Summary 6

Having left the Dragon Valley, Xueqin and Wulin call their friends of Shrek, informing them of their safety and return. This time, they take an airplane from the Dawn Church towards the Douluo Continent.

Over Shrek, having learned about the return of both of them, Gu Yue and Na'er are talking between each other. Gu Yue declares that it's Na'er win and commands her something before giving something to her and leaving.

Then, the Love Festival of Shrek arrives, as in the canon, Long Yue and Dai Yun'er, but it also joins Skyfrost and Bubbles that they transferred to Shrek to train, Skyfrost also wanting to win against Wu Zhangkong who is his uncle.

The festival starts like normal and when Wulin attack with his hidden weapons, all of them are stopped by Guangying who for the first time over the festival shows her face.

Xueqin uses his strongest Sword Heart (except for the Asura Slash) over Yehui and this time Guangying let it go without doing anything. Yehui is forced to reveal herself, using her own Sword Heart to protect for it, using both Darkness and Strength.

At the time of the confessions, Xinglan goes towards Xueqin and said that she loved him, but she had discovered that it was his strength what was following and not himself, saying that it was a crush in the end, she finished the festival going out with Skyfrost, fighting against Bubbles who was also in love with him and winning, Skyfrost confessing to Xinglan.

Guangying goes with Xueqin and confesses to him that she is in love that is the only that truly tested her like normal and didn't pamper her, but he was always there for her when it was needed. Xueqin is shocked by her declaration, he had a crush with her before, but after thinking over the years, he found that is was only that. He didn't love her, only seeing her as a big sister. Before he is able to say his thought, Guangying makes a tehepero poise and says that it was a little joke and that he should choose what his heart wants before she jumps out of the festival.

Lizhi confess to Weilan who accepts him, already thinking how they would be able to fulfill the clan's rules.

Xie Xie confesses to Xu Xioyan. Their relation having evolved from the jokes between each other to love.

Xueqin confess to Yehui, telling her that he knew she was Chi and that it didn't matter if she wanted to run away from him, he would chase her always.

Na'er goes to Wulin and gives him a silver scales, informing him that Gu Yue had left Shrek. Tears fell from Wulin's eyes and he escapes from the Festival, glooming a little everyone.

Wuhua had some confession over but she negates them all. In the end, she follows Wulin, wanting to support her brother with his pain, not without making a strange look towards Xueqin.

Xueqin and Yehui would fight over the lake and all the misunderstandings would be cleared, both of them becoming a couple over the festival.

After the festival, Xueqin easily breakthrough to spirit emperor, his 6th ring being made by the Sword Dragon, being a rapier that focuses on speed.

He would be informed by Xioran that something dangerous would happen and that he must be ready for it, increasing his strength. He starts then to focus on cultivation, his strength increasing at a incredible speed.

Once he is 19 years old, the Sword Douluo Festival is celebrated again {I don't really thought much about this, so I don't know what to expect for it}

Xueqin wins the festival and the prize is entering the secret cave. Kilometers under the Sword Valley, stood a sacred and restricted place with a secret in it. Before going, he would be warned by Aria about not having evilness inside him, while he wouldn't die, he could be greatly injured.

Entering the forbidden passage, he finds an open space with a cave glittering in gold, and immense holy energy came from it. A golden light fell over him, followed by a powerful voice shouting "burn!". However, Xueqin doesn't feel any discomfort, instead, he feels really great around it.

In front of him, a beautiful angel appears with a shocked expression, never before having received that reaction. The test was to receive a holy punishment from the angel, if the swordmaster was evil, he would be purified and burned, barely being able to escape, if it was able to withstand the attack, he would be able to enter.

It's impossible that something so pure to be immune would exist, wanting to make Xueqin reveal his trick, the angel increased the power, attacking Xueqin with all her power. Xueqin's Seraphim is unconsciously activated, shocking, even more, the angel.

Seeing the Seraphim spirit, the angel stops her attack and calls Xueqin brother, letting him enter the cave.

The cave is the result of the test in which Bai obtained his torso spirit bone and Renxue forged her saber. Due to this, a holy and divine metal was formed over there. Taking part of this metal being the prize of winning the Sword Douluo festival, a miraculous divine metal.

The angel is in truth the consciousness of that holy metal, born by the Angel Goddess and Sword God influence. She explain that Xueqin is similar to her as she could sense the Angel and Sword over him.

In the end, the metal follows Xueqin, becoming his spirit soul for the Seraphin spirit. The metal also fuses with Xueqin battle armor, directly engraving a domain in it, turning it into a 3-words. The metal also explain to him that while she is very compatible with the Seraphin spirit, she would have some problem with his sword spirit, if he wants to create a perfect and divine battle armor, he would need some other material to equally both, if not it would heavily focus on one, losing the boost to the others.

After that, he spends his time with his friend over Shrek, somehow Na'er becoming closer with him even when he is with Yehui.

Xueqin breaks through rank 70, but his spirit souls are unable to create a new spirit ring.

Xiaoran tries different spirit souls to fuse with him, but there's none able to fuse with him, his Sword Spirit rejecting them.

Thinking about his problem, Guangying appears. After Xueqin explains his problem, Guangying tell that it should be because his spirit. His Sword spirit was certainly strange, she hypothesize that rather than creating a spirit skill with every ring, each ring awakened part of the true spirit power, being able to show a new form. He might be lucky to have soul spirit very compatible with him and sword, but he might need some new cataclysm to awaken a new one, one enough powerful.

With the new insight of Guangying, Xueqin ask Xiaoran to let him go to Star Dou Forest, trying to hunt for a spirit beast this time to get a new ring. Xiaoran had already thought about that possibility but the last years the forest was agitated and she had doubts about going there. In the end, Xiaoran accepts and she prepares a group with two titled douluos to go with him to hunt for a ring.

In the middle of the forest, the strongest spirit beasts are reunited with a black hooded person in front of them. The hooded person only reveals long flocks of black hair and a female voice. She shows the spirit beasts a video where it could be seen different images of Gu Yue and Wulin and she offers them some deal.

Di Tian becomes furious and the hooded person disappears into her own shadow, letting a "Think about it".

Over the forest, Xueqin's group enters it. He didn't really want to kill a spirit beast without any motive, so he tries to see if his spirit reacts to them. While his trip continues, without finding anything, they reached a camp formed in a safe zone.

The Spirit Pagoda had really studied the forest and had some camps over it. It also has control over the dangerous areas, being the domains of the strongest spirit beasts and the core area of the forest that is a complete prohibited area where only death awaits who enter it. He learns than a group of three 4-words battle masters tried to investigate it some centuries ago and they died without not even 10 minutes passing.

The camp is situated over a frozen land in the middle of the forest where no plant or spirit beast is near it. The place is completely safe, no spirit beast daring to approach but it had almost no spirit energy in it, making it the worst place to cultivate.

At night, he finds himself attracted to something. He decides to follow his instinct as there would be no danger while he is inside of the safe zone, so he goes alone. He walks over the frozen dessert and finally finds an ice dome in the middle of it.

Knowing that, it's exactly this dome the thing that is pulling him over, he enters it, the temperature lowering a lot. Inside, he finds the body of a human-sized ant enclosed over hard ice, sealed over it. He extends his hand invoking his sword, trying to touch the ice, but he is stopped by an old man that enters the dome.

The old man presents himself as the manager of the camp and explains Xueqin that the ant sealed over there is Yi Ma, the Beast God sealed by Wu Jian 10.000 years old. He tells that the ant the one that creates this void of soul power even while sealed and that Xueqin didn't need to worry about it as the ice is impossible broken, not lowering its strength even after 10.000 years old.

Both would abandon the ice dome and a crack would appear over the ice without anyone realizing it.

After no much time, there would be a spirit beast stampede over the camp, the beasts having detected Xueqin's sword energy that reacted with Yi Ma. Xueqin is separated from his bodyguards while they protect him and is forced to escape from the beast, fighting some of them.

While he is escaping, he finds himself over a gray forest full of trees whose leaves seemed to be sharp like swords. The spirit beasts didn't dare to enter the forest, trembling beside it. Only one mad spirit beast dares to cross over the strange forest and is immediately killed by a sharp sword qi.

An armored figure appeared with a sword in hand. It says that this is the birth place of the Sword God and that Xueqin is not prepared for it. Xueqin feels a great pain over his head and all the world seems to spin over him and he faints.

When he wakes up, he finds outside the gray forest and with an incredible headache. Not really knowing what happened there and not daring to enter again the gray forest, he tries to search for his bodyguards, but he finds a beautiful woman appearing in front of him, this being Zi Ji.

Xueqin can feel the strength of Zi Ji and knows that he had no opportunity to win against her, even if he uses his Seraphim.

Zi Ji launch towards him, trying to kill him. Xueqin invokes his sword, trying to defend from her and finds that there is a 7th spirit ring over his sword. However, the ring is strange and he is unable to feel it or know what it would do.

Risking it all, Xueqin uses his 7th new skill and his sword becomes a dented sword. He focuses all his spirit power over it and a little gray aura surge from it. Chaos, pure chaos.

Zi Ji senses the chaos and immediately steps back, her instincts crying to run away. On the other hand, Xueqin vomits blood and falls to the ground, he had been greatly injured by his own sword that immediately returns to normal.

Seeing this Zi Ji is even more certain that she needs to kill Xueqin. However, this time Xiaoran appears. She uses a red mecha over 5 meters tall made by the secret 7 metals alloy. Xiaoran fights against Zi Ji and easily overpowers her, her engine being able to lower all of Zi Ji attributes while boosting himself and her mecha armed with the strongest weapons.

Even beating Zi Ji, Xiaoran decides to let her go, not wanting to create a new reason for an upright of the spirit beasts. Zi Ji escapes from there cursing the humans.

Xiaoran takes Xueqin away from the forest and sighs, saying the problem over the forest and that at least Xueqin was able to create a 7th ring, this one having been formed by the Myriad Colored Material that now had become a gray egg.