I wanted to be you

After examining the outside a bit more, she went inside the house, at least what remained, and inspected the damage. She even found where Mikami-kun hid that item.

When she saw the key, Lila immediately understood. It seems like Kouta-kun, and the others made the connection. Yes, this key is crucial to the final fight. But it is not just the keys but also the shards.

She did not get a chance to inspect properly because she received word from the servants. 'It seems like they are fighting.' She did not waste any time calling and only heard the sound of something crashing.

It was the first time in her life when she used her mist ability to get her to her location quickly. But with the current state of her body, it took a larger toll on her body, so she was exhausted. Lila immediately slid the doors open, but instead of witnessing a fight- she saw Kiryu sitting on the couch with some papers on his lap.

On the other hand, Haruka was strumming some chords on his guitar.

Lila blinked when she saw the two chatting happily.


Haruka looked over at her and stood up. "Hey, that was fast? I thought you would take longer_" He trailed off and wiped the sweat from her forehead with his hands. "You're all sweaty and out of breath. Didn't you take the car?"

"Um, where's the fight? The blood?"

"Hey Haruka, look, she misunderstood because you dropped your guitar."

Haruka tugged on her hand. "We wrote a song for you."

"You two together?" Lila could not believe what she was hearing.

They were indeed getting along earlier. But she assumed it was only for show. She trusted Haruka to look after Kiryu. But she did not think there would be much conversation between them after she left. Moreover, when she heard that they were fighting, she immediately assumed it to be accurate and even confirmed it with that large bang sound.

The entire time when she was rushing here

"Her soul looks kike it's going to leave her body. Do something."

"Look away."

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a familiar pair of lips on hers. It did not take her long before her shock returned.

"Are you calm now?"

"You didn't use your tongue."

Haruka rubbed the back of his head. "Lila, Kiryu is stull here."

Why does he have to be so considerate! 'I want my proper kiss!'

When she saw Haruka hesitate, Lila wrapped her arms around his neck and quickly stole a kiss.

But it did not last long since she heard the sound of something dropping. "I see; you two didn't come here to take care of me but to make me worse."

Uh-oh, maybe she shouldn't have done that.

Haruka sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You should know what she is like, right? Even I have no say when she is like this."

"True, she is very stubborn. She used to attack me whenever, even when we were in school. I lost count of how many times I had to cover for her."


"Now you're trying to spite me, arent you? It's a good thing that's an event that happened in the past."

Uh, what is with the lightning bolts between them? Weren't they having a harmonious chat a minute ago? Her thoughts broke off when she heard the sound of her phone.

From Soichiro

My dear, you have the nerve to rush off.

Oops, she almost forgot about Soichiro. She left him behind halfway.

"Sorry, I'm going to go out again-" Lila's sentence fell short when Haruka kissed her.

"Yeah, have a safe trip."

If-if she wasn't embarrassed before, she was embarrassed now. What is with him? Since when could he kiss her so gently? What is with that gentle look in his eyes? If he behaves this way, she can't even scold him for being shameless anymore.


The moment Lila left the room, Haruka immediately fell to the ground. Kiryu looked

"Hey, Haruka, you okay-"

"What am I going to do? She is too cute."

Kiryu's eyes widened when he saw Haruka's red cheeks. "You really like Lila."

He thought he already knew this. He thought he understood. But for the first time, he has truly felt like he has lost.


"I see. I guess it's over for me. I don't even have any fighting spirit left."

How can he possibly fight back when they are so happy together?

"During my training, there was a time where I thought that even if I mastered control of my hanyou powers, I would only hurt her. If she is by your side, she will be happier; you would be able to protect her."

'You have to tell him directly.'

He released the anger he concealed towards Haruka this entire time at those words. Before Kiryu knew it, he had stood up and punched Haruka.

"You piss me off. You will hurt Lila? You cant protect her? What is your idea of protecting? Is it to keep her safe from everything that will harm her? You already know that's not possible. There are some things you cannot keep her safe from. She will end up hurt. She is a human being, humans get hurt, and they feel pain. It is the same for her. Do you think you have no qualifications just because you failed to shield her from these things? Who do you think you are, your not special."

"Shut up!" Haruka yelled back. "You have no idea how difficult it has been for me. After the accident, I wanted nothing more than to rush to her side. But not only did my stupid man interfere, once I saw her in the hospital like that, I realized I couldn't do anything the way I was. So I disappeared out of her life for a while. When I was finally ready to see her, she met you, and then I understood something. The one who will protect this girl is not me but you."

Kiryu's eyes widened when he heard those words.

"I wanted to be you. I wanted to be like you. Perhaps I could get closer to her again if I was like you. Perhaps she would look my way once more."

This stupid idiot. Why does he have to be like him? He is pissing him off. Perhaps it was because he suppressed his emotions this entire time, but before he knew it, he was punching Haruka repeatedly.

"You're the one who should shut up. That's my line, it was me. I was jealous of you. I wanted to be like you. Did you know? Even though we spent so many years together, she always looked so lonely and sad. She missed you. Even though she couldn't remember you, her heart was calling out for you. I did my best to make her happy, but it wasn't enough. Sometimes I would find her crying at night. During those times, I was so helpless. I thought, `What would Haruka do if he was here?" Kiryu felt the tears fall from his eyes. "How dare you say such things? It was always me. If I was more like you then she wouldn't cry like that."