The Meteors

After capturing Pallind fortress, they all camped right outside Kaha province, another stronghold of defense, which was this time personal to the empire itself, since Pallind was just an offshoot of the alliance, starting from Kaha is where the true territory of the Forgan empire starts.

 "We are going to seize this place" Admon said. 

 "But what do you think the empire is planning? Now that we have defeated their mercenaries?" Geofrey, the crown prince(former) of Canleigh said.

Jon sat in silence, rubbing his thick eyebrows with his index finger, continuously. 

 "We know little about what the empire's next line of action will be, forgan empire is a formidable foe we definitely know that, but we are prepared for whatever they will be bringing upon us" Arnette said.

 "So are we supposed to blindly follow your believes?" General Buster said.

 "You can definitely leave if you disagree in anyway" Natasha said.