Chapter 261 Half Divine Star, the Might of Yin Rong!

Demon General Jing Yun might have easily defeated Lu Zhan but Ning Fan killed Jing Yun with ease!

Holding Jing Yun's storage pouch in his hand, Ning Fan glanced within and noticed 30 tufts of Blue Flame Grass.

Nice. They finally landed into my hands! As such, I can start to assimilate the Demon Marshal's blood and improve my demon power to ten thousand units and advance into the Divine Transformation Realm!

A deathly silence fell upon the entire Luo Yun Province so much that you can hear a pin drop.

Yao Yuan and the rest of the 40 Demon Soldiers who personally witnessed the incident where Ning Fan killed three Divine Transformation Realm experts on his own were already on their way back to Northern Desert City. In the province, the only person who had felt a small perceptible part of Ning Fan's strength was Lu Tianming who was injured to the point where he was just like a dead dog.