
"You are too young to do any sort of muscle training so we will focus on your resistance" Mucheng explained "You will run towards our destination, doing at least 50 km each day. You are able to rest, but never to only walk."

Xueqin made a despaired face "It's impossible, how could I run so much every day, even for adults is impossible!"

"Stop thinking about normal humans" Mucheng said angrily "You are no normal anymore. You are cultivation the road towards the peak. Using spirit power, this would make an easy walk. Now, run!"

Knowing that there was no way to change Mucheng's mind, Xueqin was forced to start running under the careful gaze of his master who calmly walked backward, keeping his distance with Xueqin, each of his steps, seemed to travel a long distance.

"I can't continue! I need to stop" After running continuously for 5 kilometers, Xueqin was panting exhausted, his body complaining and ordering him to stop. In the end, he was only a little boy of barely 6 years, with his spirit awakened the day before.

"I already told you, use spirit power to strengthen yourself!" Mucheng commanded "If you can't run it today, the rest would be added for tomorrow. Keep in mind, that I would only let you train the sword after you finish the run if you continue like this, do you think you would be able to manifest the sword intent?"

Xueqin's face contorted while he continued panting. He didn't know how difficult or how much he would need to create his Sword Intent, he didn't even understand what truly was! And this madman that forced himself as his master was avoiding his practice to keep him running. He needed to finish these kilometers, if not he won't become strong enough for his master.

Xueqin clenched his hand and lifted his head, looking at Mucheng "How can I use the spirit energy?"

"You finally asked, eh?" Mucheng said sarcastically "Spirit energy is the energy of Heaven and Earth, flowing all over your body using your spirit as a conductor. It flows all around the body, strengthening."

"This doesn't explain anything useful!" Xueqin complained.

"Once you awakened your spirit, spirit energy started flowing over your body. Think about that warm feeling when you awakened and what had changed of your body." Mucheng explained "I won't teach you any cultivation technique, so just use it as you feel it."

Xueqin didn't know how to react. He thought that Mucheng as his master, the first thing that would teach him would be a cultivation technique. For what he had learned, there were a lot of different techniques, better or worst, common or rare, and some of a strange nature. But he really didn't know any of them. How could he become a spirit master without cultivating?

Moreover, if he understood it fine, he is already at rank 10. He would need a spirit soul from the Spirit Pagoda to create his first ring, being able to breakthrough and truly become a spirit master. However, looking at Mucheng's cold face, he truly didn't dare to ask.

Xueqin closed his eyes, focusing on his body, trying to remember that warm feeling flowing all around his body. He could feel a little grasp of it, but it was impossible to control.

"Don't try to force it. See how it naturally flow and slowly make it flow over your body" Mucheng explained. "Start running again, this time focusing on your body. See how you can improve your control."

Xueqin followed Mucheng's words and started running again. He was really tired and his speed was barely superior to his usual walking speed, but he focused on his spirit power.

The day finished with a total of 10 kilometers ran by Xueqin who was completely exhausted.

Over the next days, the number of kilometers didn't change much, every time being even more difficult for him due to the accumulated fatigue. The tears had stopped falling, as he was too dry for them, his black hair had lost its luster due to the dirt and some scratches were all over his body as he had pushed himself to continue, falling to the ground exhausted more than one time.

"I am forcing him too much?" Mumbled Mucheng as he approached the sleeping Xueqin. Leaning his right towards him, he started sensing the spirit power flow around him. He sensed great and powerful spirit energy flowing around his body, unconsciously healing all the damage at an incredible speed.

Xueqin's natural healing was over the roof! His body was much stronger than what it had been at the start, like he had been reborn. Mucheng shook his head "I'm underestimating the Seraphim. I'll need to push him even more."

As the days passed, Xueqin was slowly grasping his spirit power, starting to control it. It started as an unconscious act, but he was developing his control, adapting to his situation. Since then, running became much easier, after 15 days finally reaching the 50 km mark.

Finally, one day, Xueqin completed all the running parts with spare time after 2 months. It would have taken far less, but the training was becoming more difficult. The plain path turned mountainous and some little weights were added over Xueqin's body making the 50 km much difficult than at the start.

Xueqin turned to Mucheng who coldly looked at him "I finished running!" A little proud smile over his face, even when he was scared of what would come after. However, he needed it. It didn't matter how difficult or painful it became, he would embrace himself and become stronger. He was completely determined to create his Sword Intent, for his life and for being able to see Chi again.

"Finally" Mucheng sighed tiredly "Do 1000 swings with your sword. If you have time, meditate over your sword."

Xueqin face seemed to want to cry again "I will start learning about the Sword Intent someday?"

"You must focus on your foundation. You are too weak, to even start." Mucheng turned around "If you have time to complain, it would be better using it to train. If you continue like this, you won't make it. We are approaching our destination."

"I hate you! Meanie!" Xueqin shouted but was completely ignored. He didn't have any other option, he invoked his sword, positioned his feet and arms and started to do vertical swings.

When he had already got used to running, controlling his spirit energy over his legs, strengthening them, he found himself starting again. Now, he needed to strengthen his arms at the same time that he must take into account the expense of manifesting his spirit. Luckily, its consumption wasn't much.

Contrary to the running, it became much more natural. It must be added the already experience when he ran, but he found himself quickly improving his every swing.

He understood. His stance was wrong, swinging the sword wasn't something that only fell to the arms. It was necessary the coordination of all the body and muscles.

As Xueqin swung the sword, a smile appeared over his face. He was enjoying it. It was only the sword and him, dancing together a dance called swordsmanship. There was no tiredness or sore muscles as he continued swinging the sword.

Doing the last slash, it could greatly appreciate Xueqin's change. From the sloppy way of swinging his sword around to a good sword stance with any big flaw. In some hours, he accomplished what others take months or even years and all of this, without any advice or tip. He was truly a monster about the sword.

"Good job, today" Xueqin looked with shock at Mucheng. It was the first time that he directly congratulated "Go rest"

Xueqin stepped forward "I can cont-" Exactly the same as with his trance happened, his headache returned, his legs and arms giving away. He had spent too much spirit energy keeping his sword manifested and supporting his weak muscles, his limit reaching the limit, falling to the ground asleep.

Mucheng shook his head "I never thought that someone could overexert himself so much in trance. His trances are too profound. I'll need to teach him how to better sense his body." Mucheng, like every day, covered him with a blanket, taking it out just before he wakes up.