
Contemplating his twin swords, Xueqin had a strange look over his face. Just as he had learned a method to speed up his sword cultivation, now a single sword form contains the power to use the seven elements. It seemed that his work became even harder. If the next skills are like this... He seemed to be forced by his spirit to follow the path of every sword.

"Good job everyone" Shen Yi congratulated stepping forward towards Xinglan, Lizhi and Wuhua "You're strength had greatly increased, continue working harder like this" She turned towards the Ning siblings "Like it was expected from the Nine Treasure Clan, always having hidden strength. Weilan your control and timing had increased, good job, but try to control your spirit power consumption."

She turned to Xueqin "Of course, you pass with flying colors. I didn't expect you to win and the truth was that winning wasn't the passing condition, but you showed your great talent and strength. Since today you are part of Shrek Middle Class. You can ask Lizhi about the dormitory" Shen Yi turned to say to everyone "As a celebration, today won't be any class. You have the day free." She said before retiring herself and leaving the children alone.

"Congratulations, brother Qin" Xinglan approached Xueqin and Weilan followed by Lizhi and Wuhua "I couldn't even win in a 3vs2" She said sighing, but she didn't seem down at all, a burning feeling to become stronger could be seen for her eyes "At least, you joined here. I like them and Weilan can fight with her spear, but isn't the same than with you. Now, I am sure that I would be stronger. It won't take me to reach the Domain Realm. Wait for me!"

Lizhi hit Xueqin's back "Finally a have another foodie partner. The girls here are always focused on training, they didn't understand the fine art of the food. Let's grab something to eat!"

"Lizhi, you are too obsessed with eating" Wuhua sighed "Xueqin is new here, why don't we show him around, so he can familiarize with Shrek. Then, we can have some lunch."

"Good for me" Lizhi answer, Xinglan nodded.

"I agree, but will you leave a moment alone with my brother" Weilan interrupted, graving Xueqin's arm and dragging him away, inside the building.

Once Weilan was sure that nobody could listen them, she slammed Xueqin against the wall "What was that?!" She shouted, sharply glancing at Xueqin.

Xueqin blinked confused, but quickly recovered "Could you specify more?"

"Don't play the fool What was that swords?!" She shouted agrily.

"You already know. My skills change the form of my sword and its foundation changing it. That was my third skill" Xueqin tried to explain.

"Of course I know that!" She shouted pissed "I'm referring about absorbing my Seven Treasure Pagoda's light!"

"What are you referring to? This was you supporting me!" Xueqin said pushing Weilan over "Thanks to you I was able to use its true potential, the control over elements."

"I wasn't supporting you!" Weilan shouted offended "You forcefully took it, empowering yourself."

"I did?" Xueqin said confused.

"Ah!" She shouted frustrated "It seems that you don't know anything. This is very important, we need to tell it to Grangran."

Weilan walked a little away and quickly took out her communicator, making a call to Xiaoran. After some minutes she hung up and turned towards Xueqin "We need to go with Grangran. She said that she is already waiting for us."

"I wanted to see the academy" Xueqin complained, but seeing Weilan's killing stare, he sighed "I suppose that it would be at another time."

Both left the building, approaching to Xinglan's group "Sorry, something important had come and we need to go to the Spirit Pagoda" Weilan apologized. The other quickly understood that it was a family matter, being considered a taboo to ask about it.

"Another day will be" Xinglan said a little sad.

"I will make a call once we are finished, maybe we can ave that lunch" Xueqin said. He interchanged his communicator's number with the other. Xueqin's communicator was the last model, having been gifted by Xiaoran the day that they arrived at the Spirit Pagoda.

They said goodbye and the Ning sibling left Shrek's grounds, a spirit car already waiting for them outside. They rode it and quickly arrived to the Spirit Pagoda headquarters, directly going to Xiaoran's private floor.

Inside of it, Xiaoran was waiting for them in a beautiful indoor garden. There were some juices and pastes already prepared for them on a table while Xiaoran was waiting for them sat over a chair, relaxingly eating a tea.

"Xue'Er, could you show me your twin swords?" Xiaoran said seriously.

'That's strange' Xueqin was a little surprised. Xiaoran was one that liked to take her time and play around, liking to take things calmly. It was strange for her to be so serious and directly go to the matter.

Xueqin extended both hands, his Elemental Twin Swords appearing over them. "Wei'er, support him. I don't want to cause a backlash due to our difference of strength doing it myself."

Weilan nodded and invoked her spirit. Her two spirit rings shined, a red and green light rained over Xueqin. Exactly like before, the swords swallowed the light, manifesting strong wind gales and flames.

"It truly seems like that" Xiaoran mumbled as she attentively looked at Xueqin's swords. "Absorbing the light of the pagoda and using to fuel his own strength.

"What's all this about?" Xueqin asked confused.

"Xue'Er, had you seen something or someone shining with a great intensity followed by a feeling of knowing that what shined was strong or of high quality?" Xiaoran asked.

"Swords" Xueqin instantly knew what she was talking about. His ability to see the sword or swordmasters strength "I can see swordmasters and swords shine. The greater the intensity the strongest they are. I had a bad time at the Sword Valley due to that."

"So it's like that" Xiaoran whispered "I will be frank with you" She said turning to Xueqin "I had investigated your history to learn whom your parents were and from where you origin."

"I had already told you about it. I was one of the so many orphans abandoned at birth" Xueqin said.

"Yes, but I wanted to be sure. With my investigation, I didn't find anything at all, but now I am sure." She looked seriously at Xueqin "You are related with our Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. That ocular ability of yours being one of our characteristics, each of it being able to see a concrete quality" She grazed her eyes "Mine are able to see the quality of humans for example."

She signaled Xueqin's twin swords "Moreover those swords should be like the spirit of the Sword God."

"How could they be?" Xueqin asked shocked "The Sword God used only one sword not two."

"Xue'Er, you must know that history is very easy to twist as is written by the winners. The Sword God lived 20.000 years ago, you can't expect for all the truth to be known" Xiaoran explained "There's a lot of hidden information."

"So the Sword God used two swords, similar to my third skill?"

"Yes and no" Xiaoran answered "His spirit was a mutation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sword. It was a sigle sword that worked the opposite of our pagoda. Instead of support, it absorber attributes from others and boosted his own, with each skill representing an element. But as he grew his spirit evolved, becoming two swords and finally returning again as one, becoming the sword that is usually related with him."

"Even if your twin sword are unable to absorb attributes, it can boost you attributes and use elements, making it extremelly similar. That with your eyes, its clear that you are related with us." Xiaoran explained.

"So I would be a descendant of the Sword God?" Xueqin mumbled. He had his doubts previously but they seemed to have been affirmed. That sword plus his Seraphim made it clear that he was directly related with the Sword God and the Angel Goddess.

"Wait a moment, how do you know all of this? I never seen recorded it" Xueqin asked.

"You also searched for it, eh?" Xiaoran smiled at him "The Nine Treasure Clan even when it was the Seven Treasure Clan had one custom. Every clan head makes a diary and this is passed to the next clan head to learn and improve."

"You have the Sword God's diary?!" Xueqin shoueted shocked and excited. He really wanted to read it if it was true. The way he was able to reach the top of the sword path.

"No" Xiaoran shook her head "The Sword God was never the clan head so he isn't part of the custom. My information come from Ning Fengzhi, his father, and Ning Hui, his brother. The Sword God never had any child, our family continued with his little brother NIng Hui."

Xueqin frowned. "He didn't have any child with the Angel Goddess?" Seeing his spirits it seemed that he was really related to them. But on the other hand, in 20.000 years could happen a lot of things, someone of the Nine Treasure Clan could form again a sword spirit as they had already done it before and maybe someone with an Angel spirit came.

"Neither with the Angel Goddess nor his other lovers" Xiaoran said.

"Wait, he had more lovers?" Xueqin asked "I thought that he had only the Angel Goddess."

"Like I said before history could be twisted. It's not an incredible secret as other powerful organizations knows about it, but the Sword God had three wives. This was mainly hid by the Dawn Church, to create a better picture of the Angel Goddess and her husband" Xiaoran explained "His other two wives were partners of the same school. One was Xie Lingling that nothing is really know about her, only barely named. The other is more famous, she was Bai Chenxiang, one of the first generation of Shrek Eight Devils."

At that moment, Xueqin found how easily could be someone tricked, hiding the truth from someone. He was more determined to become strong to find the truth behind the world, not believing blindly what others dictates.

"Grangran, you have searched a lot about me, but had you found Chi?" Xueqin glanced sharply at Xiaoran. It was clear that she had a broad network of connection. It shouldn't take her 3 months to find her.

Xiaoran made a strange face before Xueqin's gaze, but in the end she sighed "I wanted to have more information before telling to you. Your friend there is a very special case."

"What did you find?" Xueqin inquired.

"Qian Chi..." She said with a serious face "doesn't exist."

Xueqin blinked in surprised "W-what?!"

"I used all the methods at my abast, but I couldn't find any data about her." Xiaoran said "If it weren't for you telling me about her, I would think that she doesn't exist."

"B-but that's impossible! I grew with her at the orp-" Xueqin stopped for a second "The orphanage! They should have some information about her!"

"I already thought about that" Xiaoran said "I asked there and effectively the workers there remembered the one named Qian Chi, a little red-haired devil child like they called her."

"Chi wasn't devil!" Xueqin shouted offended.

"It was only the twisted view of some ignorants" Xiaoran said calmly "I had a reasonable talk with the one in charge there, priest Qi. He was sure to had input all the information about Qian Chi correctly, even her spirit awakening, but it was suddenly erased two years ago. I also couldn't find anything over the Primary Academy of Greenground City. The only that I learned about her was her looks, red hair and sharp violet eyes and her spirit, a Fallen Angel spirit."

"Fallen Angel" He whispered "She was truly Chi" He said remembering his fight against Darkness and her dark angelic wings.

"I tried to also obtain information about Darkness who participated at the Sword Douluo Festival, but that place is too restricted, only gaining a 'it is not your bussiness' for them." Xiaoran explained.

"Could it have been them who erased the information?" Xueqin asked seriously.

"That swords freaks are too busy in that little place to be able to affect at such scale" Xiaoran laughed at it "There must be an extremelly high ranking person behind Qian Chi, from the Federation, the Spirit Pagoda or the Dawn Church. They would be the only ones to erase her without trail."

Xueqin started thinking about it. It seemed that there was no way to easily find Chi. What he was most worried about was why she had ran away from him? Why she was sad and angry at him?

Xueqin shook his head. He made up his mind, he would find her and clear any misundertanding, becoming as close as before. For that, he would become strong as he knew that she would also do it. He thought that in the future, he would surely meet again.

"I will continue trying to trace her. If I find something I will immediately say to you. Don't worry, Xue'Er." Xiaoran warmly smiled at him.

"Thanks" Xueqin thanked. He had learn a lot of things today and he needed to think about them.

"Changing the subject" Xiaoran said cheerily "How did it go the test and you meeting with your new classmates?"

With Weilan who had been at a side interacting, they talked about the day and the classmates while drinking their juices. After some time, Weilan and Xueqin said goodbye to Xiaoran and returned to Shrek Academy.

Once Xiaoran was alone, the smile over her face disappeared, turning incredible serious. She stood up and approached a near wall. A nine-colored light fell over her, seemingly to be analyzing her. Then, a hidden door opened in front of her.

Entering, there was a dark and tiny room with a single light source, a table and a incredible wide book on the table. In the cover page of the book, the symbol of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was drawn.

Xiaoran approached the book and started passing the pages. The pages explained stories and experiences of different people, the author written on top of the page, all of them with the surname Ning. This was the diary passed from generation to generation of the clan head. It could be said that in tha diary there was the hidden story of the clan and continent over more than 20.000 years.

"Xueqin, Xueqin" She mumbled as she passed the pages "Our ocular ability is only passed by the mainline, never having been experienced further than 3 generations from the main. Nowadays, there's nobody that could be your parents."

Xiaoran stopped at a page. "But thousands of years before." Over the page Ning Tian was written as the author.

"I learned the truth. My precious and genious cousin, Ning Maya, inheritance. She is not truly my cousin, she is my ancestor, the daughter of Sword God Bai and Light Goddess Chenxiang."

"A gods' son" A smile appeared over Xiaoran face "You might have the key of the Divine Realm."