Chapter 335 The Realm Beast Attacks

There was a mess on the cattail hassock. The pain she felt earlier eventually subsided.

Yuan Yao's face was filled with a complicated expression. She covered her charming body with her torn clothes and said indifferently:

"Alright… Please go out now. I'm going to meditate in seclusion to recover my cultivation level…"

Yuan Yao's tone was very cold. However, it wasn't what Yuan Yao's had originally intended. It was actually because of the effect brought upon by the Venerated Indifference Realm when her cultivation level was about to recover.

A cultivator who has attained the Venerated Indifference Realm was not heartless. Instead, they only cast all their feelings aside, locking them up and forgetting them forever...


Ning Fan gave a deep look at Yuan Yao. Afterwards, he draped his white robes over his body and left the place after giving her a nod.