War: Gillievia part 2

The army of Gillievia, except from the royal army that remained in the capital was barely up to a thousand and were meant to protect the king, however the king insisted they protect the civilians. The royal army only consisted of hundred highly skilled soldiers trained in the way of the spear, they were enough to protect the king, but the presence of a mage able to teleport three thousand soldiers at once is too much for even hundred warriors to handle.

Except they were trained on how to deal with Mages, which they were not, Mages remain the nemesis of warriors. Now there was a top tier one around them.

The whole capital was thrashed as both civilians and soldiers were killed as the Azure empire's army marched towards the royal palace. The mages of Gillievia stood up at the gate walls and began to launch their attacks which pushed the Azure empire's army a bit before a voice rang out from within the Azure empire army.

"you bastards can't even take care of small fries, do I have to do everything for you"

A figure in dark purple cloak floated up from within the army, he stretched up the wooden stick which had a red orb engrafted in it and shouted,

"Rain lightening!"

Immediately the sky began to turn dark and spark, the dark cloud covered particularly the top of the gate walls and lightening began to pour down.

The mages that the Gillievia kingdom so much respected began to scream in the rain of continuous lightening, just who the hell is this person, every civilians watched as their kingdom mages roasted to death.

The whole city got silent after the lightening stopped, everyone marveled at the sight of such powerful attack, a mage strong enough to use the weather as he wills, not to even talk of the amount of mana it would require, it was hopeless trying to resist, the soldiers lost morale and the Azure empire's army began to push further, finally entering the palace gate.

The royal army stood in line right after the army got into the palace, as if they have been waiting for this moment.

Gillievia was popularly known for one thing they do best. Valeris Nestor Armadius the pioneer of Zurich spear style, Armadius with his spear was known has one strike kill general and it was said that his style of fight awoken the ego of his spear that it could move and make judgements on its on, it was a result of fighting side by side the same spear for years, after years of war he finally created a kingdom with his best friend who became the first king, Armadius created the royal army and trained them vigorously that whosoever could reach the true enlightenment of the Zurich spear style will be recognized by his spear Madarias, and a legend will once again be born.

But even after 700 years, no one could reach that enlightenment, the very purpose of the royal army was to find someone worthy to enough to be recognized by Madarias but this legend became a tale and Madarias became an artifact asleep. But regardless the royal army was strong even though they learned only half of the Spear style. The problem was the mage.

In unison the royal army dashed forward and began to kill the Azure Empire army, it was a one sided kill, of course until a certain someone stepped in again.

"still persistent I see, I agree that this kingdom is strong, holding off the empire for five days, but don't tell me you all still believe you can win the battle"

He scoffed,

"that's a fantasy, so just hand over your king, if you behave we won't even have to kill him."


A certain someone's aura began to grow sharper than the others amidst the royal army which immediately caught the mage's attention.

The person began to step forward, blue smokes emitted from his body.

Zurich spear style amidst the royal army they were two people who were able to grab more than half of it.


The young boy talked softly as he looked at the young man that walked out of the army with his spear and his body emitting blue - like smokes which was a proof of the stage one unity of the body, mind and the spear. The aura got thicker has the stages are perfected.

The young man Friggo had told him earlier,

'you have more potential than I, Max Fields. I'm glad that at such a young age you're able to attain the point you are, and I know that you are the one Madarias has been waiting for, even though people have turn the story of Madarias into a mere folklore, I believe it and I know that you will bring back the legendary one strike kill general, so this battle if it goes wayward, run away'

'but Captain Friggo how will i...'

'you must!! Because you can master the true Zurich and awaken Madarias'

Max hated the fact that he had to run away from the very person that helped him, he was just a 11 years old boy and suddenly be found himself in a weird world, after which he saw many other things, with no parent or guardian Max wondered around like a beggar and finally stumbled upon Captain Friggo who gave him a home and began to teach him Zurich spear style, Captain Friggo and the other members of the royal army were his family, to run away while they died. He doubted if he would have the courage to run. But Max knew also as much as Friggo knew that only he could attain the true enlightenment of Zurich spear style still he didn't want to watch his only family die and run away, he would rather die with them.

The Captain swirled his spear and pointed it to mage


"how foolish!! Telling a mage to come when I can just finish you from here!"

The mage stretched his wooden staff to attack but before he finished stretching his spear Captain Friggo closed the distance at an amazing speed, he's spear was right beneath the the Mage's jaw, he pierced the mage's throat with his spear but immediately flinched, it was because the mage he pierced turn into sand and reformed farther away.

"oh my.... I can't believe I almost let my guard down, you're strong but that's the closest you'll be getting to me"

The mage stretched forward his hand and staff, immediately air shots began to fire at the captain and began to block but still repeatedly got hit, there was no way to see it coming the attack was not visible and would only be noticed half a second before it hit, but the captain was not strong enough to react half a second multiple times and continuously got shot. He began to bleed from his head and lost his balance.

He struck his spear into the ground to gain his balance and bent his head, blood dripped to the floor as he regained his breathe.

"to think you would survive that, you truly are amazing but it's a pity you met a bad match up, feel honored though because your are one of the very few that managed to survive my first attack, now brace yourself for your demise"


The spear went past the mage, whose ear immediately fell as blood gushed out from the part. The mage went blank fir few seconds, he couldn't understand what was happening.

"you talk too much stranger, is that how you were thought to fight"

"youuuu bastaaaaarddddddd!!!! I'll kill you... I'll destroy...hmmm

The mage's ruined expression calmed in a split second,

".... was that how you expected me to react... I'm sorry but it seems we have a misunderstanding here, you don't seem to know who I am"

The mage touched he's ear and a bright green light glowed, by the time he removed his hand it was as though nothing had happened to his ear, even though the cut ear was still on the floor in blood, the man had another ear.

'what the hell is that ?, Is that supposed to be healing magic'

The Captain turned to his mates,

"protect the king, it seems this will take a while"

The mage looked at the army,

"follow them, kill them and bring me their king's head"

The soldiers began to follow as the royal army fall back.

Finally after some minutes it was quiet, the mage spoke first,

"what is your name?"

The captain still looking behind the mage and wondering how he could get his spear back as the mage now stood between him and it. He answered late,

"I am commander of the Gillievia royal army captain Friggo Brightwood."

"I am the great mage Jorek, I'm not popular, no one knows my name because everyone that heard it died and you will not be an exception. Count it as honor you managed to let me say my name."

The mage took his hands off his staff which immediately began to float on its on, he flipped his finger and the spear that was lying behind him sprung towards captain Friggo, who caught it the force of the spear pushed him a step backward.

The mage raised his hand and stretched forward and began to twirl his fingers, immediately boulders began to emerge from the ground and began to fly towards Captain Friggo who ran towards the mage trying to close the distance, after running past and successfully dodging the boulders he ran forward without watching his back.


He got hit and tumbled to the ground.

"do you think I was just throwing boulders at you, don't underestimate me brat, I said I'm a great magician, these boulders will my puppet in dealing with you."

The mage continued to move his fingers and the boulders spun around captain Friggo who slowly said to himself as he stood up.

"Today.... I... will.... exceed my limits!!!"