第564章 一灵碑术,日沉月落


The mountain of trees was surrounded by four eight thousand zhang* (3.33m per zhang) tall tree devils. One of them had wore a tree crown on his head. One of them was clad in vine armors. One of them had wooden wings and the other one had one thousand wooden hands.

The moment Ning Fan appered at the forest, the four giants roared in anger and hurled their fists toward him.

The four of them were at the Absolute Void Stage. When the four of them attacked simultaneously, the mountain immediately collapsed. The land within several hundred thousand li* (500m per li) around it sank three zhang* (3.33m per zhang) deeper!

Amidst the flying dust, Ning Fan who was a set of white robes gradually appeared. None of the four giants attacks managed to hit him.

"Are you all the followers of the Vine Sovereign?" Ning Fan's tone was extremely faint.