Final Summary

Bai looks around and is able to grasp everything. He turns to Bibi and scolds her for her naughtiness, directly having discovered that most was Bibi's doing. He turns to Mei, saying that she had grown up and she became much more human while wearing a smile.

Finally, Bai turn to Xueqin and warmly smiles at him, calling him son and saying that he has his mother's eyes.

"Don't ignore me!" Being completely ignored by Bai, Qingming rages and prepares to attack him.

Bai turns to him, directly looking at his eyes full of anger, causing Qingming to step back unconsciously in fear.

"You are thousands years too early to face me."Bai swings his hand and countless swords appear all around Qingming, thrusting towards him. However, the swords aren't able to pierce Qingming, rebounding and disappearing as they made contact with him.

"Anti-divinity?" Bai says lifting an eyebrow.

Listening to him, Qingming recovers from his shock. He is the counter of divinity. It doesn't matter how strong of a god is Bai, he was sure to beat him.

Qingming tells that is impossible for Bai to win against him and that he is glad that he had appeared as rather than against the Sword Valley or Xueqin, it would be a far better revenge killing the Sword God himself.

Bai turns to Xueqin who is quite shocked and worried about the situation. Looking at Xueqin's sword, Bai tells him that he didn't use well the Sword Valley.

The Sword Valley was Bai's legacy left by him 20.000 years ago that took over 30 years to create it. Bai created it for mainly two reasons. The first one was to have a connection with the Douluo World.

In his previous life, Bai had read the douluo dalu books, at least the DD1, DD2 and DD2.5 and a good part of the DD3, so he knew about the cataclysm that would occur over the Divine Realm when Hui Mie tries to take control of it.

Bai thought that he will be able to stop it but as a precaution, he left the Sword Valley behind. The Sword Valley was formed by discarded parts of his own sword, so it had a great link with his divine weapon. Even if the Divine Realm lost its way, Bai would be able to reconnect it to the Douluo World thanks to this link between the Valley and his sword.

Unfortunately, his plan went bad. Hui Mie attack was when he was busy breaking through the God-King rank and put everyone loved him in danger, even his recent birthed son that he didn't even know that Renxue was pregnant.

When Bai saw his son being in danger, he didn't doubt for a moment on using his divine weapon to save him, even if it meant losing the link with the Douluo World. Xueqin was more important and he will find another way to link both realms.

Nevertheless, Bai continued having a link with his divine weapon but it wasn't strong enough to link the realms. With the Douluo becoming a divine realm thanks to Bibi's effort, the Sword Valley being activated by Bai's divine weapon and lastly Xueqin's sword comprehension able to reach a new limit, the Sword Valley was able to accomplish its duty, making Bai able to connect both and come to the Douluo World.

There were some problems over the Realm Divine, but Bai let them to the other gods, sensing that Xueqin, Wulin and Bibi were in danger.

Bai lifts his left hand and a gray aura shot from it towards every direction. All over the world, the sword qi released with the opening of the Sword Valley is condensed and took a sword form. Then they charge towards Bai's position, fusing all of them into one sword.

Bai explains that this was the second reason behind the Sword Valley. The Sword Valley recollected the sword comprehension of everyone practicing in it. This comprehension turned sword qi and was accumulated inside the Valley for over 20.000 years to be used then to make Bai's divine weapon stronger.

Reaching God-King wasn't Bai's goal, he wanted to go beyond and to have a weapon capable of it, he used the way of the previous God Sword to strengthen it. Making it far more efficient making the Sword Valley known to everyone, making it the Meca of every swordmaster, and not openly absorbing people after their deaths, only their spirits and essence.

"If no god can win against you, I human would do" Bai says to Qingming, throwing the accumulated sword qi towards Xueqin, Xueqin's sword spirit (Bai's divine weapon) absorbing it. "What will you become, son."

Xueqin finds over a place similar to the Sword God Ring, a dessert full of swords. There, the phantasm of every swordmaster from the Inner Valley for over 20.000 years manifests and attacks him.

In this space, he doesn't get tired, he can't die so he pushes his body forward and starts defeating every swordmaster while learning from every one of them, absorbing their experiences and comprehension and sharpening and evolving his own sword.

Towards the end, he faces the Shrek Eight Devils Worst Generation in a series of 1vs1. He easily defeats Qingming who is only a trace left 80 years ago when he was a normal titled douluo.

He pushes all his strength defeating Shimen and then Aria. After them, Zuyin appears while wielding a greatsword, showing her immense strength.

The final sword soul is Mucheng. He is at his prime with both arms and is the strongest of all the sword phantasm.

While he fought every phantasm, Xueqin asks himself what is the peak of the sword. Finally, with his fight against Mucheng, he reaches his own answer. Bai's peak was the fusion of every sword intent into one, forming chaos, however, Xueqin's peak was different, it was the use of every mastery and intent to sharpen his own. Xueqin discovered that his father didn't reach the peak of swords, instead, he changed to another peak.

Xueqin is able to breakthrough, attaining a true peak of the sword. It's not divinity or incredible powerful, it's simple, basic and elegant, a cut capable to cut everything.

Having reached his knew level, Xueqin easily cuts Mucheng down and after almost 20 years, Mucheng's intent left inside Xueqin's body finally disappears. Xueqin even sees a smile over Mucheng's phantasm as it disappears.

Xueqin opens his eyes finding over the real world with Bai looking at him with a smile "This was your answer" Bai smiles at Xueqin whose presence had changed completely "Take him down, son"

Xueqin nods and charges against Qingming, starting to fight against him.

Xueqin's cultivation is only at rank 99 while Qingming is equal to at least a first-class, but even so with his sword comprehension, he is able to face against him, fighting in an equal ground.

As both swords clash between them, they start resonating and over both minds, images are continually forming. They are not Xueqin or Qingming's experience, instead, they are Zuyin's memories that Xueqin experimented fighting against her phantasm.

These memories only make Qingming angrier, making him remember the loss of his life's love and even increasing his strength with his fury.

As their swords clashed, more memories are seen. The life of Zuyin and finally her lasts moments.

Zuyin's and Qingming's master on the ground gasping for air as he had tried to take the Angelic Sword but his energy was not enough, even absorbing most of his life energy but being unable to use it, causing Zuyin to take his place as the Angelic Sword wielder.

Qingming thought that his master was a coward that pushed Zuyin to take his place, scared of dying, that why he killed him. But it no longer matters that he killed his dying master, he had caused too much death already for his plans, it doesn't change nothing.

The next memory is Qingming talking to Zuyin, requesting her to take her place as he won't mind giving his life for her. Zuyin smiles at him and hugs him tightly. She says that she loves him before hitting the back of Qingming's head and making him fall unconscious.

Zuyin looks warmly at Qingming and says that he will become a great Pope as he is very intelligent and can offer a lot to make everyone's life better, to every child be able to smile, while that she only knows how to fight, making him far more important.

The next memory is her fight against Mulong. Mulong sparing her life if she becomes his woman and Zuyin negating it. Both of them fighting and Zuyin defeating him and falling as her spirit is burned as the aftermath of using the Angelic Sword.

Seeing it, Qingming anger reaches its limit. He focuses all his power over his sword and slashes it towards Xueqin, an immense wave of black sword qi shooting towards him.

Xueqin charges forward thrusting his sword, crashing against the attack.

More memories appear around them. Zuyin standing up after fighting Mulong. She is gravely injured but she is alive and asking herself why she is alive. She dragging her body while avoiding the remaining Holy Church forces, arriving at a nearly personal base.

In it, she enters a medical pot and thanks to the artificial intelligence created by Qingming for her called Yun as its voice was based on her, she discovers why she is alive. She is pregnant.

The Angelic Sword had burned her spirit, but thanks to her baby's spirit she is able to last barely alive. However, she learns that it's impossible that she will be able to live after the birth. Moreover, she is too injured now because of the battle and she would be unable to even survive until then.

To recover enough to at least birth her baby, Zuyin enters into a stasis, being slowly healed.

Xueqin slice over the attack and continues advancing towards Qingming shouting and focusing all his strength while more memories appear.

Memories of the machine indicating Zuyin that 50 years had passed and that while the baby is stable and is able to birth, she wouldn't last much more.

Zuyin giving birth to a little baby girl with red hair and purple eyes. Zuyin looking at her warmly, caressing her while tears fall from Zuyin's face. She saying that she won't be able to see her grow, telling that her father is an incredible person but joking that after 50 years he might have forgotten about her and make a new family.

"Yun make sure that she is found" Zuyin request to the artificial intelligence while she put around the baby an inventory in the form of a collar with a lot of things for the future once the baby is capable of the awakening spirit energy. Money, the core of artificial intelligence, transforming techniques, a Myriad Colored Material given as a gift by Xiaoran.

Xueqin cuts all over Qingming's attack, Qingming's Fallen Angellic Sword breaking under Xueqin's pressure. Xueqin thrust his sword piercing over Qingming's heart.

The last memory appears, Zuyin making a light kiss over the girl's forehead "I love you, Yehui."

Qingming sense the last memory and turns his face towards the ground, seeing at Yuanen Yehui looking towards Xueqin with a worried face about the battle. "She has my eyes" He whisper realizing that she was his and Zuyin's daughter.

"What did I do?" tears flow over Qingming thinking about all the pain that he pushed his daughter through, even using her as an experiment transforming her into a Devil to help him taint the Angellic Sword.

Finally, Qingming turns to Xuqin who had a serious face "Take care of her."

"I will" Xueqin said without any doubt as Qingming's body starts disappearing, completely erased, not letting anything behind, not even blood over Xueqin's sword.

"In the end, it was all for love" Bai appears next to Xueqin "Son, always protect that loved to him" Bai said smiling at Yehui, Na'er and Mei all over the place.

Bai declares to everyone the end of the battle, a green Life aura shooting around him and healing everyone. Then, Bai states that if anyone wants to continue, they could fight against him.

Everyone negating to it, not wanting to continue fighting this war, after so much destruction they had learned to value even more life and knowing the equal strength between spirit beasts and human, they promised themselves to not fight against to avoid such destruction again.

Seeing everyone leaving the battlefield, Xueqin turns to his father and gives him his sword, knowing that in truth it was Bai's divine weapon.

Bai smiles at his son and shook his head. He tells him that he and Renxue are very proud of him and that having seen such a beautiful sword intent, Xueqin can keep it. Bai even giving Xueqin his godhood tablet, stating that he deserves more than him. Xueqin acquiring again divinity and becoming the Sword God.

Then Bai turns to Bibi who blushed at his sight. Bai scolds her for causing all this destruction and letting Xueqin be in danger. Bai takes Bibi in his arms and turns over everyone else.

He tells them that he will return to the Divine Realm as there's a lot to do there to completely join with the Douluo World again and that he will bring Bibi with him as he didn't trust her and don't want her to cause more trouble here where she would be hated by everyone.

He turns to Xueqin saying that him and Renxue will wait for him and looking at Yehui, Mei and Na'er saying that they will be happy with some grandchildren. Bai also says the same about Tang San and Xiao Wu to Wulin and Gu Yue.

Under their blush, Bai starts flying with Bibi, saying until next time while entering the cut in the sky and returning towards the Divine Realm.

Over the way at the Divine Realm, Bibi turns to Bai asking why Bai didn't kill Qingming.

With Chaos, Bibi had nearly defeated him, only losing because she was unfamiliar with it. For Bai, Bibi was sure that he could have finished him easily, more if he recovered his Divine Weapon from Xueqin.

Bai smiles at her and tells that it wasn't his fight, that sometimes you must let others fighting to let them grow.

Bibi nods and turns very serious. Then, she confesses her feelings, saying that she loves him.

Bai thinks that is a joke, but seeing her determined eyes learns that is the truth.

Bibi declares that she wants a date with him, she had reached his power, even accomplishing more than Bai, creating completely new godhood rather than altering one.

Bai was about to tell her that she is Renxue's sister and that she had lost in the end. But before he could say anything, Bibi offers him her Chaos Sword and Godhood Tablet, telling him that is was for him. She had created the Chaos God position for Bai as he always thought that Bai was fitter to be the Chaos God rather than the Sword God. That's why she used a sword as a divine weapon.

Bai wants to revoke giving him her goddess positon but Bibi quickly answer showing two new tablets, Destruction and Life. Bibi invokes a scythe and her aura changes showing that she had become the Destruction Goddess and tells that the Life one will be returned to Lingling.

Bai surrenders, saying that she wins, accepting to go a date with her for her results. Bibi smiles radiantly at him and launches at him, giving him passionate kissing.

Bai reciprocate, but once finish it and looks at Bibi's blushing face, he thinks about when they arrive at the Divine Realm, his wives and even Xiaogang and Bibi Dong reaction with Bibi "What would be waiting for me" He sighs.