Death or Sword?

Seraphim was considered a legendary spirit in the world, considered as the ruler of the sky and one if not the strongest beast spirit. However, it had long since disappeared, even considered extinct like a lot of others spirits. The last documented Seraphim was none other than Qian Renxue who reached the peak and became the Angel Goddess, the founder of the Dawn Church whose name is known by all even now after 20.000 years.

Xueqin's Seraphim spread its twelve wings, batting them, spreading a holy and divine energy all across the room.

It wasn't even a normal Seraphim as a normal one would only have 6 wings. This was an Ultimate Seraphim, the same exact spirit as the Angel Goddess, it was a god spirit!

The man recovered from his stunned state. The shock in his eye was replaced by sadness that quickly became killing intent as he looked at the Seraphim spirit. He gripped his greatsword with a determined look, an oppressive aura coming from him. He lifted his greatsword, swinging it towards Xueqin with a momentum that would crash even mountain.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRR!" A roar surged from Xueqin's body, for an instant, the golden holy aura became oppressive and dominant. Also, strange energy surged from Xueqin that completely shocked the man, making him waver his determination.

The man stopped his greatsword just some centimeters before hitting Xueqin, for an instant, the man was feeling suppressed by the little boy. No, it wasn't suppression, it was like his greatsword had not wanted to kill the little boy.

The man's expression changed again for one of indecision as he looked at Xueqin. The Seraphim had disappeared and with it the holy and divine aura around the boy. Now, the boy had landed to the ground, floating in front of him stood a simple and weak 55 cm long sword. It seemed so brittle that a little hit could break it, moreover, it didn't even have an edge.

"Twin spirit" Murmured the man as his heat was going at full speed thinking about a plan.

Xueqin opened his eyes, his gaze changing from the sword now in his hands to the man "It is something good, Sir?" He shyly asked, the oppressive aura around the man was too much form him, making his body shiver.

The man ignored Xueqin "Yin, innate spirit power!" He ordered.

"Qian Xueqin, full innate spirit power. Data already send" The woman's voice state.

"As expected" murmured the man "The parameters are already sent, so it's impossible to change, but I would be able to hide it" He said thoughtfully "Yin, finish the report. Qian Xueqin, full innate spirit power, spirit simple sword, qualities unknown!"

The Dawn Chuch almost controlled the monopoly of spirit awakenings, especially of the normal people as families of spirit masters had their own methods. The other forces of the continent wouldn't let him keep that privilege easily, as if completely exploded, the Dawn Church would be able to take under his coat every talented person before its competitors.

The way to solve this problem was complete transparency. At every awakening, the spirit power is automatically recorded, posting it over to everyone to see, making it impossible to hide it. Then, the one in charge of the awakening had to fill it with the spirit. The death penalty wasn't an unusual punishment if it's found that the person in charge lied about the spirit.

However, twin spirits were a legal void. In some awakenings, the kid could even hide his second spirit, not making responsible at the person in charge if he only stated as one spirit. But twin spirits were so rare that it truly wasn't much of a problem. The man was using this legal void to hide the existence of the Ultimate Seraphim spirit of Xueqin.

The other reason that he had this monopoly was that the Dawn Church didn't usually recruit young spirit masters with the exemption of that who had the holy attribute that were highly sought.

"Report completed and registered" The computer printed a paper stating Xueqin's status.


Name: Qian Xueqin

Age: 6 years old

Innate Soul Power: 10

Spirit: Simply Sword?

Incredible talent, it is recommended an exhaustive reinforcement and study of his spirit. Completely access to any Primary Academy.


That paper was the one used to access the Primary Academy. There were two types of Primary Academies, the one owned by the Dawn Church where it was free of charge or the private ones that had different prices, but better installations than the Dawn Church who only taught the essential. Once people passed to the intermediary academies, there wasn't the Dawn Church option as they were prohibited by the Federation to own intermediary or high academies, with the exemption of their main one that only accepted people with holy spirits.

The man took out the paper and destroyed it.

"Hey!" Xueqin complained "I need it to go with sister Chi at the academy!"

The man turned to Xueqin with a murderous look, making Xueqin flinch "You won't need it" The man gripped his greatsword an evil and dark aura surged from it.

Xueqin's body shivered uncontrollably before the aura. Rather than a Cardinal of the Dawn Church, the man in front of him seemed more an Evil God!

Without being able to react or sense anything, the man had already arrived just in front of Xueqin, his greatsword piercing over the boy's body.

"Buarg!" Xueqin vomited blood as his body was pushed, clashing to the wall.

"Buaaa!" Xueqin started crying, all his body was in pain. But strangely, there was no wound from the sword, it was only the light crash with the wall.

"Kid, I don't have much of patience, if you don't stop..." Killing aura surged from the man "I'll kill you!"

Xueqin tried to stop, but the tears were uncontrollably falling from his eyes. Even if he had a good head over his shoulders and was very bright and intelligent, it didn't change the fact that he was only a 6 years old.

The man retracted his weak killing intent, his greatsword disappearing, and sighed "That's why I hate dealing with kids" He made a sad face "I don't know how you could cope it them"

The man approached at the crying Xueqin and lowered his body "Kid, listen carefully because I won't repeat it and this will mark your future."

Xueqin with some tears in his eyes, nodded.

"Good. I will give you two options, kid" The man lifted one finger "The first one is to die" Xueqin made a terrified face "It's easy."

"And the other option?" Xueqin asked shyly, trying to clean his tears.

"You must become strong, very strong" said the man lifting his second finger "However, you would have banned the use of your Seraphim spirit. You must become strong with that sword in your hands."

Xueqin looked at the sword at his hands with confusion "Why?"

"You can't show the Seraphim over the world or something worst than death will happen. However, with a weak spirit like this" The man pointed at the sword "You won't be able to lie to anyone that you have innate full soul power. People will suspect that you possess a second spirit. Do you understand it?"

Xueqin though for a moment, calming himself down and nodded "Yes, I understand. I must make my spirit seem strong enough to explain my spirit power."

(At least the kid is mature and intelligent for his age) The man sighed in relief.

"You have twin spirits. There are two cases of twin spirits. The first one is that both spirits had similar strength, the other one is that the gap in strength is extremely wide. Yours is the last case as nothing can be compared with the Ultimate Seraphim spirit. If you don't train the sword, have a talent for it, and become a powerhouse. I'll kill you!" The man leaked a little of killing intent.

The man put his hand over Xueqin's chest, at the area that his greatsword had 'pierced' Xueqin "I already marked you with my intent. You can't escape from me and if you use your Seraphim spirit, I will detect without mattering where in this world you are".

Xueqin gulped before the mortal threat.

"Now choose. A quick, easy and painless death. Or I live of lies and insufferable pain, always training with your body always near breaking apart. I can promise you a complete year of suffering, with pain far greater than what you never thought about." The man threatened to crash Xueqin with his aura trying to scare him. If the man saw Xueqin doubt even for a second, he would risk it, choosing for the kid and killing him.

However, Xueqin didn't doubt, he cleaned his tears with a determined face said "I will train. I will become strong and life. It didn't matter how painful it was" He said with a face that didn't seem to come from a 6 years old kid (I won't let Chi alone. I will become strong and live with her!)

"Good eyes, kid" The man smirked, offering his hand to Xueqin to help him stand up "I am Shi Mucheng. From today, I will be your master."