
As the Sun started showing, Xueqin and Mucheng left Shrek City, going towards the south-west. Just like this, Xueqin's quiet days quickly finished, returning to his hell trip of training. This time, focusing more on Xueqin's Sword Intent, his control over it, especially his Golden Dragon Intent.

"Master, where are we going now?" Xueqin asked a little tired as he was running, this time the weigh over him, having increased greatly.

"I already said it before. We are going for your cultivation technique" Mucheng said indifferent "I will later explain about that place."

Xueqin clenched his hands. He truly hated how he wasn't told anything, Mucheng always keeping for himself. It was his future, he had all the right to know it and decided. Of course, he would not say it aloud in Mucheng's presence that seemed to observe him, even when he wasn't there.

Finishing the running, Mucheng acted differently than always. He made Xueqin sat down "In our world strength can be considered the most important. It's better to have the strength and no use it than being too weak when a situation requires you to be stronger. Strength is what would let you follow your own path and protect whoever you want" Mucheng explained "However, it's not like you can ignore all the other, you must know about your surroundings and learn to act accordingly to the situation."

(Like being forced to train by a maniac and accepting, instead of complain, for fright of dying) Xueqin nodded at him.

"I will teach a little about of the spirit masters' world. At least the bare minimum that you would have learned going to the primary academy." Mucheng explained "First of all, do you know the strongest forces of the continent? And in what they specialize?"

"The forces of the Sun and Moon Federation?" Xueqin asked.

Mucheng sighed, this kid really was blank. Like any normal people or orphan the most that they learn about the power struggles are legends or what the Federation wants to be know "The Federation is considered the one that controls over the continent, but it is suppressed by the other forces, being greatly limited in its movements. This is the main cause of its neutrality and nondesire to expand."

"The other main forces are Shrek Academy, the Tang Sect, the Spirit Pagoda, and the Dawn Church." Mucheng explained.

"The Dawn Church?" Xueqin tilted his head "But they create and sell daily inventions, they don't fight."

"The Dawn Church has 20.000 years of history. Do you think that one organization could last so much time without any true power behind it?" He asked rhetorically "The Dawn Church had two main groups. The prayer group is what you know, they focus on improving the daily lives of the common people. It could be said that they were the ones that created our normal daily lives, such transport or communication. They also do a lot of charity work, like running orphanages."

"The other group is the Holy Army. They are exclusively used to protect the Dawn Church, never permitted to attack. There's only one exception, that is evil spirit masters. They will be the faction that would encourage more an attack to them" Mucheng explained "Over the two groups, there are the heads of the Dawn Church and true power, the Twelve Wings. Twelve people incredibly powerful or important, at the head of them the" he made a little paused like some memories came "Pope."

"The Spirit Pagoda, you already know about them. They have a history of over 10.000 years, founded by Huo Yuhao and Ning Maya. They are the ones focused on spirit beasts and spirit souls, making them essential for any spirit master. In these years, their strength had constantly grown, becoming the strongest." Xueqin nodded already having learned about them "It basically controlled by two families, the Ning family and the Qiangu family. Considered as the best support and the tyrannical strength, making them an extremely strong combination when they work together."

"So Ning Weilan and her grandmother were extremely important people?" Xueqin asked.

"Yes." Mucheng nodded "Xiaoran is the head of the Ning family and the Vice-head of the Spirit Pagoda while the little girl is her favorite granddaughter, born with full innate soul power, she most probably would follow her grandmother's steps."

Xueqin gulped. He really had been close to death. If Weilan had wanted to kill him and her grandmother had let her, not even his bones would have remained, completely obliterated without mattering if I wasn't at fault.

"The Tang Sect is considered to have declined a little nowadays, but nevertheless his power is authentic, especially in the other continents" Mucheng said "The focus on soul weapons, their military weapons and information network considered the best."

"Finally, there is the Shrek Academy with over 20.000 years of history. The called Monster Academy, where only monsters attend, making it very restrictive" Mucheng said "Without doubt, the strongest Academy over the world. Every spirit master children's dream is to attend there. They had kept their strength thanks to having the best resources in the battle armor creation."

"Battle armor? What are they?" Xueqin asked curiously. If Shrek's strength laid in it, it must be extremely important.

"Don't interrupt if you are not asked" Mucheng glanced furiously at Xueqin "I will explain it later." He returned to his explication "Every graduate from Shrek, being a powerhouse, highly sought for the other powers, but most of them usually stays at Shrek, making it stronger."

"Woaw" Xueqin was surprised (Xu Lizhi must be very strong to be at the Shrek Academy, especially at 6 years old).

After that, Mucheng started explaining Xueqin more about their internal function, history and strength.

"About the Battle Armors. Battle Armors perfectly fuses with the Battle Armor Master's spirit, incredibly boosting his strength. Battle Armor Masters are considered the noblest existence over the continent, every one of them incredibly powerful, even more than Mecha Masters" Mucheng started "A Battle Armor Master is able to face a rival two realms higher, meaning that a spirit king with a Battle Armor has the same strength than a spirit sage without it."

Xueqin was shocked, so strong!

"There are four levels of Battle Armors, represented by the number of words that can name it. Being 1-word Battle Amors the weakest and 4-words Battle Armors the strongest" Mucheng explained "Battle Armors required a great spiritual and soul power to be used. People needing to be at least a spirit king to be able to use a 1-word Battle Armor. About the requirements and characteristics of them, there's no need for you to know, there's a long way before you can possess one."

"The important part is that Battle Armors needed to be in perfect synchrony with the user, very similar to swords. For that, a Battle Armor Master must create his own armor, making it the most compatible for him. While he didn't need to do all the parts in the creation, he would need to participate in it." Mucheng explained "Here is when the secondary professions come. For the creation of a Battle Armor, a Blacksmith is required to forge the materials, a Designer would create the design, a Manufacturer would craft the soul circuits over the Battle Armor, creating it based in the design, and finally, a mechanic who specializes on design and manufacturing, mostly for repairing."

"If you want to be a Battle Armor Master you will need to have one of these secondary jobs. They have different levels, requiring different proficiency and techniques in them, making very difficult and sought high-level people of every job." Mucheng explained "I want you to choose one of the professions and develop it into a high level in the future, spending a great deal of time over it."

"Have in mind that every profession had its requirements. Blacksmith needed a great strength and focus, Designers need high spiritual power to comprehend how it works, Manufacturers need a high-speed precision, Mechanics are not usually so proficients like specialized Manufacturers or Designers, but they need a good precision and spiritual power" Mucheng said "What would you choose?"

"Thinking about them, the best one of them should be Designer due to my high spiritual power" Xueqin deducted "However, Manufacturer seems really compatible with the Sword Arts, required a high-speed precision. Having both, making Mechanic a very good choice for me."

Xueqin made a thoughtful face. He turned to Mucheng "Master, what is your profession?"

"Why did you ask?" Mucheng said lifting his eyebrow.

"You are very knowledgeable about it and are at the spirit douluo realm, surely you are a Battle Armor Master and consequently one of the professions." Xueqin explained.

"You are right" Mucheng nodded at Xueqin's logic "First of all, I have a broad knowledge at every one of them due to my old age, I will be able to teach you the foundation of any job. About what is my job, I was a Blacksmith."

Xueqin stayed quiet for a minute, thinking about the possibility. Finally he turned over Mucheng "I'm decided! I will be a..."