Chapter 241 Lu Bei of Luo Yun Tribe!

One month!

In just one single month, Zhou Ming's name became almost like a myth!

The name on the number one position of the Stele of Slaughter – Zhou Ming had become as red as fresh blood!

A name with that color showed that that expert had killed more than a hundred Fake Wild Beasts!

However, the redness of Ning Fan's name was more intense than that of the former number one expert – Ju Yan!

Internally, Xu Rushan felt extremely relieved. That intensity of redness actually proved that Ning Fan had killed 150 beasts or probably even more than 250 of them.

After all, Ju Yan only managed to kill 274 Fake Wild Beasts himself in the past. Since Ning Fan's name was much redder than his, it simply implied that the quantity of Fake Wild Beasts that had been slaughtered by him was more than that.