It's time

It was early dawn, so nobody was in sight as they traveled through the main streets. There was not a shred of light in the air; even though it had been like this for the last few months, she still couldn't get used to it. Akari, Rinna, Kouta, Takehiro, and Mikami-kun are already at the tower.

Mother, father, and Satomi-nii are with the members of Hyou4 in the special stage area, just in case something happens at the tower,

This left her, Haruka, Kiryu, and Kotori-chan.

Later on, they will divide themselves into two groups. She, Kotori-chan, and Kiryu will go to the tower after battling the infected. At the same time, Haruka and Nobuhiko will go to the sphere. Last night almost like Sophia knew, a large airship appeared in mid-air; they sensed the sphere there.

A fight in the air? It made her uneasy, but she knew it would be difficult to confront Sophia with the infected around.

She goes over the plan repeatedly. Sing, she has to focus on singing and when the moment is right. She will use the lock and keys; when she does, it will transfer the energy to Haruka and stabilize his condition. But it will also open up a path for Yumeko and Kasumi, and the others to return.

The guys from the assembly are their main unit regarding fighting the infected.

Suddenly Haruka stopped and pulled her into his arms.

There is a large explosion not too far from them, and the path ahead of them crumbles.

"It seems Hyou4 has made their move."

"But those bombs attract way too much attention." Nobuhiko trailed off. "But I guess that is the point?"

Right as Nobuhiko said that another bomb goes off, and they hear the sound of gunfire. So it seems like Sophia does have normal people who are not infected fighting for her?

Lila held her breath as they ran through the intense heat and smoke. Haruka kept shielding her with his cloak. "Almost at the teleportation area. Lila, stay close to me."

There was gunfire all around them and intense shouting from both sides. There are no infected in this area, and this is a normal gunfight. But it was still an unsightly sight.

"I think you should change your plans a bit." A familiar voice suddenly said.

Her eyes widened when she saw the person before her. It was a woman with long blonde hair. Ah- Lila immediately rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. "Kyoko-nee!"

Kyoko laughed. "Your still such a silly child. It's fine. I am okay now."

Lila cautiously glanced over at her sister's leg. Surprisingly, she saw no signs of discomfort.

"Thank you again Haruka-kun."

She looked over at her husband in amazement. Could it be he also helped cure Kyoko-nee? Lila ran back and hugged him.

"Hey, don't cry now." Haruka wiped her tears. "This is a battlefield. I cant get hot and heavy with you here."

"You're an idiot."

Kyoko chuckled. "You two are the same as ever."

"What do you mean change our plans?"

"The teleportation device ahead is surrounded by the infected. It is impossible to get close. Lila-chan's current state makes it hard for her to be near the infected, right?"

"Then what should we do?"

"There is a tunnel nearby; it connects directly to the tower. Huan will lead you there."

At those words, somebody leaped down from one of the debris. "Hey, my best friend and cute sister."

Haruka's eyes twitched, annoyed. "You are impossible to contact. Where the hell have you been?"

Before Huan could respond, they heard the sound of frantic voices. The Hyou4 unit was being shot at one by one and gradually falling. Lila looked around and spotted some people snipping from buildings nearby.

"We have to help-"

At those words, Kyoko tapped her forehead. "Do not get distracted. I will cover this area. Huan, take them and go away."

"Alright, but don't push yourself."

Lila didn't get a chance to say another word as she felt her brother grab hold of her hand and pull her in another direction. The others followed in suit, and she briefly turned around to look back at her sister.

The moment she did, she saw a familiar burst of turquoise-colored energy. A relieved sigh passed her lips. It seems she has recovered her strength, which is good. She can thank Haruka for this later.

The way to this tunnel was not easy; the enemies stopped focusing on the Hyou4 members and turned their attention towards them. It did not take long before the enemies surrounded them. The more they knocked them down, the more came in larger waves than before.

Kiryu pulled out his gun and sighed. "This is such a pain. Oi Haruka, help me out."

"Hey, I'm supposed to be in charge."

"Haruka-san, you worry about the oddest details." Nobuhiko pulled out some test tubes from his pocket and threw it towards the enemy, causing a large smokescreen to appear.

Her brother leads her and Kotori-chan further down. It did not take long before they reached the end of the hallway. She watched as her brother tapped several times on the ground.

"Um, brother, what are you doing?"

"Relax, trust me on this."

Lila, however, felt very uneasy. Even if her brother has the adventure blood, he hasn't been around this entire time. What exactly has he been doing? Her thoughts broke off when she saw part of the ground open up by his feet and stairs leading downstairs appeared.

"Huan, did you find it?" Haruka re-emerged behind them.


"Then this is where we split off. I think I can head to the airship from here."

Lila looked at him, horrified. Didn't he say he would see her off? Haruka pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. "Mmm."

"You can have more of that later, my wife. But Nobuhiko found a shortcut; it's better to start ahead than later."


"Ssh, it's fine. Kiryu will take care of you."

"But I-"

She doesn't want him to go; she is getting a bad feeling. Haruka kissed her again and this time more deeply. She even felt his hands on her clothes. His desire for her was evident, and she felt her cheeks grow hot. "You dummy."

"Now I'm all worked up. I am more than motivated to rush so we can finish."

"Please, you have to be careful."

"I will."

They hear the sound of monstrous cries. "Here comes the infected. Lila, go." Haruka pushed her towards her brother.