Graduation Test

"We are at the end of the year" Shen Yi spoke to the middle classroom. Almost a year had passed since Xueqin started attending at Shrek Academy, meaning that the school year was about to finish "I saw you grow all this time, someones only this year and others more time, but you all had obtained incredible results, showing the pride of Shrek. I am very proud of being your teacher all this time and be able to help you. Without any doubt, you are the best class that I had the honor to teach." She paused for a second "Not very difficult you being my first class" She giggled a little

At that joke, some smiles appeared over the students while others shook their heads sighing "Now being serious. You all are incredibly gifted, much better than when I was at your place. Continue striving forward, never deviating your path, continue working together to reach new heights"

"Thanks, professor Shen!" Everyone in the class bowed to her.

"Now without going around the point, I will talk about your graduation," Shen Yi said seriously "Like you know every year there's an exam to pass to the next year, the content of it changing every year. In your case, I can already ensure that you won't be kicked out of Shrek Academy, however, your performance would decide if you directly enter the Inner Court or you enter the Outer Court like outside students. So it's very important for you."

The students of the middle class looked at each with a determined look and nodded. They had long decided to give it their all and pass the graduation test reaching the Inner Court together.

Seeing their look, Shen Yi smiled proudly at her students "The test would be to participate at the Skysea Alliance Tournament."

The students made a strange group "The Skysea territory is not considered one of the strongest. Why Shrek send us there? It won't pose any difficulty to face people of our age." Xueqin commented.

"You don't know anything, brother" Weilan spotted "The Skysea Alliance Tournament is divided by three groups by their age. The younger group are 15 years old or lower. Meaning that we will face 15 years old."

"Even so, I don't see much difficulty" Xueqin said with confidence. It might be a little arrogant of him, but he had good reasons. He was actually a rank 37 Spirit Elder, a Domain Swordmaster and he was only a step away of breaking through over the Spirit Abysm Realm with a spiritual power of 4.999. People at 15 years would be at most at the first ranks of spirit elder, not even talking about the other accomplishing almost impossible to being replicated.

"Like Weilan said, the tournament is divided by age, but there are some conditions for you to participate." Shen Yi said "First of all, and the main reason that it was decided this test, is that we have an accord with Skysea Alliance to face the last winners of the Lower than 15 team tournament with one of our team."

"This means that we will need to face against people older than 15?" Wuhua asked.

"Exactly. You will represent the academy fighting against them in a 7vs7" Shen Yi explained

At that everyone opened their mouths widely "What?!" Xinglan was the first to react "We will need to face in a 5vs7 a likely group of Spirit Ancestors? It's impossible."

"Of course, 2 more people will join your group to make up for the 7, but they must be at most Spirit Elders. You will be able to recruit anyone." Shen Yi explained.

The people there had a difficult look on their faces. Even with 2 more people, it would be 4 Spirit Grandmaster and 4 Spirit Elders against a group of 7 Spirit Ancestors or Elders. They must think about it.

"The test doesn't finish there" Shen Yi interrupted their thoughts "You will also need to secure every first place in every competition. This means that you also need to participate in the fightings 1vs1, 3vs3 and 7vs7, this time the two extra members unable to act, and into the profession tournaments of Blacksmith, Designer, Manufacturers and Mechanics. All of them would be at the Lower than 15 age, but in the fighting matches, you are forbidden to lose any match except between each other. A single loss from any fighting match or not obtaining the champion of one competition would mean the failure of all the class."

Listening it, everyone gulped.

"One last thing, you also need to participate and win the Mecha Tournament. As there's no Lower than 15 tournament, you will need to win the youth tournament of lower than 20. You have every detail written in the board" The students' faces fell even more "You have 1 month until the tournament. Choose your two extras and train. Use well the time." Shen Yi finished explaining and left the classroom.

Once she was outside, she leaned over the wall and whispered "This is too much. What are the elders thinking about?"

Inside the classroom, all the students were shouting.

"What the hell?!" Shouted Lizhi "This is too much!"

"Shrek's exams are truly Hell Mode!" Wuhua shouted.

"That old geezers had lost some screw." Weilan said pissed "That or they really never wanted us to enter the Inner Court."

"It's not impossible" Xueqin said calmly and very seriously as he was seeing "We have the best support, both food and tool, helped by Wuhua, my own domain and two participants that can cover our weaknesses. Even if we can't last a lot, we can put up a fight." Xueqin signaled the board "They are not asking for impossible, only almost, at least they let us lose in the profession while one of us win and the supports are exempt to participate in the 1vs1 fights."

"Who we are?"Xueqin turned to them "We are Shrek! We are Monsters! And we will make this miracle true!"

"We are Shrek!" Everyone shouted. "For the Middle Class!"


In the middle of Shrek Academy, at the Poseidon Island, a couple sat over the shadow of a tree. They made a beautiful couple as they leaned each over the other, love could be felt from the brown-haired handsome man and the green-haired beauty.

"Giving them such a test and present them to the world. What are you planning, dear?" The woman asked.

"Is preparation for the future of Shrek. This is nothing than a little step for them" The man answered "Elder Guang also had accepted it."

"Mom! Dad!" Two girls approached the couple, both of them with silver hair. The older one was the one that shouted as she led by the hand the younger one.

The couple seeing them, smiled warmly at them "Ying'er, Na'er" The woman stood up and hugged both girls, both reciprocating the hug before the warm smile of the man.

"What are you talking about? It seemed curious" The older girl asked at the couple.

"Some plans for the middle class. You don't need to worry" The man answered.

Listening the class, the girl's eyes shined with interest "Can you explain it to me, please?"

The man couldn't win against the puppy eyes and explained all the test for the middle class to the girls.

"I understand" The older girl nodded "Can I also go with them?"