Chapter 248 Lu Zongyun’s Indignation

A hundred zhang* tall golden statue stood in the middle of the second palace. It was a statue of a six-legged silver beast!

Ning Fan glanced at the demon statue and felt a bit surprised. This statue of a six-legged silver beast was made with its wings spread while its head looked down from high above as if looking down upon everything. That look was very much alike to the image of the Demon Ancestor from the Eastern Ocean Bell.

From all the readings he did in the Scripture Tower, he recognized that this six-legged silver beast was the manifestation of the Immemorial Golden Crow!

Ordinary golden crow demons only had three legs. Those which were more heaven-defying could grow a fourth leg, making them into golden crow demons of the royal clan. However, ever since the ancient times and up until now, there was only one golden crow demon with six legs in the world!

When Ning Fan faced that demon statue, he felt his demon blood trembling.