Memory of that Starry night Part 1

The place Kiryu brought her to was a gorgeous waterfall area at the edge of town. Lila blinked when she saw how the trees were still standing; the flowers in the surroundings still in bloom. To think there is still a place like this that is unaffected by everything.

Her thoughts broke off when Kiryu suddenly removed his shirt, and she averted her gaze. "It's too cold to go swimming."

Kiryu nodded. "Well, I agree there. But this water is supposedly good for healing wounds."

Good for healing wounds? At that comment, she briefly glanced over and saw dark markings across his skin. Her eyes widened alarmed, and she immediately rushed over. But just like earlier, she lost her balance. Kiryu catches her, but both of them fell into the water.

"Geez," Kiryu mumbled.

"Sorry--hachoo." Lila immediately sneezed, and Kiryu sighed, he pointed to her now soaked shirt. "Uh, no its okay."

"At least get yourself dried up. I have towels in my bag."

Lila slowly nodded her head. Her gaze fell towards the black markings and she extended her hand out. Kiryu however grabbed hold of it. "Was it painful?"

His gaze softened and he lightly brushed their forehead together. "It was painful, but when I thought of you all the pain vanished."

Lila wanted to cry but she knew she had to hold it back. During this time shedding tears is wrong. Kiryu is the one suffering here, so why is she the one crying? She felt his thumb brush across her eyelids.

"Lila." Kiryu said kindly.

He didn't say everything will be okay or even promise to stop being careless. But for her that was just fine.

After a few minutes she finally calmed down and climbed out of the water. It felt strange being left alone with him like this. After she got together with Haruka, and saw how uneasy he was regarding Kiryu. Lila decided to avoid the latter. She knew that was wrong of her and she initially did not want to do but Haruka looked so hurt.

She leaned her back against the tree, feeling exhausted.


She dreamed about something that happened not too long ago. But it already felt like forever.

A sixteen year old Terashima Lila rushing to the rooftop. Her friends texted her moments ago to go to the school.

The year 2035- March- Rooftop. 11:00pm

Ah, everybody here!

Her Kiryu? Where is h--she hears a clattering sound and looks behind her. Seeing the stairs, she blinks. Perhaps... She looks back at where her friends are, no Kiryu. Even though it's dark, she can tell that he isn't there. Then, he's surely in that place. Lila climbs up the stairs, no sooner did she the top though does she lose her balance.

But instead of falling, she felt somebody grab her arm and pull her out.

"How many times does this make this now? Your too clumsy, my Lila." Kiryu sighed. The person who caught her was none other than her boyfriend/fiance Austin Kiryu.

"T--t--t--ha--nk you." Lila stammered.

"Mm, your welcome."

Is it because it's dark? She feels slightly more self-conscious than she usual. Then again, it isn't new since they started dating. No, even before then.

"What's the matter? Are you not going to get close?" Kiryu asked.

"Ah, um, um, I'm nervous!!" She immediately blurted it out.

"I see. Nervous, eh?" Kiryu's large hands gently caress her cheeks.


"Want to lay down? And watch the fireworks together?"

Kiryus words filled with kindness, and yet it feels like there is something more to it than before. She wonders what this feeling is. Since earlier, something seems different.

"There are going to be fireworks?!"

"Mm, soon."

Lila happily nods, and Kiryu lays down on a piece of cloth. When she saw it, Lila blinks. Normally, Kiryu just lays down on the floor.  ... She stares at him for a few minutes and immediately understood.

He is so silly. She quickly joins him. The moment she rested her head on his chest, she felt his gentle hands run through her hair.

"You alright? Sorry about earlier. I got surrounded."

"Ah-huh, I wanted to save you! But, I saw how important they were. So, I had to hold back from rescuing you." Lila sighed at the memory. How dare those people try to take Kiryu away from her.

"What if they were a group of pretty girls?"

"I would save you quickly!"

Kiryu laughs. "I see."

Is he saying that because it will happen soon? She frowns at the thought and wraps her arms around him protectively. He laughs, and she buries her face in his chest. So warm.

Lila wondered why it's always so warm beside him. Such gentle hands, such kindness. Is it because he loves her, that he can show her this side of himself? A side that he no longer acknowledges? It's complicated. His lips graze her hair.

"What are you thinking?" Kiryu mumbled.

"About how much I love you, Kiryu."

"Just the usual then."

"En." Before she could talk to Kiryu about what mother just said, she felts his lips on hers. A gentle and brief kiss and yet, Lila felt her heartbeat turn rapid.

Uwaaaaahhhh! What? What? Kiryu is kissing her. Why is he suddenly doing th- her thoughts broke off when he bit her bottom lip. She somehow managed to open her lips. In that next second, he gave her what he would call a passionate kiss.

"My Lila."

"Y--y-yes?" She stuttered.


"Y--yes, um, um..." He suddenly pulls her on top, and her whole face explodes.

Waaahhh, Uwaah. Kiryu's lips are kissing her in places he shouldn't.

"So red and so beautiful."

Wha--what does she say? What can she say? Whenever Kiryu behaves this way, she does not know what to do. No, she should know by now. How many times did this happen already? She knows what to do, and yet her heart is beating like crazy.

"All mine," Kiryu repeated each word slowly, making him seem more seductive than usual.

"Um, bring it!"

Al-although it's embarrassing, she will have to do her best to hold her voice.

To her surprise, laughter escapes his lips. "You are amazing, Lila, and you always seem to surprise me."

"Is that a good thing? Kiryu, do you like surprises?" Lila asked.

"I do if they are from you."