Chapter 371 The Third Elder’s Sword

"Art of Void Flame, Samadhi Fire Palm!"

Revered Flame's eyes became blood-red. Now, he only knew that he had to eliminate Ning Fan before the two Void Refinement Realm experts can befriend him!

He stretched his five fingers as wide as he could and clawed at Ning Fan. Three types of Earth Vein Demonic Flames that were burning in different colors emerged. When he scraped the air once more, he produced one hundred groups of Fourth Grade spiritual flames. All of them were eye-catching as they floated in midair.

Revered Flame then put his palms together and all the flames he conjured began to combine into one, forming a palm print that glowed in an exquisite jade green color. Without any hesitation, he slammed that palm print towards Ning Fan with a massive force.

This fire palm attack was a Void Refinement Grade magic technique which Revered Flame had practiced hard for a thousand years.