Chapter 384 Life and Death, Truth and Falsehood, Karma and Samsara

Inside a private room of a bamboo house, a wine pot was being heated with fire.

Ning Fan took a light sip of the mortal wine in his cup. Even though it did not contain any medicinal power, it was mellow and aromatic. As soon as it entered his mouth, it slid down his throat very smoothly. It was indeed excellent wine.

There were three women sitting in front of him. Except for Tantai Weiyu who was indulging in the taste of wine with a calm and collected expression, the other two women wore different expressions.

Qing Chuchu was scared stiff of Ning Fan at the moment. The reason why she came here to accompany them to drink was merely to quell his thunderous rage.

What was Ning Fan's favorite thing to do? It was certainly destroying one's sect and slaughtering every one of its members, wasn't it?

Qing Chuchu didn't want her sect to be wiped out in one day because of angering Ning Fan.