Chapter 194: New year resolution

"I am very grateful to you for bringing my son back home, I really thought it was you until you suddenly entered into the ground" Mr Bristol said to Reinard who just came back after searching and looting the dungeon. 

"Yes, it's more of a cloning kind of ability" Rein answered him.

"Wow, you can do that too?!" Brostol asked in amazement. 

"Yes I c-"

"Beautiful! Beautiful Sir Reinard" he cut in before Rein could finish and was praising Rein with all regard, "you must be a very strong person from far away, you don't get to see strong guys like you being an adventurer!!"

"...that's rather odd." Reinard said. 

Mr Bristol calmed down and sat, "well thats because they are all in the millitary"

"The military?" Rein asked.

"Yes, the military. The military gives strong guys like you more worth"

"Isn't the military under the control of the union?" Rein asked out of confusion.