Victory Will Be Ours

The forest was silent.

Dragunov motioned for his riders, eyeing them to take the separate paths. The forest, even though glistened in sunlight, had gargantuan trees that covered enough paths to cast a shadow. He sauntered together with half of the troops, slowly.

He knew this place. It was his home for years. That he knew was his advantage.

The Aleshkovskyan army did not know a tunnel lied just inside the camp that led to the outside. Dragunov had planned it years before in case someone tries to attack, and he was right all along.

"Follow me," he said that was almost a whisper. 

He walked his horse towards the area where they could see the Aleshkovskyan army wearing silver-plated armor, their backs on them. They were scattered all over the forest. Inch by inch, they moved closer, cornering the camp as the Astrenmirian soldiers guarded the passage.