Chapter 461: Seizing the Flames

At this moment, Ning Fan's presence gave off the demeanor of a grand master that seemed to be innate to him.

It was like an uncut jade that had become more perfect after one hundred years of careful refining and polishing.

His eyes indifferently scanned past the jade platform. Great Elder Fu Bai immediately approached him to welcome his arrival, Yang Gu saluted him respectfully like how a disciple would to his master whereas Yun Niansu cupped his fists to greet him.

Amazement filled everyone's eyes in the arena!

Other than Yang Gu who was a common disciple to Ning Fan, no one knew that he had Fifth Revolution pill refinement mastery.

However, even Yang Gu did not expect for Ning Fan's pill refinement mastery to have reached such an incredible level where he could overwhelm countless Fourth Revolution Pill Masters with just his medicine soul!