Summary 1 - Prequel

{I will start explaining the DD2.5 timeline with a brief summary as I didn't think much about it.}

DD2.5 timeline

God Kings:

Hui Mie (Destruction God)

Xie Lingling (Life Goddess)

Tang San (Sea God)

Qian Renxue (Angel Goddess)

Ji Dong (Evil God)

Lie Yan (Goodness Goddess)

Like the original Hui Mie decided to take control of the Divine Realm to expand it. This time taking advantage of Renxue's and Xiao Wu's pregnancy and Ning Bai close cultivation and absence as due to his sword from Asura, he is able to damage even God Kings as a first rank god.

Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang, Fenrir and Mayi helps Hui Mie facing against the other ghost and capturing the pregnant, making Lingling and Tang San give him the control.

In the end similar like in the story, Xiao Wu gave birth to Tang Wulin and Renxue to Xueqin. Hui Mie sacrificing with Sheng Ming who recovers her Life Goddess position for Lingling to nor sacrifice to keep the realm. The Golden Dragon God is released. However, this time they are unable to cope with it lacking Asura. In the end, Bai appears, having to break through the God-King realm and easily cutting the Golden Dragon God.

In the last struggle, the Golden Dragon God throws his core to kill at least someone. Bai cut over the core, dividing in two, but they didn't stop, fusing with one half with Tang Wulin and the other with Xueqin. Wulin's core is mostly the strength of the dragon while Xueqin is the anger of it.

Bai uses his own sword, his divine weapon to seal the Golden Dragon in Xueqin's mind space. Renxue gave him her halo, boosting his mental defense to be able to cope with the Golden Dragon's anger and Ning Maya gives to his brother a type artifact that she was working in it, but it would only be useful if he would awaken a spirit related with the Nine Colored Pagoda.

Tang Wulin is exactly the same and both are send to the douluo continent to keep them absorbing divine energy.


{The next are facts that would have been informed later over the story, but I didn't really know when exactly explain each one.}

Sword Valley:

The Sword Valley is in truth a Divine Realm created by Ning Bai. Even with the Divine Realm disappearance, people can reach godhood reaching the peak there.

To become a god some requirements are needed to be met.

1- Be a monarch: Needing to reach the All Sword Realm and pass the test of the 6 Sword Souls that were the previous core of the God Sword from the other novel, with the exception of the Asura Sword. Bai let them over there, considering them useless for his own strength and will rather be more fruitful there. A Monarch acquires a pseudo 10th spirit ring. This pseudo 10th ring let him use peak of the sword, the Divine Soul Sword, without any lose inside the Sword Valley. Outside of the Sword Valley, they can only use it one time, then losing it and losing the qualifications of a monarch forever.

2- Becoming the Sword Douluo: Win over the Sword Douluo Festival or directly killing the Sword Douluo having reach the All Sword Realm. In the case, there's no Sword Douluo, the Sword Douluo Festival, changes, the Sword Souls becoming the host to decided how the next Sword Douluo would be decided.

3- Passing the Sword God Bai's test: Fighting against Bai's own projection. Only Sword Arts are permitted to be used and Bai would only use the same intent as the rival, meaning to surpass him in one intent. This made it extremely difficult to Life and Death Sword God to appear as Bai was the strongest with them. Aria the current Sword Douluo unable to win against him.


{The prequel of the novel, the last Shrek Eight Devils' story informed later own}

Worst Generation:

They become the Eight Shrek Devils with their incredible strength and sword arts except Yun Ming who uses a spear. Ning Xiaoran was also at Shrek and part of their group, but unable to become a Devil because she can't be the future of Shrek, needing to be part of the Spirit Pagoda.

Aria and Xu Shimen are in love with each other, but neither confess, causing a stale.

Ning Xiaoran falls in love with Yun Ming, but is not reciprocated.

A love triangle appears around Qian Zuyin, a battle junkie that would be known as Strength Sword Douluo, Shi Mucheng who becomes a Divine Blacksmith making everyone battle armor a 4-words, and Su Qingming, the considered brain and tactician of the group. In the end, Zuyin chooses Qingming, Mucheng is very sad, but accept their friends decision. The three are also part of the Dawn Church.

Shi Mulong is also secretly in love with Zuyin and has an inferiority complex with his twin brother who had been always stronger than him and could be always close with Zuyin.

Their dream is to discover all the secrets of the Sword Valley and open it to all the world, making it again possible for anyone over the Douluo planet to become a god even without the Divine Realm, not only swordmasters.


60 years ago, Worst Generation War:

A monarch from the Sword Valley, the Evil Sword Douluo is the head of the Holy Church whose powers are steadily increasing. His dream is to become a god and use the Sword Valley to make the world fall into darkness. Being himself unable to win over the Sword Douluo, he searches for someone to do it in his stead.

Shi Mucheng's brother, Shi Mulong, let himself being corrupted by the Evil Sword Douluo. He kills his and his brother's master and the husband of the Light Sword Douluo Guang Liang (Also known as Shining Light when she is acting as a host). The master was the previous Sword Douluo and Shi Mulong takes the title with him.

Mulong completes the test of Bai, becoming the Evil Sword God and becoming the new head of the Holy Church, having given the position by the previous Evil Sword Doulo and his new master.

Mulong goes against the Evil Sword Douluo plans and directly goes to take his own revenge. He fights against Mucheng, overwhelming winning against him, but he let him alive as Mulong would show him true despair, taking everything deary to him.

Mulong then attacks the Dawn Church that even with a barrier and the power left by Renxue, it's unable to block him and the Holy Church that runs amok.

In the end, Qian Zuyin takes the role of her master and becomes the Pope of the Dawn Church to face against Mulong. To fight against Mulong, she takes the Angelic Sword of the Dawn Church left by Renxue as a defense of the church. With the Angelic Sword, Zuyin is able to acquire the power of a goddess momentariraly whoever to do it, she must be sacrifice herself, burning her own spirit to be able to use it.

Qingming tries to stop her and take her place, sacrificing himself instead, but he is knocked out by Zuyin who declares that Qingming would be a far greater Pope in the future, as with his intelligence he would be able to improve the church and help a lot of people with it.

Zuyin face Mulong who offers to let her and her friends live if she becomes his woman. Zuyin negates the proposition, knowing that the world will fall in ruins under him who had fell for the evil. She burns her spirit, momentary acquiring the power of the Angel Goddess and fights against him.

Both had an extreme fight, in the end clashing with their strongest attacks, their Divine Soul Swords. Mulong is beaten, falling into an eternal coma while Zuyin having burned her spirit, fell to the ground and disappears.

Due to this war, all the Eight Devils goes to their way, separating from each other.

Yun Ming is the only one that stays in Shrek, later becoming the head of it.

Shi Mucheng lost is his despair of losing his loved one due to his brother, left the public eye and disappears, traveling over the world trying to follow Zuyin's dream that was to help people, especially the children.

Qingming inherit the Pope's position after the passing of the last one, becoming the head of the Dawn Church.

Cao Dezhi guilting himself as the leader of the Eight, he auto-exiles to the Blood God Army, using all his life to protect the planet.

Aria and Shimen decide to stay at the Sword Valley, Aria becoming the next Sword Douluo in the festival and deciding to keep the position and not let any evil ascends again.

Worst Generation:

Name (Position) [Spirit] {Profession}

Yun Ming (Head of Shrek) [Atlas Spear]

Cao Dezhi (Blood God Army) [Heartless Sword]

Shi Mucheng (Blacksmith, Cardinal) [Abysm Greatsword] {Previous Divine Blacksmith}

Shi Mulong (Swordmaster, Holy Church last leader) [Abysm Sword] {Designer}

Qian Zuyin (Previous Dawn Church Pope) [Body (greatsword user)] {Ingeneer}

Qian 'Su' Qingming (Dawn Church Pope) [Paladin (Shield and sword)] {Mechanic}

Aria (Sword Douluo, Monarch Sword Valley) [Blue Silver Grass Empress (4-word armor+red sword mecha)] {Mechanic}

Xu Shimen (Death Sword Douluo, Monarch Sword Valley) [Demon sword] {Ingeneer}

{Extra helper: Ning Xiaoran (Vice leader Pagoda, 9 colored douluo) [Nine Treasure Tilted Glace Pagoda]}

{All of them 4-word armor except Ning Xiaoran, divine mecha master, red mecha.}