Why did you do that?

Lila understood that her words sounded foolish and naive. But right now she felt a rush of emotions.

"Silly girl. I just want to discuss the wedding with you. With everything that's happened, our wedding is delayed.

Lila blinked when she heard those words. Did he think about the wedding? That was the last thing on her mind. But now that he mentioned it. "You prepared for it, right? Is it okay..."

Haruka chuckled. "It's okay. Remember what I said before. I prepared for this a long time ago. I can adjust the arrangements at any time."

He sounds so confident there. "What if I left you for good?" She left so suddenly like that why did he not interpret it that way? How can this man be so confident in her feelings for him and his feelings?

"You wouldn't do that because you gave me that pendant. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't give me that."

"A farewell gift."

"Quit acting stubborn for. You missed me, I missed you, and we still love each other."

"So what if that is true, how can I trust you when you're not beside me?" Lila exclaimed. She was genuinely happy being able to talk to him like this. But whenever she thought of how far away he is from her, the images from before would come to mind.

He betrayed her only once since their relationship started. Kiryu did it more than one time, and yet why does Kiryu seem more sincere to her? It was only a mistake for Haruka and deliberate for Kiryu. But something is different.


"Im sorry." She quickly ended the call and threw the phone onto the couch. She wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

But somebody immediately pulled her up. "Kiryu..."

"Hey," Kiryu said kindly. "I knew you would be a dummy, but hmmm, I need to reassess you it seems."

"Kiryu." She repeated his name, and that was when she started crying.

"Why did you do that? You missed him, right?"

She did, she missed Haruka every day. But how can she be okay when he is living together with another woman? No matter how much she trusts him, accidents can always occur. Didn't an accident occur before? What is to stop that scenario from

"Indeed, an idiot."

Lila pouted when she heard the insult for the third time. "Again, with the names."

"I told you before if I call you an idiot, it usually has a meaning."

He gently patted her back. "Are you fine? Should we stay like this for a while?"

Lila nodded. "I am sorry about this, Kiryu. I know I am behaving strangely..."

He shook his head. "Just relax, Lila, everything will be fine. Haruka really loves you; please believe in him."

Believe huh? That is easier said than done. She wonders how her mother did it? How did mother believe in father when they were not together? Her parent's love story always amazed her. They were separated several times, and yet they still got back together. Why?


Back in New York

A man with long brown hair exhaled deeply as he stared at the phone in his hands. The man that stood there was none other than Karashima - no Kanagawa Haruka, Lila's husband.

The call ended a few minutes ago, but he still stood there, shocked. Damn, it seems like he messed that one up quite badly. Haruka knew he ought to have said something or maybe just let her talk.

She's gotten prettier. Haruka knew that his wife would get prettier and prettier as time goes by. But this change surprised even him. That caught him off guard. She was already beautiful before but now? Now she was drop-dead gorgeous.

Aaagh, he wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to do all kinds of stuff to her. He managed to brush it off, but it seems like his wife understood him.

Haruka glanced over at the doorway of the party down the hall. He doesn't want to go back. It should be fine to stay out here for a few minutes, right?

His thoughts broke off when he saw a group of guys leave the party with a drunk girl. But it was not a normal drunk girl. He recognized the brown hair from a distance and sighed. Why is this woman so hopeless when she is drunk? Haruka walked over and grabbed one of the man's arms.

"What do you think your doing?" Haruka said coldly.

"Crap, it's her husband."

Haruka did not need to say anymore; his icy glare was clearly enough to send the men running. He turned to the woman, crouched down on the ground and sighed. He picked her up. "Let's go back, Rikka."


The moment they got inside, Rikka kissed him deeply. Haruka however, pushed her away. "Let me get you something to sobber you up."

"Haruka, why do you never touch me? Arent, we married?"

At that comment, Haruka bit his lip. He supposes it was time to tell her the truth. He only went along with that lie at the time due to the situation. But Rikka has had enough time to heal.

"Follow me," Haruka asked.

Rikka quietly followed after him as he went up the stairs. This woman is Shinozaki Rikka, his ex-girlfriend. They are currently living together. No, he is not cheating. When Lila left him, he decided to finish his business here in New York and chase after her. But then that accident happened.

He does not know the cause of that earthquake to this very day. But major news sources reported that it was man-made. Some state they saw somebody with a superpower do it. Nobody knows for sure, but it led to severe deaths and accidents. Rikka was caught up in the center of it.

The doctor instructed that he pretended to be her husband since she seemed traumatized. Haruka had no choice but to agree when he arrived at the location and saved her. Rikka seemed visibly shaken.

When they arrived at the room at the bottom of the hallway, Rikka hugged him from the back. "You told me never to go in there."

"Let's just go inside."

Rikka seemed to hesitate but nodded. Haruka took out the key from his necklace chain and unlocked the door. He flicked the lights on, and Rikka immediately let go of him. The girl seemed very shocked.

It was only normal for her to be surprised, on the walls and ceilings were photographs of Lila and him.