490Chapter 12: Pansy and Blaise

Living with Harry was definitely a bonus for their relationship. Harry was a considerate housemate and wonderful boyfriend. Draco was given his own room but spent his nights with Harry. He kept the room for times when he wanted his space. Neither one of them were ready to take the relationship to the next level. So all they did was sleep on the bed. That alone was a wonderful thing for Draco. He adored waking up with Harry in his arms every morning. It was a sense of belonging like he never felt before. The warmth of Harry's body radiating off of him was something Draco quickly began to crave. They drew closer to each other every day, sharing experiences and ideas for the future. Draco stopped looking for a place to live after a couple of weeks. Harry was thrilled that Draco was going to stay. Harry didn't have to say it, Draco could feel his happiness through their connection.

That was another thing that grew. The connection between them thrummed constantly. Always there, always in the background. Even if Draco was occuluding and couldn't feel Harry's emotions, he could still feel the link that connected them. He wasn't bothered by that. He loved the knowledge that they were connected. Distance didn't seem to affect the bond. They experimented to test it out. Harry apparated to France and even China but the bond still thrummed happily along. Nothing dampened it, nothing weakened it.

Kreacher was thrilled to have Draco there permanently. Draco had feared for the elf's wellbeing when they told him he would be moving in. The odd little thing's eyes had grown impossibly large, his ears twitched so rapidly that Draco wondered if he had been cursed, his breathing had increased till he was panting as if he ran the entire house twice. What worried him the most was when the elf let out a pleased little gasp. Draco worried he now had a lifetime admirer. Is this what Harry felt with his fan club? It was not a pleasant feeling. Besides watching him with awe when they were in the same room, Kreacher behaved like a normal house elf. If any house elf could be considered normal that is. The more time Draco spent around the odd mumbling thing, he grew to like him. Kreacher was strange, no doubt about that but he was sweet and considerate in ways that his father's elves never were. Kreacher genuinely cared for both himself and Harry. It was almost like another friend. And isn't that odd? Him being friends with house elves? He imagined his father would shudder at the mere thought. Draco knew it wasn't dignified of a pureblood, he knew it just wasn't done to be friends with anyone considered below them. But Draco just didn't care. He liked Kreacher and that was all there was to it.

When they weren't spending time together, Harry was working on his top-secret project. No amount of begging and pleading could get him to tell Draco what it was. It wasn't that Draco particularly cared, he was just so intrigued. It wasn't like Harry to not tell him something. Harry loved telling Draco things. Even boring mundane things like 'do house elves even go to the bathroom?' Draco had just stared at Harry in disgust until he dropped the subject, Draco didn't want to know that much about them. So this project of his was killing Draco. While Harry worked on whatever it was he was doing, Draco was trying to research their emotional connection. The only problem was that the library was so massive. Draco barely put a dent in the section regarding bonds. Every single book so far was about bonds that were partaken in with either a spell or a ritual and always by choice. He had yet to come across a single bond that happened on its own without the participant's knowledge. Maybe there wasn't an answer? Odd things are known to happen to Harry so it could be just another thing that to write off. But it was a mystery and if there was one thing that Draco couldn't leave unattended was a mystery. So despite the evidence against ever finding an answer, Draco continued to search. He was determined to find an answer.

Draco was going to physically talk to his parents and let them know what he was doing but decided against it in the end. He sent a letter explaining exactly why he was leaving. He had Kreacher pack his things and that was it. Part of him felt guilty, not at the impersonal letter. But at the fact that he didn't miss them. He should be missing his parents somewhat… right? He was no longer upset at his mother. The insult stung but he has been through worse. Draco wasn't about to go back though. No, he needed to do this. Needed to get out of their clutches. He knew his mother loved him but she was so similar to his father. They rarely ever showed that they cared. Damn pureblood mentality. It's been over a month since he left is house and came to Grimwald place and his parents hadn't sent a single letter in reply. That alone proved that he had made the right decision. He had been receiving regular letters from Severus though. His godfather hadn't always been there for him but he sure of a hell showed that he cared for him more than his parents. Severus had been worried when he heard that Draco had left home. Draco rushed to assure him that he was doing fine and that he was happy living with Harry.

Draco was starting to get nervous. The trial date was a week away. He was scared. He tried to hide it from Harry but that was so hard to do when you share an emotional connection with someone. Draco had to resort to only thinking about the trial when Harry was asleep. He still was unsure on how to tell Harry about it. He didn't want Harry to get involved but he couldn't just go without telling him something. If his trial came back guilty and he hadn't told Harry… he knew it would just crush him. Which was something he wouldn't do. Harry meant the world to him. He was not about to hurt him unnecessarily.

Pansy and Blaise sent him a panicked letter when they realized he wasn't at the manor. Guilt had plagued him when he realized he hadn't been in contact with them since breakfast in the great hall over a month ago. He wasn't avoiding them on purpose, things had just changed so drastically that he forgot to contact them. Besides, they hadn't contacted him either until the panicked letter. The pair were to arrive later today for a visit. Draco was pretty excited. Now that he was free of Voldemort, free of his parents and free to do whatever he wanted, Draco had a new outlook on life. He was ready to enjoy life and see what it had in store for him. Having his friends over at his and Harry's home was a great feeling. They shared a home. He was a little worried about what his friends would say about that. They might think that things were going too fast. They had only been together a month but Draco knew that Harry was it for him. Not just because of the connection either. The thought of not being with Harry sent a gut-wrenching feeling through him. It was close to physical pain. That wasn't normal. No, what the two of them had was meant to be. He knew it with every fiber of his being.

Life with Draco was… an experience. He is so full of life but still so snarky. Harry used to hate that snarkiness when they were younger. But now it was one of the things he loved the most about him. Draco always had a quick witty comeback for everything. It made conversations interesting. He never knew what was going to come out of Draco's mouth. Draco was fun and outgoing, never afraid to try something new. Harry thought for sure that Draco would have reservations when it came to some muggle things. But Draco surprised him, Harry took him out to some muggle restaurants and Draco thoroughly enjoyed it. Draco loved seeing the way the muggles acted. He said it was like going to a play, Draco could watch muggles react all day with their silly inventions and odd ways.

For Draco's birthday on the fifth, Harry took Draco to an amusement park which was a new experience for them both. At first Draco refused to get on any of the 'appalling death traps', until Harry pointed out that no one had been harmed on any rides in a long time. He even conceded and allowed Draco to cast a discreet protection charm on their cart. The adrenaline rush and pure excitement on Draco's face was worth it. After that, Draco went on every single ride. Some of them twice. Draco was a little wary about trying any of the food the park had to offer. It was nothing like he was used to but that was part of the charm. It was something his parents would have hated so he threw caution to the wind and ate the 'plebian tasteless concoctions'.

The bond between them grew stronger with each day passing. Harry loved it. He knew that Draco was searching for answers but it didn't bother him. Harry could tell that Draco loved the bond as well. Harry's legal research in the hopes of helping Draco's trial was coming along nicely. He was pretty confident that Draco would come out unharmed. He sent a letter to Draco's lawyer and demanded to be a witness for the defense but refused to give his name and demanded that it go unaware for the Malfoy's to find out. He knew it was risky to do but he offered to pay the lawyer double what Lucius was paying him if he allowed this to go quietly. Any man that Lucius Malfoy hired was bound to be only loyal by money. His hunch was correct when the lawyer sent back a contract stating that he would not breathe a word of a witness to the Malfoy's. Some would call that unethical but Harry wasn't breaking any laws he was just skirting a fine line. Hey, as long as it works.

Harry knew that Draco was scared. Part of him wanted to be hurt and upset that Draco wasn't telling him about the trial. But he knew enough about his boyfriend to know that Draco was trying not to allow Harry to get involved. It was incredibly sweet but so unnecessary. Draco should know by now that Harry rarely ever stays out of things. If there is trouble then by all rights that means Harry is bound to be there right along with it. Just like a law of nature, 'Oh there's trouble over there? No worries Harry is probably close by'. It was just a part of Harry's life now.

Hermione had sent a letter to Harry asking him how things were going. She never once mentioned Ron which let Harry know that Ron was still being an arse about everything. From her wording, he could tell that she was spending the summer at the burrow before school started. Normally by now Harry would have been sent a letter from Mrs. Weasley asking him over but no such letter arrived. Harry wanted to believe it was because she was still in a grieving faze since Percy's death. But she invited Hermione right away. Harry knew it had something to do with Draco. Ron must have said something to the family. He couldn't understand how a family that always preached tolerance and justice could have such a prejudiced view on things. And this was just on him being friends with Draco. He shuddered to think of what their reaction will be when they discover that they were dating. Granted Lucius Malfoy had never treated them well, he could see where they would have issues with him. But Draco was not his father! If they just tried to see things from a different perspective, they might understand. Or if they could just hear Harry out, let him explain but no, they seemed to have formed their own opinion without any facts. If they couldn't accept Draco, then he wouldn't be accepting them. Which saddened Harry immensely but he wasn't about to give up his boyfriend for them. Besides, family doesn't do that to one another.

Occlumency was actually pretty easy when you had a decent teacher. Draco was kind and patient with Harry. He never got upset when Harry wasn't understanding something, he took the time to explain it properly. Occlumency was a delicate art. If done wrong it could seriously harm the participant. The mind isn't something that should be messed with. If you don't have trust with the person teaching, then it can do more damage than good. The walls protecting the mind must be built upon layers of trust and strength. Snape had gone about teaching Harry in the worst way. Harry was lucky that there wasn't any lasting damage from their lessons. Draco had Harry start out with reading some books about meditation. That was one of the biggest steps of Occlumency, you can't protect a chaotic mind. You must calm the mind first. It's easier to control a still puddle then a rapid flowing creek. After he mastered meditation the rest was smooth sailing. Because Harry had already bared his soul to Draco there was no reason to fear the memories of his past. It was easy allowing Draco in and raising his shields against the probe. Draco had told him that Harry had surprised him. Draco had been worried that the lessons would be difficult based off of Snape's teachings but Harry picked up Occlumency with ease. Which was something that Harry credited to Draco's patient teachings instead of his own skills.

One would think spending so much time together that it could create problems between them but the best part of knowing the other person's emotions was that conflict was almost nonexistent. Fights are hard to maintain when you can feel the other person's emotions. It is easier explaining things when you can feel the sincerity behind the words. They understood each other on a level that other couples wouldn't. So when one of them got frustrated it was easy for the other to take the necessary steps to stop a fight before it even began.

As much as Harry was looking forward to going back to Hogwarts he was also dreading it. The thought of the stares that he would receive was nauseating. He knew they would increase tenfold since he had defeated Voldemort. Everyone would be rushing to catch a glimpse at the savior of the world. They would all be whispering and wondering what kind of powers he used to off Voldemort. They would all be scrambling to get a piece of him. No doubt the increase in simple minded girls following him would increase. Not to mention his relationship with Draco was going to turn heads. They wouldn't understand it. After six years of the constant fighting between the two of them that wasn't too surprising. It would confuse them. He knew that Draco would become a target. The other students would think that Draco had done something to him. Harry didn't fight in a bloody war to have to put up with petty childish stupidity. The first time some low life even thought about harming Draco, they would have another thing coming. Harry knew that Draco could take care of himself but he shouldn't have to. This overbearing protectiveness surprised them both. Harry felt the need to protect Draco, to make sure that no harm could befall him. To him it was second nature.

Draco didn't want to talk about his parents. He tried to hide the hurt that their silence was causing him but Harry could feel it. Harry let him think he was hiding it but he would shower Draco with comfort regardless. Thinking about Draco's parents always made Harry angry. How could they be so cold? How could they treat their only child like that? As much as he was annoyed with Mrs. Weasley he knew that she cared for her children. That was the way to raise your children, not with a cold hands off mentality. Draco had never known what it meant to be cared for, so Harry was determined to give that to him. Harry hadn't been cared for either so he was driven to ensure that they both got the happiness that they deserved. With the emotionless raising, Draco could have turned out bad but Harry thanked his lucky stars that Draco turned out to be the man that he is. Even if he didn't show others the human side to him, it was enough that he showed it to Harry.

Even though it had only been a month together, both boys were enamored with each other. The feelings they held grew stronger with each passing day. Harry knew that Draco would be with him for a long time. Forever, if he could manage it. Life with Draco was pleasant and he couldn't wait for more.

Draco was obsessively cleaning the front room despite Kreacher's appalled face. Kreacher took great insult to Master Draco cleaning the already clean room. It was an injustice to his ability to clean. He huffed and apparated away to start with dinner, hoping Master Draco wouldn't move onto the kitchen to clean as well.

Harry watched Draco rearrange the coffee table for the third time with a fond smile. "Love calm down. It's just your friends." Harry tried to reassure. Draco stopped cleaning to stare at Harry. Draco knew he was being silly, it was just that he was nervous. What bugged him was that he wasn't even sure why. It wasn't like he was nervous about their reaction to him and Harry being together. They already knew how much Draco cared for him. Maybe he was nervous because he moved out and this was the first time they would be seeing the place. Whatever the cause was he didn't like it.

The sound of the floo rebounded in the room letting them know of the incoming visitors. Draco stood up straight and squared his shoulders trying to shove the panic he felt away. Blaise was the first one through. He landed with a grace that Harry envied. Harry was still having issues with flooing, he doubted he would ever get the hang of it. Pansy came through with less grace but more energy than Blaise. Draco's face lit up when he turned to look at his two best friends.

Harry smiled at the rush of happiness he could feel from Draco. He loved that Draco was able to be himself away from his parents. Draco's happiness was infectious. Harry couldn't help but grin.

Both Blaise and Pansy shared a surprised look before they were enveloped in a tight hug as Draco flung himself at the two of them.

"Woah there. Nice to see you too." Pansy said with a giggle. Draco stepped back with an embarrassed look. "Sorry it's just been a bit and I am glad to see you guys." Draco explained with a shrug before stepping up to Harry and sitting in his lap. Harry's arms immediately wrapped around Draco's waist.

Blaise's eyebrows reached his hair line. Pansy let out a surprised, "Oh." Draco grinned at their reactions. "So I take it you two are an item now?" Blaise asked sitting down on one of the chairs while Pansy took the one next to him. "Obviously." Draco snarked with a smirk.

Blaise chuckled while Pansy let out a squeal of happiness. "I am happy for you Draco. You both deserve some happiness." She said with a grin. Draco was thrilled that his friends approved, he had known they would but to have the physical proof was enough for him to stop being nervous. With a jolt, Draco realized that that was why he had been so frantic. He hadn't wanted anything to come between him and Harry.

Harry was glad for the stamp of approval but it sent a wave of sadness through him. It made him wish that his own friends would be there for him. Hermione may not have had any hostility over them being friends, he knew that she would definitely not approve of their relationship if she knew. He knew Mrs. Weasley would have some negative things to say as well. Why is that to gain a boyfriend he has to lose a family? Why can't he have both? Shouldn't they want to be there for him? Shouldn't they care whether he was happy or not?

Draco felt the utter despair from Harry and it made his heart clench. You didn't have to be a genius to know what was causing it. Draco turned his head slightly so that they were cheek to cheek. "Hey stop that." Draco said softly.

Blaise and Pansy shared startled looks. They hadn't known something was wrong. Was it something they said?

Harry closed his eyes. Damn. He hadn't meant to broadcast his feelings. He didn't want to ruin Draco's time with his friends. That wasn't fair to him. He needed to get a hold of himself and be there for his boyfriend.

Draco could feel guilt added to the sad emotions as well. He sighed. "Baby stop. It's okay, you don't need to be guilty. I know how much you wish your friends would pull their heads out of their arses." Harry let out a startled laugh. Draco grinned. "I know you miss them. I wish they could accept this too. I don't like seeing you sad." Draco said quietly, forgetting his friends for a moment.

Harry could feel the worry and care from Draco. He hugged him tighter to his chest as he let himself be immersed in his boyfriend's affection for him. Draco smiled at the effect he had on Harry. Loving that he could calm him if needed or bring him out of a funk when required.

Harry opened his eyes and tilted Draco's head till he could see his eyes. "Thank you. I needed that." He rasped. Draco grinned and leaned in slightly to kiss Harry. Harry could feel the emotions behind the kiss as well, he let Draco reassure him with his lips. Harry was about to deepen the kiss when he heard a cough.

They broke apart in surprise. Pansy was lightly fanning herself and glaring at Blaise. "Did you have to interrupt them? I was enjoying that." Blaise snorted. "That is exactly why I did. I don't need you salivating over there, you look like a bitch in heat." Blaise raised his hands over his head to ward off the sudden attack of Pansy's hands. Draco snorted but quickly realized that was a mistake when Pansy turned to glare at Draco. Harry tightened his hold. Pansy shook her head. "You are lucky you have the savior of the world as a boyfriend." She warned darkly. But the twitching of her mouth gave way of her amusement.

Harry laughed warmly. Blaise let his guard down when it appeared that she had calmed down. Mistake. As soon as Pansy saw an opening she smacked the back of his head hard.

"Ow! Did you have to hit so hard?" Blaise asked while leaning away from her with a pout. "Yes I did. You don't call a lady a bitch dear Blaise. So uncouth of you." She said while crossing her arms over her chest and glaring daggers.

"Ah but that would imply that you are a lady." Blaise retorted with a grin. Pansy let out a puff. "Hey, I am a lady!" She protested. Draco could feel Harry's amusement at his friend's antics. He sighed happily.

Harry watched Blaise and Pansy banter back and forth with enjoyment. He hadn't met anyone quite like them before. They were entertaining. They reminded him of Fred and George in a way. The two of them just knew each other so well.

"Are you two together?" Harry asked interrupting their argument over who the true bitch out of the two of them was. They both blinked surprised at the question.

Pansy wrinkled her nose at the thought. Blaise furrowed his brow and gave Harry a 'are you crazy' look. "No. We just are very close." Pansy said finally after she got over the feeling of wrongness at the thought.

Draco laughed out loud. "They tried once in fourth year." Blaise and Pansy both glared at him. "Well you did."

"Yes, but that was an obvious mistake. Pansy is my sister. It only took an hour for us to realize that there was nothing romantic involved." Blaise explained. Pansy nodded her head. "I love Blaise and couldn't imagine life without him but not in a romantic way. He is my best friend. My friend for life." They shared a fond smile.

Draco used to envy their friendship. He was their friend, of that there was no doubt. But he hadn't had the bond that they do. At times, it made him feel lonely. Even though they weren't in a relationship, they had a friendship that he could never have with them. They had something he could never understand. They were like friend soulmates. Platonic friends that went beyond friendship and even family. But now that he had Harry and knew what a true bond felt like, the envy was gone. He still didn't have a friend like they did with each other. But to him what he had with Harry was a million times better.

Harry was curious as to the emotions he could feel in Draco but decided to ask about it later. Blaise and Pansy's friendship was something he had never come across before. It intrigued him. They were like two sides of a galleon. They were opposites but always together. You couldn't have one without the other. They complimented and completed each other at the same time. It was fascinating.

"Does that ever get in the way of relationships?" Harry asked. Blaise let out a sigh. "Oh yeah. Most partners can't accept the friendship that we have. They feel threatened and it always causes issues. But I refuse to be with someone who can't accept Pansy. Because she will always be in my life." Pansy smiled warmly at her best friend.

"Same goes for me. I can't be with a man who can't accept Blaise. Men will come and go but Blaise will not. He is my rock and best friend. We are a packaged deal. He will always be in my life. So dating is difficult. Most guys want my entire attention on them. And I get that in a way, I do. But it's just not possible for me. Most guys fear I will eventually cheat on them with Blaise but that is just silly. We have zero romantic interest in each other. Blaise just doesn't do it for me." Blaise gave a mock outraged expression, causing Harry and Draco to laugh.

"Sorry dear but you don't." Pansy said with a smile and a shrug. Blaise smiled ruefully in response.

"So Draco any word from your parents?" Blaise asked not thinking clearly. Draco's good mood vanished. Pansy kicked Blaise while Harry started rubbing soothing circles on Draco's skin.

Harry could feel anger and sadness wafting off of Draco. "It doesn't matter what they think or do love. I will always be here for you. If they choose to never talk to you again then fuck them. You are amazing Draco and it is about time that they realized this. I can see it, Pansy and Blaise can see it. You shouldn't have to change who you are to please your parents. I'll talk to them if you want." Harry finished with narrowed eyes. Oh yes he would love to give them a piece of his mind.

Draco felt a surge of warmth for Harry. Gods could he get any sweeter? He seriously doubted it. Draco was disgusted with himself for caring what his parents thought of him. If they didn't want to talk to him then that was there problem. He just wished that his parents could see him as their son and not as an heir that could promote the family name. Isn't he worth their love? Doesn't he deserve it? Draco sighed. He was tired of feeling like he wasn't worth it. Harry proved every day how much he cared for him and that was enough. Harry was his family now, as was Blaise and Pansy. *Blood may be thicker than water but love is thicker than anything.* Family isn't always blood. Family are the people who want you in their life no matter what, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that don't ask you to change who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile. The ones who know your faults but love you regardless. Family are the people who put your happiness first. Draco's parents don't fit into any of that.

Blaise was shifting guiltily. Once again his mouth went off before he thought it through.

Draco shook his head. "No thanks Harry. I don't need them. You three are family enough for me." Harry squeezed Draco's waist gently and pressed a kiss to his neck. Draco sighed contently and looked over to see a pleased expression on Pansy's face and a slightly guilty expression on Blaise's face.

"It's okay Blaise." Blaise let out a relieved breath and smirked at Draco. "When did you get to be such a Hufflepuff?" He teased. Harry snorted. "Hey! Take that back. I will have you know I am a very intimidating Slytherin." Draco stated with a mock glare at Blaise.

Pansy winked at Draco. "Yeah Blaise, Draco has scary down to a tee. What with his makeup bag and gelled hair. He oozes intimidation. Scares the grins right off the first years." Harry and Blaise let out peals of laughter. Draco huffed rather put out. "What is this rag on Draco day?" He asked disgruntled. Harry nodded through his laughter. "Yes, it is. I thought I put it on the calendar." Harry said once he controlled himself.

Draco shook his head trying not to smile. "Well you didn't. Next time you lot plan to take the mickey out of me, I would appreciate it if it was scheduled in. That way I know when not to show up." Pansy let out another laugh.

Harry grinned. "My sincerest apologies my Lord, I shall strive to do better next time." Harry promised with a grin. Draco smirked and leaned back against Harry. "Ahh that is much better. About time you learned that I was your better." Draco teased.

"Oh I have always known Lord Malfoy. Does your subtlety know no bounds?" Asked Harry with a poke to Draco's side.

"Why hide what you can easily flaunt?" Draco retorted with a grin. "Humble you are not my Lord. Tis a good thing you have me to please the masses." Harry said with such a straight face that Draco had to fight to keep his composure.

"The masses don't want a humble ruler. They want a strong leader. Which is me. So you can keep all that humble pie to yourself love. I shall continue to flaunt my superiority, it did after all land me you, my great consort." Draco said grinning.

Harry shook his head. "Why fix what isn't broken? Is that it?" He asked bemused. Draco nodded with a pat to Harry's hand. "Exactly. Now you are getting it."

"Merlin, you two are too much." Blaise said smirking. Pansy was laughing silently. "I think they are adorable." She said with a dreamy sigh, wishing for a relationship like that.

Draco and Harry shared and affronted look. "Adorable? Pansy us manly men are not considered adorable. Come up with a better compliment." Draco demanded. Harry's mouth twitched.

"But love that would imply that you are a manly man." Draco put a hand to his heart and gasped in mock anger. "Oh you wound me great consort, you wound me." Draco said dramatically pressing the back of his hand to his eyes.

Harry laughed warmly. "I apologize my Lord. You are the manliest man that ever lived. I don't know what I was thinking. Please forgive my lapse in judgement." Harry begged him. Draco laughed. "Oh alright but you better forget it." Draco said with a smirk.

Pansy grinned and turned to Blaise. "See they are utterly adorable together." Blaise shook his head with a smile. "That they are. I must admit." Pansy shared a look with Blaise. Both ecstatic that Draco was finally happy. Harry was perfect for their friend.

Before anyone could comment a *Pop* came into the room. "Lunch is served." Kreacher croaked before apparating away. The group made their way into the kitchen and settled in to eat shepherds pie.

After an afternoon filled of catching up and trading stories, Blaise and Pansy left with promises to visit again soon. "I like them." Harry said sleepily from his spot on top of Draco's chest. Draco chuckled and looked down to see Harry half asleep. He shifted the blanket higher, to cover them and settled down for the night.

"I'm glad love." Draco whispered as he kissed the top of Harry's mop of a disaster he calls hair. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and closed his eyes. His thoughts lingering on the day they had. His friends took to Harry really well. Anyone would have thought he had always been a part of their group. Harry didn't take offense to Blaise's harsh teasing and got along with Pansy's odd sense of humor. Draco knew enough about his friends to tell that they really did like Harry. Slytherins weren't subtle when it came to disliking others. They would let you know outright, being blunt is a tool of the trade when it came to a Slytherin. Which pleased him to end, he loved his friends dearly but if he had to choose, it would always be Harry. So his friends getting along with Harry meant the world to him. The lovely thing about their bond was that he knew without a doubt that Harry liked his friends. Most relationships one of them might wonder if their significant other really liked their friends or just pretended to. But it warmed his heart to feel the genuine interest Harry had for Blaise and Pansy. Draco fell asleep with a smile on his face, thanking his lucky stars that Harry was in his life.