Shrek City

Shrek City was the biggest city of the Sun and Moon Federation with millions of residents and with a history that could go to thousands of years. It had a special charm over it, mixing old buildings with the latest technology.

It was the place where the famous Shrek Academy was founded, the considered strongest academy, and where the headquarters of the Spirit Pagoda was built that could be easily seen all over the city as the enormous tower that pierced the sky, being the tallest building all over the continent. Boosting immense economic and political interest, Shrek City was undoubtedly the number one city of the Federation.

It was almost evening and the streets continued full of people. Over one crowded street, two figures were walking one next to the other, the people over his surroundings making space from them, creating a free space at their surroundings. They were wearing ragged clothes covered by brown cloaks. One of them was tall about 2 meters tall and the other one seemed to be a child about 1,2 meter tall.

With their image, they seemed homeless people, but what truly scared people was the tall man. With a shiny eye under his cloak, the man exuded a powerful aura warning people to not approach.

The little child was looking around, continuously turning his head in awe of the new city, making himself seem like a country bumpkin. The tall man warning him, causing the child to lower his head in shame.

The two cloaked people traversed the city, finally entering a luxurious hotel. It had a wide reception, all adorned with beautiful paintings, flowers and some seats. Over a desk stood a beautiful black haired receptionist whose face contorted seeing the two cloaked people enter.

Just before she was about to call for the security, the tall man had already reached her side, causing her to flinch due to his presence and smell. The man took out two cards from over his coat and let them over the desk. One of them was a platinum credit card and the other was a badge with 5 pairs of wings.

Seeing them, the receptionist's eyes opened wide, she was completely stunned. She showed her professionalism and quickly recovered, all the disgust and fright for the two cloaked people disappearing, a big smile appearing over her face.

"What can we offer to your excellency, sir cardinal?" She said politely and with respect as she bowed.

"One room for two nights" The tall answered shortly.

"We will prepare our best suit immediately" she turned around taking some keys from a shelf. Giving the key to the man "There is some luggage or anything that you would require, sir?"

"No" Answered the man "Prepare some food and send it to the room. Knock the door and leave it there. Never enter the room"

"Of course sir!" The receptionist bowed and made a signal. Two young twin blond-haired beautiful girls appeared and bowed towards the cloaked people "We will guide you towards your room, sir!" They said at the same time.

They were guided over a luxurious elevator that lifted them to the last floor where only a single suit stood after a wide hall. The girls opened the double door revealing the big room with any luxury that could be imagined.

"We pray that is to your taste" The girls said "If there is anything, you can call us at any time" They bowed before leaving.

Being now alone, the little child took out his cloak, showing an almost black skin due to all the dirt in with a dirt black hair and beautiful golden eyes. Of course, he was Qian Xueqin.

"Finally a bed!" He jumped over a big bed, rubbing his face in it After having been 6 months traveling, sleeping on the hard ground, any bed would be heaven for Xueqin, without telling this super luxurious, soft and comfortable bed.

"Calm down, Xueqin. Go to the shower first." The tall man took out his hood revealing his black and white hair and sharp eyes, one of them with a big scar. He was Xueqin's master, Mucheng.

"Yes, master!" Xueqin stood up and quickly ran towards the bath. After having not truly bathed all over the trip, at most using a little water to clean himself, Xueqin enjoyed a good and long bath over an hour.

The bath door opened, Xueqin leaving from it. He seemed to shine, his pure white skin, his shining black hair and sparkly golden eyes, he was the definition of cuteness. He seemed to have been reborn, anyone would imagine that the boy had suffered a hell from 6 months of continuous training, that he was the same as before. People would truly think that the water of the hotel could make miracles.

Looking around, Xueqin's eyes shined brightly "Food!" A full course of different foods stood in front of him.

"You can eat, but do not overboard" Warned Mucheng.

"Yes, master!" Xueqin quickly nodded before launching towards the food. He started devouring all the food at incredible speed "Delicious!" Even some tears of joy fell from his eyes. Being able to eat true food after 6 months of the bland cubs was truly a blessing. Xueqin finished it all, 15 different servings.

"You can go sleep for today" Mucheng said "Tomorrow you have to wake up early, I already prepared a date for you at the Spirit Pagoda."

Xueqin brimmed excited "I will obtain my first spirit soul?" Mucheng nodded "Can I choose it?"

"I already choose one for you." Answered Mucheng.

"What is it? Is cool? Strong?" Xueqin excitedly asked doing low jumps.

"You will see it once you have it" Mucheng asked coldly "Tomorrow at 9, you should be at the Spirit Pagoda, show them this" Mucheng put over a table a letter "And take the spirit soul that they give you. You will absorb it here with me. In no circumstances you will absorb it there. If asked, say that it's about a secret of your clan." Mucheng said seriously "Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Xueqin nodded remembering all the details.

"Good, now go to sleep" Mucheng said before going to an individual room.

Xueqin tired about all his trip, he laid over the bed. He started thinking about all that had happened in these months and how much he had changed. Finally, he quicky fell asleep thinking that he was nearer to see Chi.