263Chapter 2: Family Reunion

Chapter 2

Family Reunion

Both Potters were silent as they traveled to Platform nine and three quarters. James decided to floo there directly, and asked if Harry wanted him to hold onto any of his belongings. Harry just nodded and dropped the trunk in front of James as he went out and search for their cat to say goodbye. His mother loved cats, so James decided to get Harry a cat for his fifth birthday. Harry loved it, and James as well as the cat kept him company at home when Harry was at Hogwarts.

Harry went first after he said his goodbyes to his cat, making sure he had Hedwig nicely locked in her cage. She was a gift from Hagrid who accompanied James and Harry on Harry's first trip to Diagon Alley. He threw the powder into the fire, which blazed a light green, and said clearly, "Platform Nine and Three Quarters!" as he stepped through it. He stepped again and found himself in a room filled with active fireplaces. He stepped out of the fireplace and watched as witches and wizards strolled out of the other fireplaces, their children following them pulling similar trunks like Harry's He waited for his dad to step through the fireplace. He looked around and smiled when he saw his friend. "Hi Seamus!" He said, waving at the Irish Gryffindor.

"Hiya Harry," Seamus Finnigan said as he walked up to Harry. He seemed different then the last time Harry has seen him. Seamus seemed to have grown by half a foot between summers, as he towered over Harry. The Irish Gryffindor's voice had also started to become deeper, his brogue becoming more apparent than before. Harry also noticed, somehow, that the boy's shoulders broadened, and faint hints of muscles appeared.

"How was your summer?" Harry asked. The fireplace came alive behind him and James Potter stepped through.

"It was fine, didn't go anywhere. You?"

"Same," Harry said.

"There you are Harry," James said. He looked at Seamus and nodded, "Hello Seamus."

"Hello Mr. Potter," Seamus said. He turned to Harry and said, "Listen, I got to go, looking for Dean. But I'll catch ya later, right?"

"Yeah, alright," Harry said waving Seamus goodbye.

His smile went with Seamus and he silently picked up his trunk and walked out of the small room, onto the station with a familiar scarlet train. James looked around and pointed, "Harry, there's Molly and Arthur," he smiled. Harry just nodded and walked towards his best friend's parents, the smile reappearing when he saw Ron and Hermione.

"Harry!" they both screamed when they saw Harry, running towards him. Harry ran towards them and they hugged. "How are you guys?" Harry smiled. "I've read about your family winning that lottery!"

"Egypt was fantastic Harry, you should have seen it! Though Scabbers didn't agree with Egypt," Ron said as he pulled out his pet rat. Scabbers was looking thinner than usual, and there was a definite droop to his whiskers. James Walked up and smiled at Ron and Hermione. Scabbers made a soft sound and scurried back into Ron's pocket. "How are you two doing?" he smiled.

"Fine Mr. Potter, how are you?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, James there you are. Molly and I were wondering where you and Harry were," Mr. Weasley said as he and his wife walked up to them.

"Just had to make sure the cat was fed before we left," James said. "So how was Egypt? I've read about it in the Prophet. Seven hundred Galleons, must have been a surprise."

"It was nice," Mrs. Weasley smiled. "Bill showed us the tombs he was working with. You would not believe the things the wizards did to muggles back then, nasty stuff. I wouldn't let Ginny go into the last one Bill showed us, everything was so nasty and dangerous."

"And where is Ginny?" James asked looking around. "I'm sure she is growing up to be a beauty like her mother."

Mrs. Weasley laughed with a slight blush and said, "James, really. She is with the twins at the back of the train loading the trunks. Harry should do that too I think, it's almost eleven!"

James nodded and looked at his watch. "By god you're right! Harry! Grab your things and follow me!" Harry sighed and picked up his luggage, promising Hermione and Ron to meet them on the train. James waited till they were a way from the Weasley family then said, "So, I see that you and Hermione are close."


"Nothing, it's just that… well your hug with Hermione seemed a bit long. … Do you like her?" James smiled. "Come on Harry, you can tell me, I'm your dad!"

"She's my friend, of course I like her," Harry said, not understanding his father's question.

James chuckled. "So innocent," he said. "Harry, I meant do you like her more than a friend? You're thirteen now my boy, now's the time you start seeing the world in a new light."

"What… god no!" Harry said, slightly revolted. "Dad! She's my friend I don't want her like—like—" Harry was lost of words as he tried to describe his disgust.

"Like your mother and me?" James asked, trying to help Harry. Harry nodded. "Yeah, I don't want to be that with her!"

James chuckled, "I understand, she's your friend. Would be weird right? Then… how about Ginny? Or any other girl in your school?"

"What—no dad, can please just—I don't want to do that with any of the girls," Harry said irritably. He didn't know why his father was being so… persistent in this matter.

"Alright, alright I understand. You're still growing. But give it time Harry, and I'm sure you'll start to feel differently. Then you'll find a nice girl, a girl who wants you for more than your handsome looks you've inherited from your dad. Ahh—here we are," James said when they reached the back of the train.

Harry said nothing as he lifted his trunk onto the train. James secured Hedwig's cage near Harry's trunk and the two walked back to the Weasleys and Hermione. "Ah, James… wanted to talk to you about something," Mr. Weasley said.

Harry watched as Mr. Weasley and his dad stepped away from the group. "Are you sure that Kingsley can't talk sense to the Minister? It just seems mad—dementors patrolling England!" Mr. Weasley said.

"I agree Arthur, as does Kingsley, but Fudge just won't budge," Harry's dad whispered, thinking that the others couldn't hear them. Harry looked back and saw Mrs. Weasley hugging and saying her goodbyes to the others. "We know it is a bad idea, but he has been working on it for the past ten years. Having the dementors at Hogwarts first however is simply ludicrous! There is no warning for anyone at all."

"You mean you haven't told Harry?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"No, I hoped that Dumbledore or Shaklebolt might have talked some sense into Fudge," Mr. Potter said glancing around. "I honestly don't know what Fudge is looking for with this project."

"All I heard was that it is supposed to find Dark Wizards," Mr. Weasley said. Harry's dad shook his head and said, "Still, this all is excessive."

"Harry dear, hurry up the train is starting to leave," Mrs. Weasley said, shocking Harry back to reality. She gave Harry a hug and waved him goodbye.

"See you Harry!" James yelled out as Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express. "Don't worry get to write!"

"I won't dad!" Harry yelled out before the compartment door closed. He frowned and turned to Ron and Hermione. "We need to talk privately," he said.

"Go away, Ginny," Ron said.

"Oh, that's nice," Ginny said huffily, and she stalked off.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off down the corridor, looking for an empty compartment, but all were full except for the one at the very end of the train. This had only one occupant, a man sitting fast asleep next to the window. Harry, Ron, and Hermione checked on the threshold. The Hogwarts Express was usually reserved for students and they had never seen an adult there before, except for the witch who pushed the food cart.

The stranger was wearing a shabby set of wizards's robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, around Harry's dad's age, his light brown hair was flecked with gray.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron hissed as they sat down and slid the door shut, taking the seats farthest away from the window.

"Professor R. J. Lupin-Black," whispered Hermione at once.

How do you know that?"

"It's on his case," Hermione replied, pointing at the luggage rack over the man's head, where there was a small, battered case. The name Professor R. J. Lupin-Black was stamped across one corner in peeling letters.

"Wonder what he teaches?" Ron said, frowning at Professor Lupin-Black's pallid profile.

"That's obvious, Defense Against the Dark Arts," Harry said. "Just hope he's better than Lockhart."

Ron snickered and nodded. "What do you want to tell us, Harry?" Hermione asked.

Harry looked at her and said, "I've just heard my dad and Mr. Weasley talking about it. The Minister is trying something new at Hogwarts."

"What is it?" Ron interrupted.

"He's having dementors stationed at Hogwarts," Harry breathed.

"What? Why!?" Hermione demanded, her hands covering her hands in shock.

"That doesn't make any sense mate," Ron said. "You sure you heard right?"

Harry nodded and said, "Positive. Dad said that he tried talking to Mr. Shaklebolt to convince the Minister to not do it, but it didn't work."

"But… why dementors?" Ron asked. "Aren't they supposed to stay in Azkaban?"

Harry and Hermione nodded. "Yeah," Harry said. "But your dad said that it's supposed to help find Dark Wizards or something."

"Isn't that your dad's job though?" Ron asked.

"Yeah," Harry said.

"Oh well… at least they won't be at Hogsmeade right?" Ron said. "Can't wait to go there… Fred and George told me loads about it."

"Do you know much about Hogsmeade?" Hermione asked keenly. "I've read it's the only entirely non-Muggle settlement in Britain—"

"Yeah, I think it is," Ron said in an offhand sort of way, "but that's not why I want to go. I just want to get inside Honeydukes!"

"What's that?"

"It's this sweetshop," Ron said, a dreamy look coming over his face, "where they've got everything. …Pepper Imps—they make you smoke at the mouth—and great fat Chocoballs full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream, and really excellent sugar quills, which you can suck in class and just look like you're thinking what to write next—"

"But Hogsmeade's a very interesting place, isn't it?" Hermione pressed on eagerly. "In Sites of Historical Sorcery it says the inn was the headquarters for the 1612 goblin rebellion, and the Shrieking Shack's supposed to be the most severely haunted building in Britain—"

"—and massive sherbet balls that make you levitate a few inches off the ground while you're sucking them," Ron said, who was plainly not listening to a word Hermione was saying.

Hermione looked at Harry. "Won't it be nice to get out of school for a bit and explore Hogsmeade?"

"'Spect it will," Harry said heavily. "You'll have to tell me when you've found out."

"What d'you mean?" Ron said.

"I can't go," Harry said. "I tried to get dad to sign the permission form—multiple times but he just wouldn't! Yesterday the man torn it up!" Harry said a bit too loudly. Professor Lupin-Black made a noise and moved in his seat, but stayed sleeping.

"What? That's insane! Who in their right mind wouldn't allow their kid to go?" Ron complained.

"He can't do that! Can he?" Hermione said.

Harry frowned and shook his head. "He kept saying that it was to protect me," he said.

"Protect you!? From what?" Ron gasped. "Nothing happened our first two years, what makes your dad think something'll happen our third?"

"I don't know!" Harry groaned. "It's just so annoying at times! He kept telling me of all the times he and mum went to Hogsmeade and had fun at Hogwarts, but he won't let me go! It's like he is expecting Malfoy or any the Slytherins to just Curse me on the spot!"

"Well… considering Malfoy…" Ron said slowly.

"That's not the point," Harry said. "The point is that Dad's being too protective with me. I mean, I'm thirteen yeah? I should be able to go to Hogsmeade with you guys."

"Yeah," Ron said, agreeing with Harry.

"Well… with the dementors around now," Hermione said. "I don't know… it could be that they are looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" Harry asked.

"Well it's just a thought," Hermione said.

"Don't worry Harry," Ron said. "I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to Hogsmeade! We can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle—"

"Ron!" Hermione said sharply. "I don't think Harry should be sneaking out of school with the dementors out—what will happen if his dad hears about this!?"

"But we're students," Ron said. "I'm sure the dementors are smart enough to distinguish students and whoever they're looking for."

The Hogwarts express moved steadily north and the scenery outside the window became wilder and darker while the clouds overhead thickened. People were chasing backward and forward past the door of their compartment. Hermione had unlocked her cat Crookshanks, much to Ron's aggression as the cat tried to once eat Scabbers, and the cat had now settled in an empty seat, his squashed face turned toward Ron, his yellow eyes on Ron's top pocket.

The witch who pushed the food cart appeared, and they brought lunch. When Harry was done with his Cauldron Cakes, Draco Malfoy appeared at the door, flanked by his cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Harry looked at Malfoy as the Slytherin glared at him. Malfoy seemed to change too. He, like Seamus, seemed to have grown half a foot and towered over Harry. Harry was sure that if they stood in front of each other, his head could only reach Malfoy's chest. His face seemed to become handsomer, his aristocratic features showing off. Harry wanted to frown at Malfoy's but couldn't. He was confused on why he noticed the features, but right now he pushed that to the back of his mind. "What do you want?" he said.

"Well, look who it is… Potty and the Weasel," Draco smirked. Crabbe and Goyle chuckled trollishly. "I heard your father got his hands on some gold this summer, Weasley," Malfoy said. "Did your mother die of shock?"

"Watch it," Ron threatened. Harry stood up in case he needed to hold Ron back. Professor Lupin-Black gave a snort.

"Who's that?" Malfoy asked, taking an automatic step backward as he spotted Lupin.

"New teacher," Harry said.

Malfoy's silver eyes narrowed; he wasn't foolish enough to pick a fight right under a teacher's nose.

"C'mon," he muttered resentfully to Crabbe and Goyle, and they disappeared.

Harry and Ron sat down, Harry's hand still on Ron's arm as he frowned. That could have gone better, he thought as he realized he was still holding Ron. He let go immediately.

The rain thickened as the train sped yet farther north; the windows were now a solid, shimmering gray, which gradually darkened until lanterns flickered into life all along the corridors and over the luggage racks. The train rattled, the rain hammered, the wind roared, but still Professor Lupin-Black slept.

"Couldn't your dad arrest Malfoy's dad?" Ron asked Harry.

"What? No," Harry said. "I'm sure dad would love to do it, but he can't just arrest someone and call them a Death Eater!"

"But he's a prick, the same as his son!" Ron said.

Harry frowned and said, "Yeah Malfoy's a prick, but I can't just owl my dad and ask him to arrest Malfoy's dad."

The train started to slow down and Hermione looked around confused. "There is no way we can be there yet," she said, checking her watch.

"So why're we stopping?"

The train was getting slower and slower. As the noise of the pistons fell away, the wind and rain sounded louder than ever against the windows.

Harry, who was nearest the door, got up and look into the corridor. All along the carriage, heads were sticking out of their compartments.

The train came to a stop with a jolt, and distant thuds and bangs told them that luggage had fallen out of the racks. Then, without warning, all the lamps went out and they were plunged into total darkness.

"What's going on?" Ron's voice said from behind Harry.

"Ouch!" Hermione gasped. "Ron, that was my foot!"

Harry felt his way back to his seat.

"Do you think we've broken down?"


There was a squeaking sound, and Harry saw the dim black outline of Ron, wiping a patch clean on the window and peering out. "There's something moving out there," he said. "I think people are coming aboard. …"

The door slowly slid open and a cloaked figure appeared. It seemed to tower to the ceiling, it's face was completely hidden beneath its hood. Harry's eyes darted downward, and what he saw made his stomach contract. There was a hand protruding from the cloak and it was glistening, grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water.

An intense cold swept over them all. Harry felt his own breath catch in his chest. The cold went deeper than his skin. It was inside his chest, inside his very heart. Harry's eyes rolled up into his head. He couldn't see. He was drowning in cold. There was a rushing in his ears as though of water. He tried calling for his dad, but he voice couldn't escape his mouth. And then, from far away, he heard screaming, terrible, terrified pleading screams. The last thing he remembered was a thick white fog swirling around him, and a woman's voice yelling "HARRY!"

"Harry! Harry! Are you all right?"

Someone was slapping his face.


Harry opened his eyes; there were lanterns above him, and the floor was shaking—the Hogwarts Express was moving again and the light had come back on. Professor Lupin-Black was now awake and standing over him, as well as Ron and Hermione.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked nervously.

"Yeah," Harry said, looking towards the door. The hooded creature had vanished. "Was that… was that a dementor? What happened? Who screamed?"

"No one screamed, Harry," Hermione said.

"But I heard screaming—"

A loud snap made them all jump. Professor Lupin-Black was breaking an enormous slab of chocolate into pieces.

"Here," he said to Harry, handing him a particularly large piece. "Eat it. It'll help. I need to speak to the driver. Excuse me…"

Harry took the chocolate and took a bite out of it. To his surprise he felt great warmth spread suddenly to the tips of his fingers and toes. Professor Lupin-Black left and Harry looked at Ron and Hermione. "What happened?" he asked again.

"I don't know. The thing… it just came in here and… it felt like I would never be happy again," Hermione said. "You collapsed and the thing went for you, but then Professor Lupin-Black sprang up and this white… force repelled the thing back. I can't really describe it well."

Ron nodded, "Yeah, that is basically what happened." Harry looked at the two of them and continued to eat his chocolate. "Then he gave us chocolate and those unhappy feelings went away."

Harry nodded and looked at the sliding door. "Why did they get on the train?" He wondered out loud. "Surely they know that there wouldn't be any Dark Wizards here." He felt weak and shivery, as though he were recovering from a bad bout of flu; he also felt the beginnings of shame. Why had he gone to pieces like that, when no one else had? What would his father have to say about this?

Professor Lupin-Black had come back. He paused as he entered, looked around, and said with a small smile, "We'll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes. Are you all right, Harry?"

Harry didn't ask how Professor Lupin-Black knew his name.

"Fine," he muttered, embarrassed.

They didn't talk much during the remainder of the journey. At long last, the train stopped at Hogsmeade station, and there was a great scramble to get outside; owls hooted, cats meowed. It was freezing on the tiny platform; rain was driving down in icy sheets. Harry was glad that Malfoy didn't hear about what happened with the dementor. He really did not want to embarrass himself in front of the Slytherin. The trio got onto one of the horseless carriage and relaxed as it drove itself up the path to Hogwarts. "Well, it seems that at least we'll have a professor who knows his stuff," Ron said.

Harry nodded and looked at Ron. He was sitting close to Ron and it was here that he again noticed the differences Ron had. Harry saw faint muscles on Ron's arms, but unlike Seamus' they were a bit more defined, it was obvious that Ron will take after the twins as he grows. Harry kept noticing small details that started to appear on Ron and turned to look at Hermione. Hermione was… Hermione. There wasn't any difference that he could see, not like he could see in Ron and Seamus. Confused he simply smiled at them and joked, "Hope my dad doesn't hear about it. I wouldn't get the end of it."

Ron laughed, "Yeah, he'll probably try to come to Hogwarts to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts himself." Harry and Hermione laughed at the idea, and the mood in the carriage lightened up considerably as they relaxed and fell into easy conversation. Harry just placed his confusion on a fact that maybe differences in boys are easier to spot than differences in girls.

An hour later found Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Great Hall. The Sorting Hat has sung its song and sorted the new First Years. During the song and sorting, Harry kept glancing around, his eyes always falling on Malfoy for some reason. He noticed that Malfoy's hair seemed to shimmer in the firelight, and his eyes, when they weren't glaring at him, seemed like silver orbs that can expression a variety of emotions. Malfoy was currently talking to a dark-skinned Slytherin whose name Harry had forgotten. His mouth opened wide as he laughed, showing his perfect straight teeth.

Dumbledore stood up and smiled at all his students, silently calling for their attention and silence. "Welcome!" Dumbledore called out. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast. …"

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued, "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

He paused, and Harry remembered his father's talk with Mr. Weasley. "They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," Dumbledore continued, "and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises. It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you.

"On a happier note, I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. First, Professor Lupin-Black, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

There was some scattered, rather unenthusiastic applause. Only those who had been in the compartment on the train with Professor Lupin-Black clapped hard.

"As to our second new appointment," Dumbledore continued. "Well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who had agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared at one another stunned. Then they joined in with the applause, which was tumultuous at the Gryffindor table in particular. Dumbledore began the feast and everyone started to eat their fill. Harry smiled the entire way, happy for Hagrid that he had gotten the teaching job. He decided that, even though he was still slightly mad at his father, he should still write to him and tell him about Hagrid.

When they entered the common room, Harry was not paying attention to where he was going and bumped into someone. He started to fall, only to stop and feel arms wrapping around him. He looked up and saw Oliver Wood smiling down at him. "Hey Harry… you okay?" Wood asked.

A blush for some reason appeared on Harry's cheek. He just nodded and muttered, "Yeah… I'm fine Wood."

Oliver Wood chuckled, and Harry noticed how deep Wood's voice sounded up close. "You better be careful Harry, wouldn't want to lose our Seeker due to falling now would we?"

"N-No, we would not," Harry said. Wood helped him to his feet and Harry immediately made his way to the third year's dormitory, his head and mind filled with confusion. He focused enough to write a short letter telling his dad the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Hagrid teaching Care of Magical Creatures. He tied it to Hedwig's leg and watched as she flew away.

Wanting this eventful and confusing day to end, Harry quickly changed into his pajamas and climbed in his bed, making sure to close all of his curtains.

A/N: Thank you so much for all the attention you're giving this! I'm so happy that everyone seems to be liking this so far!

Jokul Frosti: No, no Disney feast. There is no Little Mermaid or Chicken Little (ew) in here.

Kigen Dawn: Harry does care for his daddy! And really? How do other stories portray James Potter?

Littlesprout: thanks! Glad you like it

Zatsune D. Drarryfan: Hello there! At least James is trying. Will he be successful? Nope. For there are some temptations that are just too sweet for Harry.

Kamui5: I will, thanks a lot!

Sasuhinas fan: Aww don't punch James! He's just trying his best. And besides, his wife was killed by LORD VOLDEMORT. We can expect some worrying. No, Sirius is not in Azkaban, his fate is pretty obvious here, and he and Remus never saw Harry for reasons that we will learn NEXT TIME! (maybe).

MinervaMcGee: Thanks and you're welcome!

SuperWhoLockianGuy: Hello! Thank you so much for loving all my fanfictions! Would love to hear from you in the future! To answer your question I update when I am done. During the summer, when I am not working, that is about a few days switching between my two stories. During work and school, its once a week, alternating between stories. So week 1 is Story A, week 2 story b, week 3 story a so on and so forth. Basically, I write when I have time :P