Redmoon vs Ervale intro

The Amazons put up alot of fight with the Ironsmith but the presence of Nozick and Eztli was too much too handle Goldevia tried her best as she was the party leader but was outdone by Nozick, he even said to her 'how about you marry me, I like strong women'.

Nozick unlike he's looks was charismatic and jovial but he's first impressions was often the type that doesn't care about anything. He valued people and talent and most especially he respected hardwork.

He's eyes were on fire as he saw Rein surpass his limit and used a skill that even he wasn't confident he could use. He therefore wanted him more badly.

They won against the Amazon and qualified for the Final. Same with the Ervale party. Since the Ironsmith was the party with the highest score they automatically qualified for the finals. Now Ervale and Redmoon had to fight it off to determine the next to qualify for the finals and the third place.

"To be honest I never expected them to last this long" Neza tapped his hand on his table as the party core members gathered. He continued,

"The parties are allowed to change members. Mahuizoh you will not be participating in this match"

"brother why?!!"

"because now you are driven by anger and fear, you can try raising your voice and see what happens"

Everyone around flinched and composed themselves, telhe atmosphere became tensed.

Deffer looked at him, "(he's angry...)"

Neza continued, "Rai..."

"Captain Sett sir.."

Neza looked at him, Rai Edgerton stared back with no fear in his eyes.

Neza took away his eyes

"Captain Sett you'll be substituting Captain Sakura"

"It's an honor sir" He bowed slowly.

"that'll be all, the meeting is dismissed"

Everyone left slowly. Neza looked at Mahuizoh, "including you too captain Sakura"

She left, leaving him alone in the party room. He stood up and punched the wall.

"(why... why... why is he beginning to piss me off, he was just a rich boy, wasn't it enough, why did he have to be that strong... If he becomes an obstacle...)"

Neza sat and closed his eye.

"(.... I'll just use whatever way to take him out... The second test is nearing us anyways)"


"lieutenant Htai can you handle Mahuizoh?"

"No I can't, I'm a lieutenant she's a captain, you have to deal with her"

"No I can't, I'll have to deal with Major Kai."

"You mean my brother... You think you can deal with him, you should just give up winning with him and focus on Deffer and Mahuizoh"

"It's not just about winning, it's personal. I must face him myself, besides we are allowed to change team members he can change anyone on his team"

"You are right about that, he might have actually changed Mahuizoh"

"Why would he? She's his best piece"

"but now she's probably broken" Zolin entered their conversation. "Mahuizoh is a proud spoilt princess, and she looks down on everyone even us"

"she doesn't look down on me though, I'll destroy her"

"ahah like you can" Zolin scoffed at her.

"Her pride is probably broken because of the power Rein showed out there today"

"Of course, do you know what would have happened if the principal didn't step in. Didn't you feel it too" Quetz asked with more spirit and seriousness.

"Of course, for a moment i felt like half of my body had detached" Jon recalled the memory and smiled.

"Are you smiling right now?!" Quetz shouted at him.

"of course... Finally he's beginning to show his true potential"

"I seriously hate to admit it, all I wanted to do was tease him, but right now I'm rooting for. I can't say but it feels like sticking with him till the end will help me somehow."

Zolin smiled, "I guess even your heart was touched by Rein today"

"Shut up"

"all we have left is one person" Zolin and the rest looked towards lieutenant Fresta.

she looked back at them "what???"

"Will you substitute Rein?" Jon asked her

"You want me to take on the sword princess?"

"We want you to take on anyone you'll he facing"

"of course I will, why am I in the party anyways"

Jon continued, "Zolin you'll be sitting this one out too?"

"Come on, why??! I can still fight"

"Blame yourself for letting out your trump card just at the beginning of the match. If your younger brother can counter it, you think your elder brother cannot?"

"heyy thickbrow that was rude"

"as it should be.... wait what did you call me?"

Zolin walked out of the party room, "I'll be watching you Captain Blue"


Deffer started to laugh out loud while on the stage,

"Honestly speaking I was a little bit scared because I don't want to face the strong members of this team but... A girl like you... daughter of Earl Armanoff, what is an insignificant girl like you doing here... Thank goodness, it's going to be a happy bullying match for me"