Cultivation Technique

"Master, could have I died in that trial?" Xueqin asked warily.

"That's a mental world created by your own mind and the sword aura of the valley, choosing an accordingly swordmaster of the past who also had passed the test to face you in trial" Mucheng explained

"So that boys were real people of the past?" Xueqin asked curiously.

"They are considered records, memories and comprehensions manifested over the trial of people that had really existed in this 20.000 years and had previously passed the test. You can face against great people that even today are known" Mucheng explained "In that space, you can't be injured physically but a mental death is a possible outcome."

"However, the trial measures your talent, facing people of the same age as you. It's not normal to find a young swordsman killing his enemies so the deaths of the first trial are truly really low." Mucheng explained "Something happened? Who did you face? A 6 years old wielding a Sword Intent should be quite famous" he asked curiously.

"I fought against two boys. They were twins with different colored hair, one black and the other white. The black-haired used a Death Sword Intent while the white-haired used a Protection Sword Intent" Xueqin explained all the combat to Mucheng who had a serious expression in his face.

"I had never listened someone facing two opponents at the same time, even less, one cooperating." Mucheng said "It usually is a fight that finishes when the opponent recognizes you or you lose against it." Mucheng explained "Also, for what you told me that boy should be..." He made a thoughtful voice "Follow me."

Mucheng stopped at mid-sentence and without waiting for an answer he walked towards a near big plaza, stopping next to a statue.

Around the plaza there were some people with a strong air around them, but they seemed to ignore them.

The statue was gray and over 6 meters tall that represented a young man. He was extremely handsome with long hair and sharp facial features with a determined smile, especially his eyes, they were strong and sharp, looking at them, they seemed capable to cut. He was holding a sword with both hands, resting it on the ground while he was surrounded by more than 50 swords that seemed to create a throne around him.

"You may have faced the Sword God himself" Mucheng said looking at the statue that effectively was from the Sword God, Ning Bai. "You said that the black-haired boy called the white-haired boy Bai that certainly matches with the Sword God's name. Moreover, it is recorded that the first intent of the Sword God was Protection."

"I faced the Sword God?" Xueqin mumbled shocked as he looked at the magnificent statue. He couldn't see much resemble, but it was normal when the boy was only 6, with even some baby fat. "But who was the black-haired boy then?"

"I am not certain, but if the white-haired boy was the Sword God at 6 years old, the black-haired boy could also be him" Xueqin tilted his head confused.

Seeing him, Mucheng started explaining "The Sword God reached the peak of controlling over every existing intent and fuse them, but he always had two predominant intents. They were evolved versions of Life and Death, Life having surged from Protection. If it's like that the black-haired boy could be that Death Intent, the Sword God having also possessed his Death Intent at such age. 6 years old children capable of Sword Intent are quite rare, for them to wield two intents is close to impossible. Maybe the trial creates one person per intent. If this hypothesis is correct, maybe in the future someone would face two of you. One with that Strength Intent and another with the Holy Intent."

Xueqin nodded. While it wasn't certain, Mucheng's hypothesis had some sense in it.

"Now show me your back" Mucheng requested.

"Why?" asked Xueqin confused.

"You must have been marked after the trial. This is proof that you passed and the greatest reward." Mucheng said "Show me you back" he ordered.

Xueqin remembered the final moments before leaving the trial, both boys thrusting their swords at him. He turned around taking off his shirt, revealing his back. Over his back, traces of swords cuts could be seen, making it all red. They were very faint and it wouldn't be long very they disappeared but they were uniformly cut over all his back forming a kind of circuit, that resembled veins. In truth, Xueqin had two circuits, colliding themselves but never joining. It filled all his back.

Mucheng traced his finger all over that circuits "Two at the same time and fully completed. You truly are a monster, Xueqin" He mumbled for himself.

"Something there?" Xueqin asked a little uncertain.

"Xueqin, sat down, close your eyes and calm down" Xueqin did as ordered, sitting with his legs crossed and closing his eyes "Now try to make your soul energy flow."

"But, it's impossible in this place due to the domain" Xueqin negated "Even when I am able to use the spirit, I couldn't flow my soul power normally."

"Try it!" Mucheng said. Xueqin focused over his soul power and tried to flow it around his body, breathing loudly. He quickly opened his eyes widely, with a shocked expression.

"How could it be?" Xueqin said shocked "The soul power is flowing, even better than before. However, the flow is strange, being quite different than before, like following another trail. Moreover, I can perfectly flow it. It's like the information to how do it accordingly had been carved in my mind"

"This is your reward and the main reason that pushed the sword arts to the peak of the world. The cultivation and breathing technique Infinite Chaotic Slices. Your new cultivation technique" Mucheng said.

"The main problem in the past when practicing the sword arts was the time" Mucheng explained "Cultivation the sword arts needs too much time, focusing over it would restrict your soul cultivation, making it low that at the same time would start restraining your sword path. People would focus on soul cultivation, letting sword cultivation as nothing more than a side project, making it impossible to advance to the peak. This was the truth even for sword spirits. Only truly trying to grasp the sword arts when it was too late at the super douluo rank to try to advance further."

"However, the Infinite Chaotic Slices changed it all." Mucheng said "This was created by the Sword God, evolving a breathing technique. With it, the Sword God 'Shares' his power. You can focus only on your sword arts. As you advance, your cultivation technique would improve and your speed of soul cultivation would increase, making it able to keep with people of the same age. While it does not make easier the sword arts, it created an opportunity for people to focus on them."

"Moreover, this technique also refines your body and spirit, being possible to cause an evolution to your spirit." Mucheng explained "You don't need the speed part, but it would help you with your soul power, adapting it better to the sword arts, making your foundation stronger."

"Woah!" Xueqin said amazed. It was truly a divine skill!

"But never forget that cultivate the sword is ane extremely difficult and rough path, only the best talents would be able to keep the pace of normal soul masters." Mucheng warned.

"This is your reward for passing the gate trial. Moreover, you have access to this place" Mucheng extended his arm "The true Sword Valley, the inner part. Here the sword aura is the thickest, making it the best place to cultivate the sword. There are also training facilities and similarly, as the gate trial, you can face against records of swordmaster, but only 3 times every year. Finally, the sword mountains are here, being able to take the Sword God trials, but you are too young for that."

"Now, here's your new regime training" Mucheng said "You would be trapped here. Train whatever and as you want. But, you should not leave the Sword Valley until you reach the Sword Domain realm. You can live in the manor" Saying this, Mucheng disappeared.

Finding himself alone, Xueqin clenched his hands, his eyes had a determined look "Wait for me, Chi. I will go to find you soon!"


Over an infinite barren land where only swords could be seen pierced on the grown, two people could be seen facing each other. Both were clad in dark robes, one was a boy with black hair holding a glassy sword clad with dark aura, it was exactly the same black-haired boy that Xueqin had face, but he seemed a little older, like two years, the aura around him, being much stronger than when facing Xueqin.

The other person was clad in black robes, with a black coat with a hood that covered all the person's body, with a demon mask that covered the person's face. In that person's hands there was a black and purple greatsword, covered in darkness.

Both of them had their clothes tattered, it was clear that an intense fight had occurred against each other as they panted tiredly.

"Hahahaha" The black-haired boy started laughing "I really like you. That fury and murderous look, your just my type. I wouldn't mind taking you in some years. Hahahaha"

The other person clenched the greatsword with fury, more darkness surging from it.

The black-haired boy lifted his arms in surrender "I accept you."

"YOU PASS!" A voice resounded all over the space. The black-haired boy appeared at the other person's back, thrusting his sword at the person's back, piercing it over "Make it interesting" The black-haired boy whispered.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The high pitched cry left the person's mouth, a strong violet glint could be seen from over the person's mask.