The Escape I

Ever since she was a child, her family raised her living in luxury.

She was at the very top of the elite circle, unlike her cousin Sophia. Her only problem was dealing with the expectations of her family. Such concerns seem so very minor now, but back then, they meant the world to her. Back then, she spent so many days worrying about such superficial things.

'I would never have been exposed to this type of treatment.' But what uses is there thinking of the past? Even if things were to return to normal, it does not change that she has now slept with countless men.

It does not change the horrors she has had to experience since her cousin kidnapped her.

A part of her understood that this would never have happened if she just remained in Star Town. If she didn't chase after Haruka and go to New York, they would not have used her.

Rikka reluctantly parted ways with Kira Maaya and followed the messenger out of the room.

Rikka was already suspicious about this sudden summons. 'Sophia rarely calls out to her.' Ever since the day she was kidnapped, she only summoned her privately a few times. Quite some time has passed since the last time too.

She shook her head. 'I ought to see her. I need to find out when Sophia is leaving next.' There were times where Sophia would goof somewhere and be absent for at least a week.

She left the note behind from Kira Maaya, knowing it would be too risky to bring it with her.

The moment she entered Sophia's quarters, she heard the sound of heavy moaning. She clenched her fist, understanding. The room is covered in a red-colored light making the atmosphere even more alluring. There she spotted two people on the bed.

A heavily tattooed man on top of a gorgeous woman was Haruka and Sophia. Rikka felt sick watching how Haruka was kissing and doing it with Sophia with no restraint.

'No, with that blank look in his eyes.'

"Did you just call me here so I can see this?"

At that comment, Sophia tilted her head to look over and giggled. "It's not my fault that Haruka is all over me."

"All over you? You---" Rikka couldn't even finish her sentence since she watched as Sophia deeply pierced her fingernails on Haruka's shoulders.

A pained grunt escaped his lips, and Rikka exclaimed. "Sophia."

Her cousin laughed. "Calm down; this is what normally happens when you feel good. A few marks won't make a difference."

Rikka bit her lip. 'I can't watch this.' She walked over to the bed and tapped Haruka's shoulders. "Haruka, you have to stop. You can't let her do this to you."

She knew her words were futile. For the past month or so, Haruka has been in this condition. Excessive torture for only five days, and he broke. Even holding out for that long was a miracle enough. Now whenever anybody talks to him, he looks at them with an empty gaze.

To her surprise, he suddenly paused and turned to her. His gaze still seemed lifeless, but he was staring at her.


Sophia's gaze dimmed. "It seems you truly are special, cousin. You're the only one he reacts to. That's no good; that means my torture isn't enough." She trailed off and giggled. "Haruka, since you like her so much, you know what to do, right?"

Rikka didn't get a chance to say anything before Haruka pulled her down onto the bed. He pushed her legs apart and tore her gown, exposing her bare skin.

She flinched when she felt his lips on her lower regions. He was licking and sucking non-stop without even looking at her.

"Isn't this great cousin? Your beloved Haruka is touching you."

How can anybody be happy with this situation? Look what they have done to him.

In the beginning, when he still had his consciousness. Haruka reassured her and told her that they would get through this together. But that promise only lasted for five days. On the fifth day, he broke down.

She didn't know what they did to him. Sometimes they made her watch, but most times, she had no idea. For them to get to him like that, exactly what did they do?

"Why..inn.." Rikka suppressed her moans. "-- did you call me here?"

"I was just thinking, cousin, you're not attached to that friend of yours, are you?"

Rikka paused, knowing who she was speaking about. "Why?"

"Lately, she is very vocal about searching for you." Sophia sighed deeply. "It's getting annoying."

She shuddered, hearing those words. "Don't..."

Rikka understood what Sophia would do to women she dislikes. It would end up like her present situation. What Sophia wants to do is break them down, so they have no chance to return to their normal lives. Her main targets are those who lived in luxury.

The females in the elite circle were the ones her cousin targeted first when this happened. She sold them all off as slaves or turned them into killing machines. She made it so that they will forever remain filthy.

"Well, I suppose I won't, but my cousin, does that mean you will agree to meet with that client?"

"Yes." Rikka hesitated, but she had no choice. Even though she disagreed at first, Sophia will find a way to make her agree, and she found one.

Why would she agree to sleep with that man who openly tried to court her mother and then chased after her younger cousins? Rikka closed her eyes. Times are different now; she has long fallen from grace. But even then, she still had a degree of morals. Her thoughts broke off when Haruka entered her, and she cried out.

Rikka wrapped her arms around Haruka's shoulders; her breathing was unsteady. He has barely done anything, and yet she is like this already.

But even if Haruka is doing this with her, how can she be happy? The current Haruka has no memories; he is like a puppet obeying everything Sophia wants.

No, if Haruka regains his memories after this, he will surely hate her. He will hate her, and he will hate himself for touching her. Rikka knew how much he regretted that time he accidentally mistook her for Lila and slept with her.

Her thoughts broke off when she saw Sophia holding a camera up. "What?"

"I thought it was about time I send this to Lila. This isn't the first time I have filmed you two, but I never sent it. I have quite the collection already; this one, though, should break her down."

Huh? Why would it- Rikka didn't get a chance to finish that sentence when Haruka kissed her. It was no normal kiss; there was something passionate about it.

"I love you, Rikka." It was faint, but it was no doubt his voice.

Her eyes widened. He can speak? But shouldn't the excessive torture made him unable to speak- rikka turned to Sophia. No, it isn't Haruka speaking. A recording? But why does it sound like Haruka said those words?

Sophia didn't say another word for the next few hours and continued to film, and Haruka became even more aggressive. She lost count of how many times she came, how many times he roughly entered her. A continuous streams of moans, no animal-like sounds passed her lips.

Rikka felt her vision turning blurry. It was too much; eventually, she collapsed against him.

His arms wrapped around her waist were the only things supporting her. She panted heavily as she weakly turned to Sophia, who had finished filming.

Sophia waltz over and cupped her cheeks. A sinister smile appeared on her face. "It was that good for you?"

"Sophia." Rikka cursed. "You-you won't get away with this."

The blonde-haired woman laughed. "I won't? I already have." Her gaze dimmed. "Wait until I send all this to that woman. She will no longer entertain any thoughts of taking Haruka back. Even though I made it look like he died, how can she walk around bravely and patrol while searching for clues? The annoying thing is she has no memories but still!"

Her eyes widened when she heard that last part. Lila-san also lost her memories? But then what about Haruka? Rikka was hoping that when they escape, she would be able to leave Haruka with Lila-san. But if she also forgot, no Rikka paused as she recalled what Sophia just mentioned.

Searching for clues even though she doesn't remember?

It seems she never stood a chance against Terashima Lila after all. Even though she does not remember, her heart fully understands well who she loves. Those deep emotions she has for Haruka has not vanished.