Myriad Colored Being

"Could I know your name?" the little girl asked respectfully.

Xueqin was a little uncomfortable before such a noble girl "I am Qian Xueqin. Nice to meet you."

Weilan gazed at him for an instant, frowning a little "Are you related with Qian Qingming?"

"How could I be related to the pope?!" Xueqin answered shocked.

"So you are an orphan" Weilan breathed out, letting herself fall backward, landing over one of the sofas, lifting her legs, resting them over a table. Just like that, the noble and dollish charm about her disappeared. While she had some proud and arrogant look in her face now, it wasn't all bad, she seemed much real than before. "I thought that you were some of that stuck up nobles."

It must be known that the Qian surname was mostly a declaration of orphans. There was no big clan or noble family with the Qian surname. Even when some orphans had risen into power, becoming very strong and influential. It was rare when they choose to keep their surname, even more pass it to their children. Who would name their children after the orphans? Preferring to choose the surname of their lovers or create a new one.

While there were exemptions, they weren't very important. The only remarkable exemption was the pope of the Dawn Church, considered one of the most influential people over the three continents. Once someone ascended, becoming pope, he would abandon his previous surname, taking Qian like the new one. In the case, they had descendants or family, it was usual for them to also have the Qian surname.

Knowing that Xueqin wasn't related to the pope, adding the lack of etiquette from him, Weilan was sure that he was an orphan. So, she didn't need to keep her facade, being able to behave more naturally.

"Sorry, but..." Xueqin asked shyly "Are you related with Ning Maya?" he signaled at the mural.

Weilan facepalmed "How can you be so stupid to not know it?" She stood up, lifting her head and signaling herself "I am part of the mainline of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan" She said proudly "Ning Maya was the head of my clan 10.000 years ago, making our clan the strongest of the world."

"So you are her descendant?" asked Xueqin curiously.

"Not exactly" Weilan evaded his gaze a little "That we had recorded, she didn't have any descendence, our clan continuing with her brother Ning Tian." She opened her eyes wide and quietly said "I shouldn't have said that." She lifted her face towards Xueqin "Please, don't say to anyone that, grangran had prohibited me to tell the real clan story."

Xueqin didn't really understand why that little information was a secret and what importance had, but he nodded at her, giving a reassuring smile. She sighing in relief.

"Can you tell me who is the blue-haired boy?" Xueqin asked.

Weilan looked at her surroundings like making sure that there wasn't anyone listening. "Okay, but not tell anyone."

Xueqin smiled seeing her brash and cute acts. Undoubtedly, he preferred her like this than the perfect doll style.

"He is Ning Maya's lover, Wu Jian. It's not really a secret, but Ning Maya preferred to give a cold air to the outside." Weilan said "He was the Sword Douluo of his time and its said that it had a great rivalry with Huo Yuhao over who controlled ice better."

"And what ab-" "I already answered you some questions, now it's my turn" Weiling interrupted Xueqin who nodded letting her ask.

"How could a mere orphan be chosen to have a Myriad Colored Being?" Weilan asked glancing seriously at Xueqin.

"Myriad Colored Being?" Xueqin tilted his head confused.

"Ahhh!" Weilan seemed angry "You didn't know about it? How could you be such an idiot?" Weiling signaled at Xueqin.

"Don't call me again idiot!" Xueqin said offended "I'm not an idiot! It's only that nobody had taught me about it before! Idiots are the ones that judge others without knowing them, idiot!"

"You call me an idiot?" Weilan shouted angrily. She lifted her arm, a little gun appearing over her hand "Repent in your next life!" "Bang!" She shot it, an energy bullet shooting towards Xueqin.

Xueqin quickly reacted at the minimum sense of danger, invoking his sword. He crossed over his body, blocking the bullet. Nevertheless, he was pushed over 3 meters by the impact. Xueqin quickly realized that the bullets lacked piercing power, being unable to kill him, but it would have hit him strongly nevertheless.

"You are crazy! I will call the police!" Xueqin shouted.

"Who would care for an orphan!!?" It seemed that Weilan didn't take the insults well, becoming more enraged, her eyes burning with wrath. Just as she was about to shoot again a voice was listened "Little Wei'Er, could you explain to me why did you take your weapon out?"

It was a soft and melodic voice that seemed full of worry, but Weilan's face instantly paled, becoming pure white. She turned back towards the voice, lightly smiled at her trying, without any accomplishment, to put her perfect doll act.

Over the door that Xueqin came, another person had appeared. She was an extremely beautiful woman that seemed to be around 30 years old. She had beautiful amethyst eyes, long pink hair wore in a professional ponytail with a professional smile and wore a white and yellow suit. She moved carrying a great style and dignity. It was indubitable that she had some relation with Weilan as she seemed a grown-up version of her.

"G-grangran" Weilan stuttered with fright at the new woman "I was here quietly, showing my great solidarity, teaching that boy about something of the Spirit Pagoda, when he turned crazy!" Weilan pointed at Xueqin "He took out a weapon and threatened to attack me, I didn't have other option that to use my gun to defend myself." She quickly turned to look at the woman

Xueqin's mouth fell (How can she be so shameless!)

The woman turned to Xueqin. Just as both eyes met, the woman's eyes widened, flicking with an amethyst light with interest, but they quickly returned to normal. She warmly smiled at Xueqin "You do not need to worry, little boy. I can already see that it was all one of my granddaughter's mischievous. Could you forgive her? I would make sure that she received severe punishment."

Xueqin sighed in relive listening to it. Taking into account what Weilan had told and that woman in front being her grandmother, it was clear that she was very powerful and influential, if she wanted to make things difficult, he wouldn't be able to fight against.

Xueqin turned with an angry look towards Weilan. He was very angry at her to attack him even without the intent of killing him, wanting her to suffer a little more. However, when he saw Weilan's trembling body and her impossible pale face became paler as she listening the punishment part, Xueqin pitied her.

Weilan was really a pampered kid that had grown doing whatever she wanted, making her arrogant and proud due to her clan, increasing after she awakened her spirit with innate full spirit power. Who would dare to offend or do something to the little genius of the Ning clan? However, there was a person that Weilan respected the most and at the same time feared the most, the only that punished her, her grand grandmother.

Xueqin turned again towards the woman "In the end, nothing happened. I will forgive her as long as she apologizes to me."

"Of course" The woman smiled "I did not expect anything less" She turned smiling at Weilan who started trembling more before her grand grandmother's smile.

Weilan stepped forward and bowed towards Xueqin "Sorry, it was all my fault. I couldn't control my bad temper. Truly, sorry."

Xueqin nodded at her, sensing that even if she was coerced by her grandmother, she truly regret it "I forgive you. But never belittle me again" Now that the little fight had stopped, Xueqin remembered the start of the fight "Can you tell me now what it was the Myriad Colored Being?"

Weilan turned to her grandmother who nodded at her, a smile appeared over Weilan's face as she turned again towards Xueqin. If her grandmother was truly angry at her, she would have taken now for this place and lock her up during a month with an intense of etiquette or something even worst. Having let her stay and talk with Xueqin, showed that it wasn't so serious. She thought that if she could last until the spirit souls are ready, her grandmother would mostly forgive her for her little tantrum, at least as her gift for obtaining her first ring.

Weilan's grandmother sat in a corner, letting the two kids talk between each while she observed them with a warm smile.

"Xueqin, had you come here for your first spirit soul?" Weilan asked. Xueqin nodded. "The Myriad Colored Being would be your first one. But you must know that the Myriad Colored Being is considered the best spirit soul over all the world!"

"The best?" Xueqin asked truly shocked by the news.

"Yes" Weilan nodded "It's an artificial soul spirit incredibly difficult and expensive to produce, being very limited. Making it something mostly impossible to obtain, without mattering the money that you have. That's why I was very surprised by you being chosen."

"So, I will have the best spirit soul." Xueqin mumbled. (Master is truly important in the spirit master world) he thought. Xueqin's expression change and asked with confusion "How could it be the best? It must depend on the compatibility with the spirit. If they are not compatible even the strongest soul spirit could be trash."

"You are right, but..." Weilan created suspense "The Myriad Colored Being didn't have this problem. Every spirit master is extremely compatible. In truth, it a spirit soul incredible sensitive with its host, acquiring its host's characteristics, evolving together with him, giving the perfect spirit skills for the spirit."

Xueqin's eyes shined brightly in understanding "So that's why is the best! There might be stronger spirit souls, but the Myriad Colored Being is the most compatible"

"Exactly!" Weilan nodded "And you know? This was the first artificial spirit soul of the history, created by Ning Maya herself. That why the control of it, it's over our clan." She puffed her chest proudly.

"I understand, thanks for explaining it to me" Xueqin thanked her.

"There's no need," Weilan said. Then she lowered her face "Truly sorry about before. I shouldn't have insulted you."

A man with a white coat, reading a tablet in his hands surged from the opposite door saying "Mr. Qian, we are ready."

He lifted his head from the tablet, seeing the young Xueqin, he smiled at him. His gaze then fell over Weilan "Weiwei, yours will be in no time"

"Don't worry, uncle Yi" Weilan smiled at him.

The named uncle Yi frowned (Since why this little devil behaves so properly to me) He looked around, finding Weilan's grandmother sat at the corner. Seeing her, he straightened his back, bowing 90º to her "Good morning, lady Ning. It is an honor to have you visit our place. I did not expect you".

She smiled at him "How could I miss my granddaughter obtaining her first spirit soul" She stood up and approached at the man "Ming, I expect you to treat the little boy with your best effort, explain anything he wants to know."

"Of course" Yi Ming quickly accepted, doubting who that little boy must be. He turned towards Xueqin "If you please" signaling to enter, this time very respectful.

Before he entered, Weilan's grandmother approached him "So your name is Qian Xueqin. It's a beautiful name" She warmly smiled at him. "Like you already must know, I am Weilan's grandmother. I am called Ning Xiaoran, but you can call me aunt Ran."

"It's an honor, aunt Ran!" Xueqin tried to make a reverence but was stopped by Xiaoran.

"There's no need for it" She presented him a multicolored token with the chine character of Ning written in it. "Take this" She put the token over Xueqin's hands "If you need any help, whatever it is, you can come to any Spirit Pagoda and ask for me. Showing that token, they will surely help you."

"Thanks!" Xueqin smiled at her, thinking about future uses of it.

"Finally, please don't think bad about Wei'Er She had been too pampered and doesn't have any friends. I would be very happy if such a cute boy like you could befriend her. Please, try it if you see again in the future."

Xueqin looked at Weilan and nodded "She is not so bad. I can try it."

"Great" Xioaran said "Now, I won't want to waste more of your time. You should follow Yi Ming. Good luck."

Xueqin left following Yi Ming, entering the room.

Once Xioran was alone with her granddaughter, she took out a tablet. In its screen was the information about Qian Xueqin. Name, age, birthday, place of birth, orphan state, all kind of information recompiling the short life of him.

Seeing the orphan state without any parents or family known with his innate full spirit power made a smile appear over her face.

"Grangran!" Weilan said to his grandmother "Why did you give him the family token? So important is him?"

"Because he shined, he might have shined the brightest I've never seen" Xiaoran answered to her granddaughter, her gaze never leaving the screen that finally showed the information of who had let him chose the Myriad Colored Being. The Myriad Colored Being was considered the greatest treasure of their clan, only giving it outside of the clan in exchange for big favors or to pay for them, not even generals of the federation having access to one.

"Shi Mucheng" Xioaran mumbled seeing the name, her smile becoming even bigger. She turned to Weilan "We have finally found your guardian."

Weilan's face contorted in shock "No! I don't want any guardian, even less him! At least, make it a girl, you know how the different gender guardians finish!" she shouted blushing her face red.

"It's not always like this, Wei'Er" Xiaoran tried to calm her "Get well with him if you have the opportunity." Xioaran glanced at Weilan "Don't think I forgot your punishment" Weilan's face paled "But, I could rethink it. Please, try to get well" she said before sitting on a sofa. Weilan followed her puffing her cheeks.