Your so important to me

There is a high chance of that being the case. Lila stole another glance at Kiryu, hoping that she would tell. But Nobuhiko's questioning diverted her attention. After two hours, they finally dissolved the meeting. Lila looked at Kiryu, who stood up; she immediately noticed how weak his movements were.

Her thoughts broke off when Haruka hugged her and kissed her cheek softly. "I'm just going to give Cecilia some blood."

Lila stepped on his foot, and he yelped. "Hey, we aren't going to do it like that."

"Your not? Or rather did you already? Why was she blushing like that earlier?"

"That girl blushes about anything; she is easily shy. I only gave her my blood in the form of a drink. I've never let her touch me."

'Except that time you were unconscious and drenched-' Lila stopped herself from saying that, however. She does not want to make Haruka feel even more guilty. By now, he must have regained his memories of what happened during his captivity.

Lila wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. She felt Haruka wrap his arms around her waist as he kissed her back deeply.

"We can continue this later?"

Lila nodded. "Mmm, later." She trailed off. "Haruka, I have to-"

'I have to make sure Kiryu is okay.' Although since they reunited, Haruka has been oddly calm regarding Kiryu. She does not want to push his luck and make him mad.

To her surprise, Haruka did so before she could finish her sentence. "Check up on Kiryu, okay? He doesn't look well."

Her eyes widened when she heard him say these words. He is indeed a lot more understanding than before. But even with that, she thought he would still feel uneasy towards Kiryu. Back then, he was often uneasy and insecure.

He continued to do those despicable things because he was under the impression that she did not like him and would return to Kiryu.

It was so foolish and silly of him. But she cannot belittle his insecurities. After all, she was the same, all those girls who liked Haruka appeared. They all knew him far better than her. Who was that woman again? The one who made Haruka act naturally around her?

It took Lila a moment to think of the name. Aizawa Mei, that one- She felt very disturbed for the first time. 'Haruka has never behaved that way in front of me.' Haruka always seemed restless around her, but with Aizawa, he acted naturally.

Her emotions became a mess when she learned the existence of Haruka's first girlfriend. At the start, he lied to her and said that he hadn't dated anybody before. She always wondered why he said that, and even now, that question remains a mystery.

Although she knew he would answer her if she asked now. She does not want to bring up Rikka-chan anymore.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt Haruka brush his forehead lightly against hers. "I'm going to miss you."

Lila laughed softly. "You're so silly."

But she also thinks the same. She no longer wants to be apart from him for even a moment. Lila briefly closed her eyes. After all of this ends, they can hold their wedding and continue with her career. But she will make sure she isn't so overworked that she won't have time to spend with her family.

With Haruka and her son, she wants to create loads of memories. However, before she does that, she still has to settle.

Haruka eventually left, and she turned to Kiryu, who was resting on the sofa. Lila walked over and casually sat on the seat beside him. At first, nobody spoke, but eventually, she hears Kiryu apologize.


"Why are you apologizing again?"

Why does Kiryu always have to apologize? It's her fault, her fault that he is suffering. It's her fault for falling in love with somebody who isn't him.

Lila felt the tears well up from her eyes again. Oh no, what is she doing crying? She has no right to cry. But her heart hurts so much; it hurts because she understands already. It is far too late for them; she cannot return to Kiryu.

Her feelings towards Kiryu? Those feelings of love it's different. The love she has left for him isn't one she has for a romantic partner anymore.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt somebody wipe her tears away. It was Kiryu; he looked at her with a conflicted look on his face.

"Lila, it's okay. I will be fine."

She shook her head. "I tried to cleanly cut you off before. I thought it would be enough if I drew a line between us. But that's not enough. I can't continue to watch you suffer like this."

Even though he hides it from her, how can she not know how much he is suffering? It has taken all her willpower to turn a blind eye to his sufferings, but she can't continue to ignore him. She can't watch him in pain.

"Even if- even if," Lila sobbed. "Even if we can't be together. I still think of you as family. Your so important to me. How could I watch you fall to despair? You, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to stand today."

If Kiryu was not there for her during the seven years her mother disappeared, she would have surely fallen apart. When times were difficult, he was there for her. This person is more important than a partner than her own family.

Kiryu laughed weakly. "You really know how to make me speechless." He trailed off. "Will you listen to me ramble for a bit?"

Lila slowly nodded her head.

"The first time I fell in love with you? I have had plenty of time to think about it since we broke up. Sure I fell for you at first sight when we were younger. But the moment my feelings grew stronger? There was that time when I was getting bullied. I was making my way up the ranks in the entertainment industry fairly quickly, and many didn't like that."

"They had no right to bully you." Lila felt angry just at the mere mention of it.

"But I was not the type of person who would confront them. I didn't care for such people. I could ignore it, but you couldn't tolerate it. You got angry and cried on my behalf. The first time I properly realized my feelings was when you first protected me from those beatings. Despite having a weak body, you defended me until your body broke down."