Chapter 419: Immortal Emperor’s Finger Bone

The might of the Tai Su Lightning that Ning Fan displayed just now filled Chu Nanfeng and the other four old monsters who were undead spirits of the lightning element with intense fear towards him.

Their expressions also carried a hint of solemnity. As they guided Ning Fan to take a look around the treasure house, they also became more vigilant and alert than before, worrying that he would try to rob the treasure house.

Ning Fan did not care about what the five of them felt. He stepped into the formation light and swept his eyes across the first level of the treasure house.

The first level of the treasure house was an extremely large and empty great hall. And on the four walls of the hall, space for items had been created. Each of them contained different kinds of treasures. All of these treasures were being protected by the formation light. Without the token, no one would be able to take them away.