Chapter 357 You Are My Righteous Dao

A tremor suddenly spread across Bi Yao Immortal Island causing the mountains and land to tremble. The faces of countless cultivators greatly changed at this moment. Even without exiting the main hall, everyone could feel a vigorous aura rushing towards them.

Innumerable female cultivators flew into the sky and gazed into the distance. They could see a giant in purple armor emerge on the sea horizon. The rough sea waves were like nothing to him and in every place he passed by, millions of fish within the ocean would swim away in fear.

This giant was carrying an island on his shoulder while dragging an enormous sea snake which he had just subdued beside him.

His impressive aura that shook heaven and earth made each and every one of the female cultivators feel so shocked to the point of being speechless.

Even the two geniuses, Lu An and Liu Zong, were in awe looking at the giant with such a vigorous aura.