Chapter 168 Han Yi Sect, Jie Xiu!

Jin was a Mid-ranked Cultivation Country that was seven million li big. They also possessed superior Spirit Vein and was rich in Spirit Ores. The 'Jin Iron' was very popular amongst the neighbouring cultivators and it had became a means for many sects to rein in profits.

The spirit qi here was almost double in density compared to Yue Country. The cultivators here would at least be thirty percent faster than those in Yue Country in terms of cultivation speed.

The thirty percent might not seem much, but when it is stacked over time, the difference would be enormous. The thousand years a Jin cultivator cultivates would equate to a thousand and three hundred years for others. An extra three hundred years to cultivate their Dao!

Three hundred years… If Yue Cultivators like Gui Qiaozi were born in Jin, they would've formed their Nascent Soul with the extra 300 years of cultivation!