Chapter 251 The Secret Techniques of Ancient Demons – Spirit Seal

In the Northern Desert City, a ray of golden light flashed. In just a breath, it travelled thousands of li.

If one looks clearly enough, they would be able to notice that it was actually a Golden Flame Chariot which could travel with a speed that could rival that of a Half-Step Divine Transformation Realm being.

This chariot was wholly built from the golden demon flame. Its body glowed magnificently, just like a box of gold and jade in glorious splendor. The charioteer's cultivation level must at least be at the Peak Nascent Soul Realm and the person should have a good control over flames.

The only Fourth Revolution pill master of the Northern Desert City was sent by Lu Sheng to drive the chariot!

Furthermore, forty-one Demon Soldiers of the Northern Desert City including Yao Yuan were assigned to stand guard at the sides of the chariot!

"What a Golden Flame Chariot!"