Chapter 246 Lu Bei, The Slayer from the Luo Yun Tribe!

Demon General's Residence of the Northern Desert City.

In the guest room, the ungrateful Little Stammer was sleeping soundly on the bed. For a 10-year-old girl like her, it was normal for her to easily get tired.

As for Ning Fan, he sat on the floor in a meditative position and looked at the battle points plate in his hand with a smile on his face.

After crushing the Ming Yu Building, he obtained fifty thousand battle points as promised. Now, he only had to kill one more person as what was agreed previously, he would then obtain another fifty thousand battle points. After that, his battle points would be enough for him to enter the Bloodline Pool for the Second Bloodline Awakening!

Although his power was exposed, no one had figured out that he was not the real Lu Bei as the former Lu Bei had more enemies than friends.