Chapter 343 Returning To The External Sea

These twenty-four words appeared only for a brief time enough for a glimpse and it slowly disappeared from the white paper, leaving the white paper blank again.

Ning Fan was lost in his thoughts while his mouth was silently reciting the five line poem. 

"People die like lights, extinguished… One extinguishes while the other rekindles. There must be a principle of Samsara hidden in it, but I can't figure it out."

Perhaps this poem contained Zi Dou's comprehension towards Samsara which he had accumulated in his entire lifetime.

However, with Ning Fan's current cultivation base and experience, it was far from enough to understand it.

It was as if he was standing right on the coast, overlooking the seascape and could vaguely see an immortal island which was shrouded by the sea's mist at the horizon but that scenery was too indistinct and unreal, making him unable to see it clearly.