Chapter 146: A new story: Ulfur Fearless

 It was time they were finally getting ready and rounding up to go into the mountain, Rein put on a dark cloak with a hoof, he looked at the shadow cast of himself and sighed, he touched the shoulder. 

"You are Reinard Wimberly from now, I've shared a fraction of my consciousness with you, you don't need to speak when its necessary, you also don't need to show full power, just to make the butler unsuspicious atleast till I meet up with the second leader"

 The shadow cast nodded, Rein faced Azes, "well then Azes, I would leave him in your hands"

"I still think it's proper that I follow you..."

"No Azes, it's is for my party members, if their lives are threatened you might be the only shot at saving them."

"Even if I have to reveal my true self.."

Rein paused for a moment then sighed and answered, "even if you have to reveal your true self" Rein tightened his gaze.