Everyone's radiance

'I am glad for you, Yumeko-chan.' Lila watched the scene with a warm gaze. Her brother seems very happy; it is the first time in a long time for her to see him this cheerful. Unconsciously these two have always smiled around others, but not many noticed how forced their smiles were.

Nearly everybody is here now, except there is still one person missing.

Year 20-

"My spirit is burning."

"Don't get your go board out."


"I'm just thinking that looks nice." Lila pointed to the seating area. "It's still there even now, I'm glad."

"Come to think of it; Aunt Sumire used to perform here all the time as Angel."

"Un. Twelve years ago, I was sitting there. That's where I first saw mother perform. Mother was dazzlingly brightly and radiant. Seeing that performance inspired me to be just like her, to shine as brightly. That's when my dream was born."

"The story of the idol Terashima Sumire begins got its start here, huh?"

"Now it's your turn, Lila."


"Fill up this stage with sparkles and make the whole audience's stories glimmer with your brilliance."

"We'll help you make this into an unforgettable performance."

"Yosh! I'm going to shine my heart out."

She was very lonely when she went to Light town; she left her friends behind. She left her entire life behind and restarted everything. Even when she met her friends again, there was a rift between them; it was not the same as before.

Her thoughts broke off when she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps rushing. "Hold it, if you continue to sing without the great Maaya-sama, then I am afraid you will get punished."

Lila's eyes widened when she saw a woman with ginger-colored hair. Her eyes brightened. "Maaya!"

Maaya winked. "It seems like I made it for the grand song."

At those words, Kasumi interjected. "Except your late."

"H-hey! I wanted to come here right away too, but the infected are so annoying!"

"You say that, but I bet you snacked on your way here."

Rinna extended her handkerchief out. "You have crumbs on your mouth."

She wants to perform with everyone properly again. Due to the focus on her solo career and the friction between them when she returned. The four of them have not performed together in a long time, but now they can finally sing together.


Lila: How am I going to convey my feelings towards you?

Excitement, I have waited and yearned for you.

Kasumi: Even if time passed and I still couldn't express it,

Maaya: Now I'll give the countless days that I have had for you

Lila: The winds that had passed through me tells me the seasons are getting closer.

Rinna: I want to go back to the days when I didn't know the world.

Kasumi: Now my images is reflected to the world.

Lila: Some time ago, I have lost my preciousness

Lila/Maaya: Cause I have grown up, yeah

Lila: I need you! Always be by my side.

All: Don't let go of me

Kasumi: The black nights is spreading inside of me

All: For my dream is shining inside me

Maaya: It is flowing somewhere on my milkyway

Lila: When I hold out my small hand to call you, you'll always wait at the usual place.

Kasumi: The secret promise that you whispered to me, at the same time, I just want to be with you.

Maaya: On that day, I have waited for you to listen

Lila/Maaya: Carefully to the song

Lila: I believe I who accidentally found love

Rinna: You have been watching over me

Kasumi: I was waiting for you at the place where

Maaya: We are always able to meet

Rinna: While I was confined in a complex world, I was afraid I couldn't reach you

Lila: But with the start of a new day, I could still go on

After several songs, however, Lila noticed that the bar on the lock and keys was still not full. Is it not enough yet? But they have already sang a lot.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt Kasumi place her hand on her shoulder. "I guess that's that."

Rinna nodded. "Right?"

Maaya sighed. "So much for my time to shine."

Lila looked at the three confused, and Kasumi was the first one to break the silence.

"Although the power of four is amazing, the energy the locks and keys need. The remaining infected need energy will most likely come from your song."

It's okay.

It's okay---! Ah, if she screams that out loud. People may hear and think she's gone weird. So, she shouldn't. But, it really is fine. Even if she doesn't repeat it several times in a row, it's already okay, isn't it?

Even though there are still so many things that she's afraid of. She can't say for sure that the present has truly overcome her demons; there are still many things that she needs to resolve. But, even so, she knows she will be alright now.

It will be alright because she is not alone anymore. Even when she was in light town starting over with a new identity, and even during the time there was friction between her friends and her. From the very start, she was never alone. Although she can never beat her mother, there is something she won't lose to her with.

Her feelings, it is because of everyone that she came this far. 'I want everyone to shine brightly. I want us all to become brighter than stars and shine.'

Star Jet

"I want to shine even brighter

and become a star that only I can be!

Walking in shoes that don't fit right will end up tiring you

That's because our dreams aren't that small

Since when did we grow up so soon? Once we look at the future

We'll become gleeful, and the world will become enjoyable

The scenery around us is like a different view around this time last year

It makes me feel like I can do anything

The real challenge starts now

I'll become who I want to be! So let's head out on an adventure

A coord that's only second-best is boring and unfulfilling

Set your hearts free! The right answer is up to us to decide

Don't stop once you've started running! Where is your courage to aim higher?

So become the number one star with your Star jet."

Her thoughts broke off when she saw a bright light ahead of her. Oh this? It's the same, the same as that time.

A bright light...

Oh, this voice --!


She hears the sound of beautiful laughter, "Really, I was right. It's you, Lila-chan."

"Um, um, Mother, where are you?"

"Where do you think?"

Lila looked around and then saw the staircase ah. This, it looks like that one, the legendary stairs. It's not the same one, but, Mothers up there. Mother is surely there. These past few days, she hasn't seen Mother at all. So, she's been very worried. Mother was not around, and Ren-san went somewhere; it felt like all her nightmares were returning. A scary place, nobody around. She had nothing to lose and rushed up the stairs.