The field of death

After Cedric wakes up in the morning he gathers anything useful and begins his journey again since he wants to find out more about the area he is in.

As he is walking he looks around and he sees trees, bushes, and a lot more plant life than he cared to name off. He continued to walk until he came out of the forest to see vast plains with tall grass that came up to the top of his head. ' How can grass grow this tall? I have never seen it this tall before.'

He looks farther and sees a mountain that seemed to be able to touch the sky. 'Wow well I guess that is where my kingdom will be eventually since I am a dwarf and it just makes sense to have it there.' He isn't sure how far and long he will have to trek to get there but he was in no rush anyway.

He entered the field to go through it since it would take longer than necessary to find a way around. As he moved further into the field he heard screams and loud crashing noises that sounded as if a tree was falling down. He decided it would be best to hurry and get out of here while whatever was happening the attacker would be distracted. He would have gone to check it out but after hearing a snapping noise nearby he quickly changed his mind.

As he hurried to get out of there a body flew by him it looked like some sort of orc or goblin from those video games he played before he ended up wherever this place was. That was when he heard the sound of something or someone running. So he started to run as well then several running sounds could be heard and more screaming could be heard around him. At that point he didn't care if those people or things needed help or not he just wanted to get out of their as soon as humanly possible. 'Wait I'm not human anymore though I'm a dwarf but why?'

As he was running he heard more snapping noises but this time it sounded like something snapping its jaws repeatedly. He didn't dare look behind him as it would slow him down even more than he already was with his short stature.

He then saw that he was almost out of this death trap when it felt like something slammed into him sending him flying luckily towards the way out of the field he landed outside of the field only to see a huge pair of yellow eyes that looked like a cat but that was way to tall of a creature to be a cat or even a loin. Then as quickly as he looked at it it disappeared into the field he wondered 'why didn't it come out of the field to attack him and finish him?'

He checked himself over and found a large bruise on his back. 'At least it isn't as bad as it could of ended up.' He stood up brought his spear out and went in the direction he saw the mountain in he pretty much ran straight forward so he was sure he was going in the right direction.