Chapter 119 Hateful!

\Old Man Ming Luo separated a trace of his true soul and gave it to Ning Fan. Then, Ning Fan went into the sixth level along with Old Man Ming Luo.

Each of them was tied down by the other. If Ming Luo made any suspicious move, Ning Fan would crush Ming Luo's true soul, granting him a serious injury. If Ning Fan reneged on his word, the Void Refinement clone of Ming Luo would kill him even if Ning Fan had Black Demon Flames!

Ning Fan had already made up his mind to detoxify the poison in Bright Sparrow's body, because of the persistence of his Dao Heart.

It was just that after entering the sixth level, Ning Fan's expression turned awkward immediately, Old Man Ming Luo stuffed the unconscious little Bright Sparrow into Ning Fan's arms. 

"You'll hold her while I handle those ignorant little things…but you'd better watch your hands, if you dare to touch any part of her body, this old man will kill you!"