chapter 5

It's been three days since I heard the deafening sound. Adrian and Ruby had said that they didn't hear anything. It was weird and honestly, a little frightening. However, I can't stop my thoughts as they keep going back to how Shaw just stood there as I screamed out in pain.

"Miss Nightshade, are you even paying attention?" Mrs. Kingston asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I blush with embarrassment, looking up at her as she wears a stern expression on her face.

I nod quickly. "Sorry, yes I am," I apologize. She nods in return, accepting my apology.

"Just pay better attention next time."

"Yes ma'am," I say, looking down at my hands. She removes her eyes from me to look at the rest of the class.

"Today, as you know from yesterday, we are starting inferring. I'm going to pass out a sheet, the instructions are on it. Answer the questions to the best of your ability," she instructs and begins to pass out the worksheets. I search through my bag for a pencil but find none. I frown. I swear I had tons of spares in here. This happens every year!

"Here, you can have mine. I have extra." Shaw's holding out a pencil from his seat beside me, his voice deep and filled with power. He smiles and I resist the urge to narrow my eyes.

"Thanks." I reluctantly reach out to take it after glancing at the worksheet. I don't know why Shaw is suddenly being nice but I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. But maybe I should've. As soon as my skin encounters the yellow-painted wood, it burns me. I yelp and quickly drop it onto the floor, where it clangs slowly against the floor before rolling under Shaw's desk. Holding my hand, it's still burning and I can see red swelling marks on my skin. Mrs. Kingston rushes over to me, worry on her face.

"What happened?" She takes my hand to examine it and I flinch back in pain.

"I'll take her to the nurse," Shaw volunteers. I go to open my mouth and tell him where he can take him and his pencil when Mrs. Kingston agrees.

"Yes, do that." Our teacher nods her head. Shaw grabs my arm and pulls me up onto my feet. My eyes widen at how strong he is but before I can say anything, he's pulled me put of the classroom and the concerned look on his face has vanished. He's pulling me down the hall when I realize something and plant my feet to drag us to a stop.

"This isn't the way to the nurse's office."

"I know." He continues to pull me and I try to fight against him but he's too strong. He practically throws me into an empty classroom before closing the door. Only then, does he release my arm. I back away from him, my body tense, and eyes glancing from him to the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask cautiously. He starts to slowly walk towards me.

"Ever since I got here, I knew there was something different about you. Your scent didn't, doesn't, match that of a human," he begins to explain. I step backwards, training my eyes on him.

"W-what do you mean?" He sounds crazy and more than ever, I wish school were over so I could go dog walking.

"At first I thought you were a werewolf, what with your golden eyes. Your blood has the delicious smell werewolves carry," he continues on, drawing his lower lip into his mouth before slowly releasing it. "When you collapsed onto the ground from the high frequency sound, I knew you were a werewolf — well, something like one anyways."

"You did that? That- That noise?" A part of me starts to actually grow scared then, fear slowly creeping up my spine.

"Yes." He grins, flashing blazing white teeth. "Today I planned to expose you with Aconitum. You see, it forces werewolves to shift. But when you touched the pencil, it only burned you." His eyes flicker down to my hand and I place in behind my back. "In all of the two hundred years I have been alive, I've never seen anything like it," he murmurs, taking a slow step forward. He enjoys it when I tense. Two hundred years?

Obviously, he's lying but I decide to humor him.

"What are you?" I whisper, my voice shaking and he smirks. I glance over at the desks pushed into a row to my left. I could jump over one of them and run for the door. That flees my mind when his eyes turn blood red and he opens his mouth wide to reveal fangs sliding down from his gums into sharp points that almost pierce his lower lip. I almost choke on my own saliva and in a flash he's moved to cover the space between us. My head hits the wall behind us with the force.

I can feel the burning in my chest — the panic, the fear, the embarrassment of being in this situation. It's almost too much and I want to go home, to be alone.

"Why dear, I'm a vampire," he whispers into my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. Everything inside turns cold, though. My stomach is twisting and I don't know what to do or what is going on.

The door swings open to reveal Adrian and the red in Shaw's eyes begins to recede. "What's going on here?" His voice is tense and from my view over Shaw's shoulder, his eyes are narrowed.

"Nothing, I was just leaving," Shaw lies, not even turning to look at Adrian. "I'll see you later, wolf," his voice almost a hiss in my ear. My breath catches in my throat and I think I might throw up. I don't want to see him later. He slowly pulls away, his ice blue eyes meeting mine before walking out of the empty classroom.

"What were you doing with him?" He's still tense and after everything that just happened, I can't handle it.

"We were just talking." I answer, somewhat truthfully, and try to move past him into the hallway. I want out of this room as soon as possible.

"Sure," he says sarcastically, crossing his arms.

"I don't want to talk about it." I'm thankful for him interrupting whatever that was back there. I truly am. But right now, I can bring myself to talk about something I don't even understand. Twisting around him, I quickly turn down hallways before walking out through one of the heavy, metal double doors that lead outside.

I take a deep breath and start to run, not turning around once to look behind me.