stood as Ronan approached his seat at the hardwood oak table, that was pleasantly oval shaped and there were 15 chairs around the table each one matching each other and standing with the same amount of pride and glory that their maker created them to have. The maker, was one of the foundations most valued member, being the one who makes everything that the DOD's order him to make. In this case, it was 15 tall standing oak hardened chairs, able to sustain the weight of 15,000 pound men and women (most of this weight came from the clothes they wear and boast).

Ronan took his seat, and in came a most beautiful yet dark looking figure. She was around 6" tall, with long valiant brown hair, completely straightened and flowing behind her as she walked into the room. She wore the same abyss black coat as Ronan and the other 14, (Dreavious will count towards this 13 because he is higher in rank then the other 13). Her mask was indescribable, and almost abstract, but all the same two colors: Black and Grey. These two colors represented death in the Foundation, but this was soon to be protested against by this woman herself, who is the skin color black, and finds it incredibly rude and unnecessary that the color black be the one color for death. She was going to protest that the new mask colors be made white instead of grey, and the petition she started already has exceeded the max number of people needed. Behind this woman was two guards, who didn't wear masks like everyone else in the room did. These guards were mandatory for ODOD's, or commonly referred to as "Omni Director of Death," which is the highest rank a DOD can climb to achieve. The downside to this position is the amount of ODOD's that can exist at a singular time, and that number is one. The DOD's would kill each other just to attain the glorifying and honorary spot of ODOD, and not because they want to do good for the Foundation, oh no, they want this position because of the extreme leniency that the position holds. In this spot, you can do whatever your heart desires, with no one and nothing to say you're not allowed to do so. The ranks of the Foundation go on and on, so much so that it would take and entire decade just for one man to remember and memorize it all. Anyway, the 14 including Ronan stayed standing as the woman walked in and towards a large screen that sat next to the entrance of the room. The Foundations laws require that a DOD must stand as a ODOD (or anyone of higher rank then the DOD) enters a room for a meeting or otherwise. A high tech projector flickers and sparks for a moment, but then flashes on brightly, it's image covering the clean white screen almost flawlessly. The woman turned and stood straight, so straight even that one could mistake her for a colored statue, which is the first thought that ran through one of the 13's mind when she took her posture. Some of the others stirred, which the woman expected, as she was not only one of the only females in the entire Foundation, but the most attractive one, none the less. It was almost always common for men to get turned on by her appearance. 'If only they knew' the woman thought, 'What I really looked like under this horrid mask.' The mask concealed secrets beyond understanding, like a tomb guarded by a serpent (these references will keep going for a while).

The woman glanced around the room, like she was trying to find out what everyone was, and who everyone was, and amongst them all, Ronan stood out the most. She knew Ronan since he was a small child, she practically adopted the poor kid.

"Before we start the meeting, we have to address the elephant in the room..." the woman calmly issued, her voice like Galadriel's, it was warm and sweet, and did in fact turn on the men, (except Ronan and Dreavious of course) even more.

The woman looked at Ronan, and immediately, in the blink of an eye, everyone's attention towards the ODOD turned into hot aggression at Ronan, who didn't move a single muscle in response. Ronan sat up straighter and lowered his head about half of an inch, attempting to keep his condescending nature. The woman's own condescending nature overpowered that of Ronan's which is no impressive feat. One could climb Mt. Everest in 30 minutes without clothes and that still wouldn't be more impressive then being able to do what the ODOD could.

"Is it true Ronan?" One of the 13 demanded.

"Is what true?" Ronan replied gruffly.

The man jumped up and shot his hand at Ronan, his tears shattering the atmosphere in the room, making it much more intense.

"That you fucking killed my son out of anger??!!!"

Ronan didn't flinch, and didn't yell back. He knew the ODOD was watching him like she was his mother, instead, Ronan stayed calm and ignored the man. The woman noticed Ronan's attitude.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Ronan mumbled annoyed.

"Fuck you!!! You don't get to be annoyed you son of a bi-" the man roared.

"Kartel, watch your language. Rules still stand that only 3 'f words'may be used during a Foundation meeting." The ODOD calmly cut in, her words soothing the man not instantly, but enough.

There was silence in the room, a complete and intense silence that needed to be broken. The man looked away from Ronan and started to weep at his sons death, the ODOD stepped forward and laid a hand on his shoulder.

Ronan scoffed and shook his head.

"Yeah you stupid dog, wonder who taught you manners."

This was the straw that broke the camels back, the man screamed in fury, sidearmed a man out of his way, and shot a fist directly into the center of Ronan's face. The man didn't stop at one though, and instead, threw 5 more, each one more devastating then the last, but each not effective in the least. At last, the man finished throwing a fit and acting like a spoiled school child, and looked at his result. If only he knew before hand how much more powerful Ronan is than even the ODOD...