Unsealed Box Part 2

With her eldest sister studying elsewhere right now and both her brothers wandering off due to having the adventure blood. She is the only child in the Terashima family household now. So mother spends most of her time with her. But recently, there have been some days where she would not come back until very late.

'I am only four years old. No matter how mature hanyou children are. I know that there are things I cannot interfere in.'

"Is it because you slept with Nagawa? You know I don't care about that."

Sumire turned around with anger and shame in her eyes. "Y-you, If you knew why are you still-"

"I know you did that to spite me. Do you think I will stop staying by your side and helping you with Lila just because of that?"

"I am this type of woman. Just because I am dying of loneliness without my husband, I slept with another man because I wanted to draw the line between us. I am the worst."

"For me, you're the prettiest person in this world." Ren drew mother into his arms. "Are you afraid? It's okay; we are close to contacting Terashima. You just have to wait for a bit longer; you can still rely on me until then. It's hard raising a child alone, but you're not by yourself. I will always be here for you."

"Ren, I miss Yuhi so much."

"I know."

Lila immediately retreated back inside the house, and she slumped on the couch in the living room.

So that's why mother has Uncle Nagawa's scent on her recently. Mother is so stupid; even if she does something like that, father Yuhi won't return. But, it's the first time for her to hear her mother cry like that.

For mother, can it only be father, Yuhi?

What about father Ren? Where does that leave him? Father Ren said they are close to finding a way to contact her father. When that happens- Lila slapped her cheeks. Even if she is curious about the father, she has never met him before.

The thought of becoming a family with him is beyond strange. Ever since she was much younger, the only person she could call father was Kanagawa Ren.

Her thoughts broke off when the doors opened, and she felt somebody lift her up. "Lila, eavesdropping is a bad habit of yours."

"Uh you found out?"

"Your mother noticed you; she told me to apologize to you. You don't like being by yourself because you hear those voices in your head. 'I did something irresponsible as her mother.'"

At those words, Lila frantically shook her head. "Mother did not do anything wrong!"

"Mm, your right; she didn't. But she will keep blaming herself."

"Is mother very lonely? I asked her before, and she called me silly. 'How can I be lonely when I have you?'"

Ren placed her down on the couch and kneeled. "Since you are sharper than most children, I will not bother hiding it from you. Yes, your mother is very lonely. She misses your father a lot. Your mother clings to you so much because you resemble your father. If you were not around, she would have broken down a long time ago. You are the reason she can still stand now."

'But if I looked more like her than father Yuhi, then mother would-'

"Lila, your not curious about your father? Sumire told me that you always show little interest."

At that comment, a dark aura surrounded her. "Even though you already know the reason why! Father Ren, your so cruel." Lila snarled.

"Don't get worked up; you will destroy your cute face."


"I understand, Lila. I know you want me to become your father and I would also like that very much. Since you were born, I have treated you as my own child, and I am very attached to you. People say you resemble your father, but you resemble Sumire more for me. You resemble the one I love; how can I not love you just as much as I do her?"

She knew that father Ren was trying to draw a line, but his words only made her cry more. She clung to him tightly. "You won't become my father?"

"Yeah, I am sorry, Lila. But it's because I love your mother so much that I can tell. Nobody else but your father can enter her heart. Your father also loves your mother just as much."

"If he loves us, he wouldn't have a woman on the outside."

"Hey, where did you hear that from?"

"No, I didn't hear it. I just concluded it recently. Father Yuhi is part of the entertainment industry, and there are many temptations. I also saw some rumors on the net about how he was a womanizer before he dated his mother. So-"

At those words, Ren flicked her forehead.

"Don't read that stuff; it's just gossip. You know that the media has a bad habit of interfering with your mother's private life."

"I know, but there is no other explanation. I just saw him on TV the other day. Isn't he supposed to be busy? If he has enough time to appear on TV, the least he can do is contact us."

"Lila, you can't tell? The person on TV isn't your father."


A troubled look appeared on her face. What is he talking about?

"It's a bit complicated to explain right now. But do not worry, I am working on making everything right. All you can do is stand by your mother's side right now."

"What about you? Why don't you visit as much as before? I think you can help mother more than me."

"It's just-"


"It's getting late; you should get some sleep. Why don't I sing you a song?"

"Okay!" Lila beamed happily.

'I like mothers singing the most, but Ren-san's singing is good too.'

It did not take long before they reached her room. Ren-san placed her down on the bed and joined her with his guitar in his hands.

For mother and Ren-san, music is very important. But she wonders if it's the same for father Yuhi? For that person, is music important to- Lila paused when she listened carefully to the song Ren-san played.

"This is one of my father's songs?"

"Yeah, I am surprised you noticed."

"It's because mother always listens to it."

Why is he playing one of her father's songs now?

"Father Yuhi, what do you think of him?"

She is curious how Ren-san views her real father. Father Yuhi is the reason why mother cannot return his feelings. Does Ren-san dislike father, Yuhi?

"My opinion, huh? I guess I never thought of it before."

"How is that possible?"

At those words, Ren laughed. "Well, I was too focused on making sure your mother was happy. Since your father made her smile the most, how could I possibly dislike him?"

Is that how it is? She thought there would be more of a rivalry between them?