
Haruka woke up to the small waves of light passing through the curtains. He felt very strange, it felt like in his dreams somebody was here and said goodbye to him. He automatically placed his hand on his lips. It felt like a certain warmth lingered there. But he couldn't describe what it was.

It's not like they kissed a lot before they went to sleep. Maybe it is just him?

Despite his amnesia-like state, Haruka understood that he not only liked calling this woman called Lila his wife, but he also liked touching her.

Haruka looked around the room and realized she wasn't there. He frowned for a moment before spotting a note beside a pair of clothes.

'Wear these.

If you wake up without me there, I'm making breakfast.'

He looked at the nicely ironed pair of clothes and paused. 'Sometimes it feels like I am taking advantage of her goodwill.' Not having memories is one thing, but having her do everything for him has its share of problems.

Haruka knew better than to try anything in his current state. He still has his mornings feeling terrible. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad taking it easy for a while until he adjusts.

He doesn't know what he was doing before he came here. But judging from the marks on his body, it probably isn't something good. He quickly exited the room and walked along the corridor.

It surprised him how large this place was on the inside, considering how it looked small on the outside.

The current understanding he has of his situation still isn't good. But he has learned to grasp what is happening in his surroundings. At the very least, he knew that they lived in dangerous times. There is a reason why they mainly close all the windows, and why occasionally they would use candles rather than electricity for light source.

Haruka didn't know what was happening outside since they instructed him that it was too dangerous to go out. It feels wrong, just staying here aimlessly every day. But if things are truly dangerous outside, there is a higher chance he will be in the way.

He does know they are in New York, but the reason why was odd. It is clear that they do not live here. He was Japanese, and so were the rest of them. Why weren't they in Japan? Before he came here, what was he doing?

All of it seemed very strange to him. Haruka navigated through the different doors and found Lila in the kitchen. She had her hair tied up in a high ponytail and wore a plain apron. There were various dishes on the table already, but it seemed like she was cooking some more.

Something was mesmerizing about her just cooking. So he stood there watching for a few minutes. Perhaps his gaze was too intense since she noticed him.

"Ah." Lila turned around. "Good morning."

"Yeah, morning."

"Are you hungry?"

"A little."

He isn't too fussed about food. It feels like he can go without it. Haruka watched her for a few minutes before he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her from the back. He inhaled her sweet scent, and for a moment, they remained like that.

But at some point, he had his hands on her; he raised her shirt slightly to touch her breasts. His lips were sucking the soft flesh of her neck.

Lila blushed. "Oh, wait." She moved away slightly. "Lately, you do these things more often."

For the next few minutes, he can touch her like normal. But she suddenly drew back with a red-stained face.

"Recently, you keep doing this."

If he told her that he wanted to do this from the very first day he saw her, Haruka wondered what she would think.

"I'm sorry, do you not like it?"

"Well, I do…."

Does she like it? Haruka stared at her dumbfounded for a few seconds before mumbling something.

"You're my wife, right?"

Lila nodded slowly. "But you know my own memories are hazy too."

"I've heard."

Or rather, it was one of the first things the silver-haired one told him.

"I want us to try and remember together." Haruka knew this girl was very important to him.

She hesitantly wrapped her arms around his neck and mumbled. "Me too."

There was a mini couch in the kitchen area, so Haruka carried her over. "Tell me about yourself.

"Hmmm, I suppose there isn't much to say. It seemed before I lost my memories all I knew what to do was to sing and dance."

That explains the large amount of music stuff in her room.

"I like your singing," Haruka commented.

Although she doesn't sing often, nor does she do so in front of others. He has heard her.

Lila's lips blossom into a bright smile. "It makes me very happy hearing you say that, Haruka."

"Call me husband."

The girl laughed softly. "I don't think it makes much of a difference, but it's alright. I know you are my husband."

Lila seems to be younger than him, but how much younger? 'I can't be too far apart from her age; otherwise, why would they marry.'

That woman with brown hair and amethyst-colored eyes is the girl's mother. So basically, his mother-in-law. But sometimes, he felt repulsed whenever he saw her. It was an unusual feeling.

Even though he has amnesia, it seems like his body naturally reacts to those he likes and those he dislikes. But there was one person he had unusual feelings towards. It was the man who Lila spoke a lot to.

Haruka looked around cautiously. "That guy isn't here?"

"Ah, you mean Kiryu?"


"He went out on patrol with the others."

So that meant it was just them. That is a good thing; with so many people around all the time, it was difficult for him. The current him cannot handle so many people.

Does that mean that woman also went with them? A woman came with him, so Haruka had meant to speak with her. She should know what he has been doing and why he separated from his wife for so long. But whenever he looked at her, he naturally felt disgusted.

He needs to apologize for his behavior the other day and put aside those feelings. The reality is he has no memories right now, so his behavior towards her was rude. Besides, she seemed concerned for him.

"Haruka? What is the matter?"

"That woman from yesterday."

"Oh." Lila suddenly scratched her head awkwardly. "Do you want to meet with her?"

"I was thinking of apologizing; she seemed worried for me."

"It seems she left the manor with mother. I think she will be staying with my mother from now on."

Oh, Haruka looked disappointed. He was hoping to learn more about his circumstances, but it seemed like he lost the chance. "Will they be visiting?"

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. It seems she went through a lot, and mother has set up a therapy program with a specialist. It will probably be hard for her to return until she gets better. But I will ask for you if she can have visitors."

"I see."

She mainly kept to herself if he thought about it; he barely saw her out of his room. When he did see her, he was with Lila, and she would rush off immediately after getting a glance at his face. Sometimes he would catch her watching them for a few minutes. She seemed scared of something. Whenever he passed by her room when Sumire-san was visiting, he often caught the words torture and immediately reacted to it.