Chapter 94 He is the Bone Sovereign!

In the dark night, Ning Fan pushed open the main door of Dual Cultivation Palace and left the place. 

Without realizing it, the sword sense he planted on the storage pouch had scared away many bandits.

He passed through the valley to the Female Palace. Any female who didn't stay in Dual Cultivation Palace would live in the Female Palace.

Before reaching the Female Palace, he would have to pass through the Deacon Palace first. Along the way, the patrolling deacon disciples he encoutered greeted him with awe.

"Greet Elder Ning!"

"En, no formality is necessary."

Ning Fan had already grown accustomed to his position as an elder and the way the other juniors greeted him. In the world of cultivation, strength would decide the treatment that one received.

The leaves rustled and the moonlight was covered by the dark clouds.