第561章 树海地图


The Limitless Pavilion inn the east of the Vast Cold City was ten thousand li* (500m per li) aay from the city north.

With the Gold Core Realm speed of that middle-aged scholar, he had to fly for one entire day at full speed in order to reach there.

Luckily, Ning Fan was with him and he naturally did not need to spend one whole day on travelling.

As Ning Fan just flicked his sleeve, a massive amount of magic power carried the middle-aged scholar away. The both of them instantly traversed ten thousand li* (500m per li) and appeared outside the Limitless Pavilion.

"D-Divine Transformation Realm old monster!" The scholar was scared half to death by Ning Fan's speed.

Based on what he knew, those who could travel across ten thousand li* (500m per li) instantly were at least cultivators at the Divine Transformation Realm.