
Cedric on the following day after he woke up and had breakfast as well as Skyra and Vyra which are the names he decided to give his snake friends. We're going to start their journey again when he noticed tracks that circled around the camp and where he laid they were small foot prints on the ground similar to the size of his feet.

'Strange I thought the snakes would have woken up due to how close the set of foot prints were to where the snakes had laid down around him?' He wondered if the people who made these were the same race as him.

So he and his snake friends went off following them they were conveniently going tords the direction they were headed. So they followed them until they hit a river and then they disappeared not having a clue to as of why decided to give up and continue on little did he know about ten dwarves we're hanging from the tree branches above and had masked their sent so the snakes couldn't smell them. They dropped down and followed the trio because they were curious as to why the dwarf was exuding the aurora of a king.

At the end of the day of traveling with his snake friends and exploring he was tired and hungry so they ate and went to sleep. In the shadows the dwarfs still were following them as now they were. Curious as to where they were headed they didn't have anywhere else to go as of the other kingdom's wouldn't except dwarfs and other dwarven kingdoms isolated themselves due to attacks from dragons and army's of orcs that hated them and were looking to get rich from their gold.

They woke up the trio in the morning wanting to talk to them they threw small rocks at them that would only annoy them not hurt them as they didn't want to die. After being woken up by constant rain of rocks the snakes were going to attack them but Cedric told them to stand down and they obeyed but still showed signs that they weren't pleased.

"What do you want." he asked an old dwarf stepped forward with the rest following behind him and stopped after he came into the clearing. "We wanted ask if we could join you as it seems you are a king and we are looking for a home after ours was destroyed. we fled from their we are what is left of the craftsman of our home everyone else separated believing they could find refuge from other kingdoms and we haven't seen them since we of course tried the same but none would allow us to stay or even to let us in which is surprising since we are better at crafting then the human kingdoms but they wouldn't even bother with us."

"Sure you can come with us on our journey" Cedric said he thought to himself 'what's a kingdom with no subjects.' So they went on as a group to the mountain discussing various subjects on anywhere from fighting skills to crafting skills.

Even though Skyra and Vyra were a little irritated that their sleep was interrupted they eventually throughout the day got to like the new comers more. They were pleased to see that their master was having a pleasant conversation with the new company they have based on what they heard and his body language. So they decided not to eat these ones that they had planned on doing so that night when they 'went' to sleep.

They stopped and made a camp at the end of the day and went to sleep. Cedric wondered what was he going to encounter tomorrow when he woke up. 'Will I see a three headed hydra next?'